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GG Riva

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Everything posted by GG Riva

  1. Just for comparison, Ross McArthur went to see Peter Grant in person, to tell him he was being sacked, even though he (Ross) was ill, because he felt it was the decent thing to do. I wouldn't have thought Dan Pybus was any less deserving of similar respect.
  2. I don't care how poorly a player has performed throughout the season, there's no justification for telling them they're no longer required via a text message. It's heartless and unprofessional.
  3. I like to be optimistic and think he can take us up as Champions, but I'm a little less confident now that Falkirk have snatched Coll Donaldson from right under our noses. I wouldn't be fussed if we go up through the play offs, but as others will no doubt point out, we don't have a great record in those..... 🙁
  4. That's the way I read it, too. I'm sure James McPake would love to have kept him but he`s just in the door. You have to think Falkirk have offered him a good deal with maybe 24 hrs to take it or leave it. A bird in the hand and all that......
  5. I didn't mean to set you off like that, mate. Once I realised the poster was serious, I thought "This is hilarious" and decided to share it here.
  6. 😂🤣😂 We'd be sacking a manager almost every time we lost a game.
  7. Initially, I was sure the post was a wind up, but then I realised the poster was putting forward a serious suggestion - one which would help to shift more season tickets, apparently. Hmmm 🤔
  8. I've shamelessly lifted this striking example of innovative, out of the box thinking, so that the erudite pundits on this forum can evaluate its merits........ "This might be a crazy suggestion but why not try to get the fans onboard and get their input. Why not have a final shortlist of 3 potential managers and allow the fans to vote for our preference? Raith advertised the job vacancy and invited applications. Do we think we are too big a club to go with that approach? For me advertise the job and give the fans the choice. Why not be a little bit different from the norm that way we have no one to blame if it doesn’t work out. Hopefully more season ticket sales meaning more of a budget for better players."
  9. I think some of the players knew and have been blabbing. Say it ain't so, Keyser. 🙂
  10. Much as it pains me to say this, the increased traffic on this forum is leading to a spread of opinions not unlike dotnet. This thread is divided between those who are unhappy with the appointment of McPake and predict another poor season ahead and those who believe we should give him a chance. I wonder which group I should side with? Tough one....🤔
  11. Indeed I will. Happy for the money to go to such a worthy cause. Be buying only Smart Price goods from Asda next week. 🙁
  12. Whoever the new manager is, it's fair enough to have doubts or reservations, but let's give him a chance before we start putting the boot in. Of course some managers are better than others, but sometimes the difference can simply be down not only to the quality of the players they bring in, but their character. If he signs a number of honest, diligent professionals, who are prepared to work hard for the team, he's well on the way to success, as long as he's able to use tactics and a formation which plays to their strengths. Bring in a few big headed, know alls and he's going to struggle from the outset. My understanding is that this has been the problem at EEP for several seasons now. When Stevie Crawford was appointed, he told fans at a Supporters Meeting that he'd never been involved with a squad in which so many players had a really poor attitude, either as a player or manager. It might explain why things went so badly wrong for Allan Johnston at the end and for Peter Grant and John Hughes last season. Of course there will be other factors which contributed to a dismal season, but a lack of dressing room harmony in any club is a recipe for disaster.
  13. That might rule out the Bunnet, then? 🤔
  14. And he has the kind of greeting pus you'd never tire of slapping. 😃
  15. Can we please stop this game of Guess Who? Keyser and I have agreed a charity bet and both of us have decided the beneficiary should be DADSC. He'll be getting nervous if you guys start tipping every man and his dug. 😃 Eta. Keyser only has only backed one horse in this bet. All the others are running for me. I feel like a bookie. 🙂
  16. Have you been told who it is as well, FE? 🤔 I'm beginning to think I'm going to be the last to know..... 😩
  17. Indeed I would, Keyser, but for obvious reasons, you would need to PM me with your proposal. The reason I don't think you can possibly know the identity of our next manager is because it hasn't been decided yet. Of course, you could be a very lucky guesser, but I would never use that as an excuse to weasel out of any wager between us. 🙂
  18. I'm fairly certain 1950's post was tongue in cheek, Raymie. That's why I added a 🙂 right at the start. He likes far too many of my posts to believe any of the guff he posted further up. 🤔
  19. Could this pic provide a clue to the selection process? https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1906425269544717&id=462237257296866
  20. This just goes to show what can happen when too much meddling goes on to try and create a more exciting "product" and meritocracy goes out of the window. The play off system has now been widely embraced in many countries. There's no doubt it helps create interest for clubs whose season would effectively be over long before its conclusion, but it does sometimes lead to less satisfactory outcomes. The promotion of Queens Park, at the expense of Airdrie, is a case in point. A simple 2 up, 2 down system would ensure such "injustices" never occurred. The play offs in Italy's Serie B have also been taken to the extreme. The top 2 are promoted automatically and teams finishing from 3rd to 8th (yes 8th) go into a convoluted series of play off games (7th v 8th, winner v 6th etc.) to determine the 3rd promotion spot. It hasn't happened yet, but a club finishing 8th in the regular season, could end up being promoted. Mental.
  21. Cheers bud.🙂 For the sake of accuracy, when I've apologised on here because I posted something I misunderstood - and said as much - I did not accuse my source of misleading me. That would not only be false, but also completely illogical, so you may want to reconsider. Secondly, if the level of narcissism and attention seeking behaviour is determined by how many forums a person posts on, then we have a wheen of these people right here. I would prefer that there was one Pars fans forum, but I know the history which led to the formation of a second one. The EEB is generally peopled by more restrained posters which generally makes for good, intelligent and articulate discussions, but there is demonstrably less traffic, although with an influx of new posters recently, there has been a marked improvement. On the subject of the identity of the new manager, I'm confident that Keyser is no more informed than you or I, but is just being a bit mischievous. A number of names have been bandied about but no decision has been taken. David Cook has intimated that he's speaking informally to potential candidates but is understandably wanting to take his time to ensure that the club gets the right man in this time.
  22. Two games, min! He had been out with a long term injury and went to Ayr to get a few games under his belt. You'd have to be really mean to use that against him. 🙁
  23. Well perhaps you can enlighten us all as to how it really went down, Keyser and you definitely don't know my source(s), so you can stop the pretence. 🙂
  24. I remember Aberdeen fans invading the pitch at EEP after beating us home and away to secure their SPL status, in what may have been the very first such play off game. I think we'd finished runners up in the second tier and the Dons 2nd bottom of the SPL. I also remember the Pars fan Berry alludes to above. He looked like he was wearing an Ajax top after his dive, with a police helmet covering his crown jewels. 😂
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