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the saline hill puma

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Posts posted by the saline hill puma

  1. 52 minutes ago, kelty_par said:

    Soft red card I thought 

    Can see why it was given as Thistle player was through on goal, but County player made genuine attempt to play the ball and if it happens in the box the yellow card isn't overturned.

    But at same time not sure the error was clear and obvious and merited var getting involved. 

    On the subject of var, why is it only this round it is being used, should either be for all the playoff games or none imo

  2. Hopefully this doesn't turn out to be the case of McPake being too loyal to players that got us up, we need to sign better quality for the Championship, certainly in the forward areas.

    Not fussed if we get Otoo, think he would be ok back up but think we should be trying to get someone better than Breen to challenge for a starting spot

  3. 1 hour ago, GG Riva said:

    The same thought occurred to me. I wonder if Dundee will now release him as a result of going up and bring in some more experienced defenders, or offer him a new deal as he is seen as a good option on the bench?

    I know if Dundee were to let him go and McPake wanted him, he'd sign for the Pars in a heart beat. He loved his time at EEP and said the squad consists of a great bunch of lads. I'd sign him before Euan Murray. He was a good player for us but his best days are behind him. Sam has a promising career ahead of him and would be an excellent acquisition. 

    I heard last week after the Clyde game that Fisher has already agreed to sign for us, how true tha is I don't no, but I've no reason not to believe who told me 

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