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GG Riva

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Everything posted by GG Riva

  1. I could be havering, but I think the polis were diverting traffic via Garvock Hill after both the Falkirk and Airdrie games. Obviously not worth it when there's such a tiny number of visiting fans. πŸ€” If anybody has a better explanation, let's have it.
  2. We managed to look pedestrian for much of the game, against very modest opposition who were time wasting after less than 20 mins. I left in a state of shock and disbelief at how we managed to blow a 2-0 lead in the last few mins. There's a player in Mochrie, his awareness and passing are a cut above any of his team mates. Edwards and Chalmers also got pass marks from me, Joe may have been subbed because he was on a totally undeserved yellow card. The ref was simply abysmal - easily the worst we've been assigned so far. Let's hope we don't clap eyes on him again, any time soon.
  3. Just a middle-aged young buck, then? πŸ˜ƒ
  4. This squad is restoring a bit of pride. No world class players and no prima donnas, just a group of honest, hardworking players who compliment one another really well. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Long may they continue and good on Steve Clarke. There were fans wanting him punted not so long ago.
  5. I'm thinking you're no exactly a young buck yersel. πŸ€”That film is over 50 years old. πŸ™‚
  6. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ Oddball. I had to Google it. Long time since I saw the film. And I'm sure you're also right about waves rather than vibes. I obviously misremembered it.
  7. It's a line from the war film "Kelly's Heroes", in which Donald Sutherland berates a fellow soldier who is very downbeat about their chances of survival, BRS. πŸ™‚
  8. Give over with these negative vibes, man!
  9. Nothing less than a win will satisfy our fans. Peterhead already look like they're going to be embroiled in a relegation scrap this season, while we are looking to be in the promotion mix. An early goal could open the doors to a comfortable win, but if we don't get that, or even worse Peterhead open the scoring, it could be a long afternoon. Given their league position, a point away from home against the league leaders would be a very good result. I'll stick my neck out and say 3-0 Pars. πŸ™‚
  10. You might not be a million miles off with your musings, p4l. The manager did come across as very frustrated a few weeks ago and has since toned things down remarkably, given we didn't sign anyone else in the interim period. Whether he was told to, or whether he thought it might cost him his job we don't know and we're unlikely to be told any time soon. Of course it may be that you've added 2+2 and got 64. πŸ˜‰
  11. I might agree with that if you'd qualified it by adding "if we somehow manage to steer clear of injuries and suspensions to key players, from now until next May." We'll be helluva lucky to do that.
  12. I don't disbelieve that either, but as you say, we haven't managed to bring these targets in. None of us knows why and we can only speculate that these players don't want to play in League 1, they've secured a better contract elsewhere, or the club has been unable to meet their wage demands. This may be regarded as a failure, but no blame can be attached to anyone at the club, unless you believe we should sign some bench warmers who aren't good enough to aid our promotion drive.
  13. I'm confused. Where did I suggest the Board were approaching McPake with targets? That would be bizarre.
  14. Thanks for your input, Digs. You've obviously seen Stevie working at close quarters and I haven't. My impression was gleaned when I met him and his squad to brief them about the Schools Engagement Programme. Stevie is very soft spoken and some of the players didn't appear to be paying attention when he was introducing me. I was annoyed on his behalf, but he seemed unruffled by it. I remember thinking they'd all have been paying close attention if it was Fergie or Jock Stein.
  15. Well they might be and they might not. Suppose they were down to the Board not offering the players the manager wanted to sign enough. McPake is hardly going to come out and state this publicly, unless he wanted to engineer his P45.
  16. I think Stevie would be an excellent No 2. Maybe too nice a guy to be a successful manager in his own right. And I don't mean that as an insult. The top managers tend to have a ruthless streak.
  17. Almost inevitably, if the referee mentions it in his report, as he's almost certain to do.
  18. How are we going to do that, mate, with so many "subjects" still so much in love with our royals? "The Queen has done so much for us." Really? What exactly? They're even taking selfies with a hearse now. Jesus wept!
  19. Thankfully, it's not going to happen. Drew Main, Club SLO, is well aware of how many Pars fans feel about this suggestion and I can't see the club going out of it's way to alienate them. I have to say the choreography and singing at Ibrokes last night was quite impressive. Perhaps Therangers should enter the Eurovision Song Contest next season? πŸ€” They were a bit unlucky to be assigned a referee who wasn't aware that penalties and red cards should not be given against the home team.....
  20. I don't doubt that for a second, FE, but that would be absolutely bizarre, although it wouldn't be a total surprise. A totally avoidable and complete waste of taxpayers money to fly these officers to London.
  21. Good points, eloquently made, BRS. The monarchy is an anachronism in this day and age - the king is no longer needed to lead his country into battle. Many countries still preserve one all the same, but the king/queen is little more than an ambassador. I don't think any other country has the vast number of hangers on that we have, mostly living a life of privilege funded by the taxpayer. Will the monarchy be abolished in our lifetime? I very much doubt it. This would have been the ideal opportunity to call time on it, but King Charles the Turd has already been sworn in and all his previous sins have been forgiven/forgotten. Perhaps a surprising number of people in Scotland are still in favour of keeping the monarchy, but that's nothing compared to the fawning flag wavers South of the border.....
  22. How long is a "moment", DP? Let me guess - as long as you want it to be?
  23. The Queen's body will be down in London. Why should that impact on police numbers up here? Presumably, the police chief has known about this game for several months and will have allocated an agreed number of officers based on the estimated attendance? Perhaps some who might expect to be off this weekend have been advised they'll be required to work?
  24. Ain't gonna happen - rather transparent. πŸ˜ƒ
  25. Whether our club decides to mark the occasion with a minute's silence or applause or even a rendering of the English/UK anthem, none of us will have a say. I'd rather it didn't do anything at all, but that's a non starter as the media would be all over it. I'll sit quietly in my seat until it's over. I hope we don't embarrass ourselves like some Hearts fans did last Thursday. All I really care about is that we beat that scummy shower and put even more distance between us. Tensions and emotions will be running high. I expect a close game but I think we can edge it. 2-1.
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