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GG Riva

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Everything posted by GG Riva

  1. Schadenfreude may not be the most noble of human emotions but that was funny as feck. 😅 What a jolly good way to start the day. 😀 Thanks for posting that, KP.
  2. If we all predict 2-1 for the Pars will it come to pass through sheer will power and weight of numbers? OK, I'd take any kind of win, but I'll go 2-1, too. 😀
  3. That's me off the bottom and in the play off place. 😃
  4. Everyone has scudded me so far. 🙁
  5. Here's a wee quiz for the EEB anoraks to test their knowledge:- https://www.sporcle.com/games/500cameron/spl-hat-trick-heroes I can exclusively reveal that I'm not as knowledgeable on this subject as I fondly imagined. ☹
  6. I would add that their agent's advice is also likely to figure highly in their decision making process. If he advises a player to hold off signing as he might be able to negotiate a better offer from another club, the player is unlikely to go against it.
  7. I'd say I'm looking at things realistically, rather than being silly. It might be better to say we're behind where we'd like to be than where we should be. If only it was as easy to bring in the quality players we need to secure promotion as you seem to believe. Superally makes a pretty good argument as to why we may not have completed our squad for the season yet.
  8. He presumably answered a question from Piracy rather than spontaneously spouting a bit of gossip. Do you think bringing in new players is simply a matter of ringing them up and telling them the Pars want them and they're then at EEP at 9 am the next day, asking "Where do I sign?" 🤔
  9. You should know better by now, not to accept without question anything you read on daftnet, unless I posted it, Ross. 😉 It's called daftnet for a reason. 🙂
  10. Kudos, for holding your hand up, KP. Tbh, I had no idea whether Mehmet was at fault or not, but I preferred to wait for the evidence before organising the lynching. 🙂 Like I said, goalkeepers are easy targets and like any outfield player, their confidence can take a battering if they let in a few soft goals, especially if it costs their team the game. Mehmet will have have done really well if he overcomes the psychological hurdle of his nightmare start to last season. I can't help feeling it wasn't all completely his fault. Even the best goalkeepers need the help of their team mates and it's up to the manager to ensure they get maximum protection when the opposition are in possession.
  11. Nobody could argue that he had some nightmare games under Peter Grant, but that was a year ago now. Perhaps it was at least partially due to the players in front of him and the way the team was set up. You can either say he starts with a clean slate this season, or keep casting up past performances. I know which I prefer. Remember he was in goal in our promotion play off v Dundee United and he also played well when he stood in for Jakub later last season.
  12. Rather harsh, KP. That's the first goal he's conceded in 3 games and you don't even know for sure if it was completely his fault. And of course when a goalie does make a mistake, he usually ends up conceding a goal, but when an outfield player misses a sitter he usually escapes relatively lightly.
  13. I can't believe I didn't add a Stones intro. Will do it now. 🙂
  14. List some music intros which never fail to lift your mood. Here are some of mine, in no particular order:- Sultans of Swing - Dire Straits Hotel California - Eagles Whisky in the Jar - Thin Lizzy Layla - Eric Clapton Samba Pa Ti - Santana Brown Sugar - Rolling Stones I make no apology for the fact that that all these tunes are getting on a bit in years, just like me. 🙂
  15. Predicting results of football matches is a hazardous business and betting on them is foolhardy. Still and all, I think it will be a close game if James McPake sets the team up correctly (whatever formation that may be.) A draw would be a good result, a win would be brilliant.
  16. 🤣 I got my O grade in Geog, Teuchter. No idea where Buckie is but I know they're in the Highland League, as were Ross Co of course, so I just lumped them together in my ignorance. 🙁
  17. Get the sign up, Basil. NO RIFF RAFF.
  18. Ah fair enough, going by the result, I thought RC must have fielded a number of fringe players. Credit to Buckie for doing so well. It would be like a cup final for them, playing their Highland neighbours. They'd have been well up for it.
  19. I'm assuming County didn't field their strongest team, Ross? If so, the result of that game is irrelevant in any relation to our game v Buckle.
  20. We'll all just have to work hard to regain our legend status, SP. Life wouldn't be so interesting without its little challenges. 🙂 I don't know what the parameters were for achieving such a lofty status, but I suggest it shouldn't be too easy. If everybody and their dug becomes a club legend in a short time, it rather devalues the accolade, in my humble one. 🤔
  21. Are you ready to welcome SuperVAR? Will it settle the offside arguments once and for all? https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/62001959 Maybe if the players shave off all their body hair.... 🙂
  22. No doubt Clough could have been a contender for the greatest English manager of all time, but his arrogance when he was appointed Leeds manager immediately alienated most of the squad, resulting in his notorious 44 day reign and sacking.
  23. There are some exceptionally good managers in football and some very poor ones, too, but there are probably many more in-between. Whenever a club is looking for a new, experienced manager, applicants CVs will be taken into consideration, before deciding who to interview. This is when it must get a bit tricky. Many experienced managers have quite a mixed CV - they`ve done quite well at some clubs but poorly at others. Why is that? Presumably, their ability remains constant, irrespective of which club they`re working for. Of course, the squad they have may be more or less talented, but sometimes a manager coming in can produce a significant improvement with the same squad, but more often than not, he can`t. The " new manager bounce" is quite a rare occurrence, as we found out last season. When things don`t work out, the manager invariably gets sacked, but is it always his fault? The %age of managers who go through their entire career without ever being sacked must be quite small. That suggests they usually have a shelf life, even at clubs where they`ve been reasonably successful. Perhaps when a reasonably successful manager fails at a club, the major blame lies elsewhere? There was a time when players were virtually slaves of clubs and the manager could act as a total tyrant. Jim McLean at Dundee United was probably the last one in Scottish football. Today with agents and freedom of contract, the boot is very much on the other foot. Players with poor attitudes who don`t get a regular game, can quickly become troublemakers and undermine the manager`s authority. Precious few managers have the attributes to deal with rebel players, without prejudicing their club`s results and performances. Sir Alex was a notable exception.
  24. Losing Dom Thomas could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Talented player but my information is that he was a complete dick and we're well rid of him. Eta. I think We'll go up as Champions.
  25. Do you know Sean, Digs? Did he play for anyone else after leaving the Pars?
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