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Everything posted by rosythpar

  1. I dont think David Cook will be pleased with them opening their mouths though.
  2. I took it with a pinch of salt because the same club rep went about last season telling people Kenny Miller and Lee McCulloch both had been lined up by the club to take over as manager.
  3. My mate got told by a club representative on Saturday who was getting the job and we managed to back McPake at 2/1 yesterday.
  4. McPake also likes to bring through youth players, I would imagine that would be a big selling point for the board.
  5. It's not an appointment that excites me but not much options we can pick from. I would have liked us to go out and try and get a manager who is employed at the moment. I was hoping we might see Cook or Fussball GMBH'S contacts bring in someone left field. Will McPake be a yes man to Meggle and willing to work with Shields and Dorrans? I think so.
  6. They done it last year saying Petrie had been well backed in the Angus area.
  7. The rumour uptown on Saturday was that pink doesnt want to go full time? Which I dont believe tbh
  8. I am worried we could see McPake as manager and his coaching team being Dorrans and Shields.
  9. I was doing the guess who lol I wouldnt want McPake tbh
  10. Did he get Dundee promoted through the playoffs?
  11. More likely to join the coaching staff than be new manager.
  12. I am hoping for something left field this time and not one of the usual suspects. I would make Kettlewell the favourite at the moment though.
  13. I would rather have James Ingram.
  14. Gordon Strachan has gave Mark McGhee a good recommendation to the pars board and Meggle was impressed by the football Dundee played under him.
  15. They have a couple lined up from the Rovers apparently
  16. Alan Temple tweeted a couple of weeks ago that the board wanted Yogi to continue if we got relegated.
  17. Board are allegedly not willing to pay compensation to bring Brian Rice here.
  18. I wonder if Meggle is wanting too much involvement?
  19. If he is staying the board better back him and pray that we get of to a great start or the fans will be on their backs from the start.
  20. They racially abused his brother Rico when he played for them too.
  21. I get the impression the board have spoke to a few candidates who have said no and they have decided to stick with Hughes which I hope I am wrong. If he does stay it will have a big impact on season ticket sales. I was speaking to someone who was up picking up something from the ground on Friday and said Hughes was in having talks with the board. We should hear something today surely
  22. Falkirk will be a lot better next year. Airdrie could be weakened if they lose some of their better players. Montrose will be up near the top again.
  23. Could Dorrans be set to join the coaching staff?
  24. Dundee could be in the search for the same manager...need to be quick
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