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Everything posted by rosythpar

  1. Spoke to someone who played yesterday,he said pars had 3/4 trialists playing, left winger had a very good game and a young goalkeeper played. Miller Fenton played centre back with Breen.
  2. I gave up reading that P&B, that da baracus who posts on it has a weird obsession with me for some reason, I have no clue who he is. January is a hard window to operate in and it is even harder to attract players when you are in the position we are in.
  3. John Potter still helping out on an interim basis at the moment but Queens Park have launched an ambitious attempt to try and get Jack Ross to be the new manager.
  4. Three trialists due in at training today going by cows
  5. Spoke about this on Saturday,the club needs a complete restructure and rebuild from top to bottom for next season.David Cook will just be the beginning hopefully and we will see a restructure at boardroom level which Ross mentioned earlier in the season.
  6. Not seen much sign of life at the Civil Service grounds this month at all. The work on the building started in November/December by Bob Purvis but not seen any work start on the three pitches yet. I wonder if covid and getting materials is having an effect on getting the work started?
  7. Some sections of the support are already getting on Yogi's back,they have to realise he is sorting out a complete mess Grant left us in. He has my full backing and our aim is just to stay up this season and let Yogi rebuild in the summer. Strange one Ayr letting a player go to a relegation rival? Bullen must not rate him
  8. Problem is not a lot of quality available in January
  9. Going by what Hughes said last week we could see one more depart.
  10. Joins Airdrie on loan till the end of the season
  11. They got Dylan Tait on loan too, will make it even better if Arbroath beat them to the title now.
  12. The board gave yogi funds to bring in 3 players in January-Martin,Donaldson and Lawless. Then after that Meggle told him he could shuffle the pack as much as he wants.So far we have seen Graham,Connolly, and Kennedy return to their parent clubs,Gaspuitis leave by mutual consent,Fraser Currid leave and Wighton join Arbroath on loan who are covering his full wages. We have the funds to bring new players in,the problem is getting the players to sign for us.
  13. I think it's obvious it is stuff out with the clubs control that is delaying/stopping transfers. Its not the clubs fault if they cant get a hold of Ambrose,do you want yogi to go up to New Central park tomorrow and kidnap him? It's not the clubs fault if Hoti is wanting to sort out his future at Dundee United before joining us on loan. Going by yogis comments they have been very close with one or two which have collapsed just before the contract has been signed. We have been trying to sign central midfielders,for example Ben Williamson who picked Raith over us and Stephen Kelly who went to Salford City. The club are trying and we have to be patient.
  14. Coadys for me as usual,get a good crowd of pars fans in
  15. He is wanting clarity over his future at Tannadice because his contract is up at the end of the season, that is holding up his loan move to us.
  16. Going by Yogis comments last week we could maybe see 1 or 2 departing too
  17. Looks like its been 4 or 5 overall,one of them must be the one who yogi is 50/50 on. Never really a good sign when they are free agents though,hopefully one is Diego Costa.
  18. Expected back first few weeks in Feb according to press
  19. 4 or 5 trialists in atm who are foreign
  20. The club physio worked with him at hibs and said he was hard to get in contact with then too but was the player who trained the hardest. I thought the same that he wasnt interested but seems like he is a hard man to find lol
  21. Yes its definitely a minority but some of the things that goes on is shocking. He was telling me an a-team mate of his was attacked uptown when out with his family. Then you have the attacks on Ross this season, it does show we have a minority of idiots who I wouldn't even call fans. The fans chasing the team bus at Gayfield was something old firm material, that is what the Celtic fans done last season. That incident was well documented and was even shown on the TV,not a good look for the club.
  22. Well he was telling me the stuff that happened to him and a family member so no its fish wife material
  23. The bad publicity the club has had this season wont be helping either,I was speaking to a footballer and he said that dunfermline is one of the worst in Scotland for players getting hassle.
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