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GG Riva

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Everything posted by GG Riva

  1. I try not to get too despondent when results and performances are poor, although it's been especially tough recently. By the same token, I don't let myself get carried away after one good performance, but at least we can look forward to the next game with a degree of optimism. PG will not necessarily be sacked if we lose, but it would heap some more pressure on him. If we really have turned a corner and go on a good unbeaten run, calls for his head will disappear.
  2. My memory of these events is a bit hazy. I remember going to the first meeting at Legends and meeting guys like Piracy, his brother and Superally for the first time. We were also told the club needed to find £80k immediately to avoid going bust. I said surely 80 of us could find a grand each and everyone looked at me with astonishment. I thought everybody must be really poor, but maybe they were all far more clued up than me. By the time I went to the meeting at the Vine, I had a much better idea of Masterton's shenanigans and thought we were well and truly screwed. I wouldn't be too hard on some of the folk who were urging us to buy into a share issue. I think their love of the club was blinding them to the fact that wee Gav was a complete chancer and had duped them into thinking his scheme was a credible solution.
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