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Everything posted by rosythpar

  1. Clyde have 50k in the bank, Goodwillie will come to some sort of financial agreement with the Rovers and they will have one hell of mess to sort out now. 2 out of 3 parties have won in this. Goodwillie will probably return to Clyde now too.
  2. I spoke to a guy yesterday and had to walk away from "DG is a good footballer though and the pars should have signed him".
  3. Humza Yousaf made a t*t of himself with his tweet
  4. Raith TV have just announced they have all now left with immediate effect
  5. Courts praising him and excited for his future. He is the twelfth academy player to make a first team appearance for them this season,something DAFC Fussball will be looking to do with us in the future.
  6. New bar at the ground looks impressive
  7. It says in the courier he gave the deal a firm green light. It is also confirmed in the paper they paid a fee of around £50,000,I think Sim will be sticking by his decision on his quest to get to the top flight.
  8. Bernardo Dominguez Fernandez has to be the best goalkeeper we have had in a while followed by a close second in Michal Hrivnak.
  9. Gets to go through A.k. Moyes,hes been to them all I think
  10. My source last night was wallsy lol was keeping me updated
  11. https://twitter.com/BBCSportScot/status/1488619486727086080?s=20&t=fs0jyZMIOnI0rep2RS9UyA
  12. It was also asked at the meeting who would be taking over from Ross as chairman but they don't know yet
  13. Mate just texted me from the business club meeting,yogi said Jakub will be first choice and Williams will be goalkeeper coach. David Cook starts next week as CEO
  14. Hes only not in the squad because he failed a fitness test,looks like they are standing by the decision they have made,a shocking one. Sex offenders shouldnt be anywhere near football clubs or anywhere in society. Horrible horrible people
  15. Apparently he will be the highest earner at the club on 1k a week,wonder what the other players at the club are thinking?
  16. Speaking to a few pars fans this morning and they have all said they wont be going to Starks next season and giving their BOD any money if he is still a Rovers player. I feel sorry for the Rovers fans
  17. The fan representative on the Rovers board has stepped down
  18. Its crazy horrible seedy people like Goodwillie still get accepted by minorities in society. The majority of Raith Rovers fans are raging about this and wont be back while he is with them,you have to feel sorry for their fans. Who the hell would sanction this at Raith Rovers?
  19. Has signed for Raith Rovers,the backlash will be unreal and can see their main sponsor Val Mcdermid now walking away.
  20. Callumn Morrison of Falkirk is also being mentioned in a swap deal to come to us but Alan Temple from the courier thinks that is our business done for today. I think we will still see a centre back coming in the door in the next few days,cant rely on Breen and Jones.
  21. I think he could have the option of a third year in his contract but the club will obviously not take up that offer.
  22. Looks like Jakub will be going straight in to the first team and if he impresses will be here next season. Let's hope he is a good signing because I feel the goalkeeping position has been a weakness for a few seasons now. I would like to see Mehmet removed from the wage bill but who is going to take him.
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