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GG Riva

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Everything posted by GG Riva

  1. It is. I thought it was next Saturday. Further proof that my Auldtimer's is rampant. 😨
  2. Italian news media reporting that the Queen's funeral has been set for 19th of Sept. That'll be our game v Falkirk off then. 🙁 I wonder if they would be prepared to play us the following day? 🤔 Better than a midweek game for attendance,
  3. I'll bet the midweek games in the CL, EL and ECL will still be on. If we then go back to postponed domestic games that will be bizarre. Should we not all be officially mourning continuously rather than start-stop-start?
  4. Apparently they had one at Tynecastle last night and some eejits started shouting through it, so others started singing "God Save the Queen" which was met by loud booing. I could see this being replicated at some grounds. Quite embarrassing.
  5. Whether football matches in Scotland are postponed this weekend or not, following the death of the Queen, there`s sure to be a move to observe a minute`s silence when games resume. How well this will be observed in this country, is anybody`s guess. I think it may vary from one ground to the next. There can be little doubt that the Royal Family is not held in such high regard North of the border as it is in England, although many Scots did have a soft spot for the Queen herself. Individual clubs will be in a no win situation. If they don`t hold a minute`s silence for fear that their fans won`t respect it, they`ll be panned by the media. If they do hold it and their fears prove correct, there will be even more outrage.
  6. I like and share your optimism, S'Ally. I hope the players have a similarly confident outlook. 2-0 for the Pars sounds good to me.
  7. Potter obviously rates him, so it's certainly a possibility. Of course, he may not have the final say.....
  8. There's a lot of speculation and unconfirmed rumours that Tuchel had ****ed off some of his squad. I'd like to hear his version of events, but there are some £20m reasons why we almost certainly won't. As others have pointed out, to spend £225m and then sack the manager less than a week after the transfer window closed is tantamount to lunacy.
  9. Van Bronkhorst said, "you need hundreds of millions to compete in the CL." 😃 The other 40 Scottish League clubs must experience similar emotions whenever they have to play these clubs. Beaten before the kick off. Eta. Nice to be back - didn't know what the hell was going on for a few days. 😃
  10. Splitting hairs maybe, but suggesting they were poor against us isn't the same as saying they're terrible. Obviously going down to 10 men had a significant impact on their game plan.
  11. How on earth can a team, who looked quite decent only a week ago, contrive to lose 6-0 at home to the poorest side the Pars have played in the league so far, even allowing for the fact that they went down to 10 men and conceded a penalty after 15 mins? Teams have been known to win with 10 men and hold out for a draw with 9. Surely they should have at least been able to keep the scoreline respectable? Perhaps they`re not as decent as they appeared to be last week, or Edinburgh are not as bad as they looked against us?
  12. Can't disagree with any of that, RP, but you know what they say, " Hindsight is 20/20 vision." Still and all, many of us felt this was a massive, high risk gamble at the time and sadly, we were correct.
  13. Good question, RP. The short answer is we don't know, unless he's spoken publicly about it. I'd be surprised if he wasn't offered some kind of inducement to tear up his contract. Even so, the club will still be better off than if it had been obliged to pay him in full, while he spent more time on the treatment table than the pitch.
  14. You could also add that he could have sat tight and continued to draw his salary, while hardly kicking a ball until the end of his contract. Not saying we should be grateful for small mercies, but that his leaving now is not the worst case scenario. We may yet be able to use the monies saved to bring in a good quality player in on loan.
  15. Wishful thinking by the Boards and fans of both clubs. They've effectively been told where to get off countless times. Perhaps if they applied to join the bottom of the English pyramid instead of the ELL, they might be in with a shout?
  16. He's hardly going to say, "I've identified a number of players I believe would give me a strong enough squad to win promotion but the Board have failed to sign any of them", is he? A sure way to get sacked in the morning.
  17. Behave yersel, min! 😉 United have a poor enough squad without appointing an even poorer manager. It clearly wasn't working out well with Jack Ross, but it'll be interesting to see if his successor will be able to make a significant improvement before he is able to bring in new players in January.
  18. Both clubs have used this as a threat to get their own way during the last 50 years. We've ended up with smaller leagues with teams meeting 4 times a season, clubs keeping their home gate money, a distribution of sponsorship monies heavily skewed in favour of the top 2 places in the Premiership and a voting structure which only allows change if both Celtic and Rangers are in favour of it. All of these changes have contributed to increasing the gap between the OF and the rest into a yawning chasm. And before anyone gives me any whataboutery about how it's just the same in Spain etc. that doesn't mean it's OK.
  19. Like last week, I think a draw is the most likely result, but if we manage to keep yet another clean sheet, I think we can manage to notch the solitary goal needed to bring home the 3 pts.
  20. We all know where the money's coming from, but I can't believe the so-called Big 6 would allow SKY to browbeat them into inviting Celtic and Rangers into the EPL unless they wanted them in and there hasn't been the slightest inkling that they do. The smaller clubs definitely don't - turkeys and Christmas, eh? (The Greatest League in the World was heavy sarcasm, btw) The chances of a breakaway Super league were dealt a very heavy blow not so long ago - for sure the owners and chairmen were hot for it but the fans weren't and they won the day. I think these clubs will be licking their wounds for a long time to come.
  21. Aye, that might work, RM, but it would mean an extra 4 rounds of fixtures. The bigger clubs, who participate regularly in Europe, are already complaining about fixture overload and regularly field reserve sides in the League and FA Cups. The other factor is that some folk in English football have the perception that the Glasgow clubs are followed by a large number of unruly fans. That is not going to help their cause and I can't see SKY or BT being able to shoehorn two unwanted clubs into the Greatest League in the World.....
  22. I was speaking to a Celtic fan this morning who asked if I'd seen the game and wasn't it great. I told him I hadn't and assured him it wasn't at all great and proceeded to have a wee rant. He wasn't even aware that it's almost 40 years since the title left Glasgow.
  23. The only flaw in your theory is that the the Premier League clubs don't want them and will never vote them in. Why should two of the smaller clubs effectively vote themselves out of it?
  24. Leaving aside the merits or demerits of Jack Ross as a manager, none of us can take any pleasure in that scoreline. Celtic and Rangers are behaving rather like two large supermarket chains, intent on wiping out all the small shops, but they don't seem to realise that football is completely different from the retail industry and that competition is healthy for the game and needs to be helped to thrive rather than eliminated.
  25. That pic does make it look like a foul - but we all know the camera can lie. 🙁
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