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Everything posted by rosythpar

  1. It's the lies that Grant comes out with, we all know him and Thomas had a bust up at half time vs partick when he questioned his formation and then a week past Monday,Thomas went in and asked the board to terminate his contract.
  2. Maybe start playing him in his proper position grant and his performances will improve. We all know Thomas is not a centre mid.
  3. The germans need to make big changes at the club from top to bottom,its been needed for a few years. We need a new manager and let him bring in his own coaching staff,none of this working with what was here before. I am afraid the pars United guys need a freshen up,I wouldnt trust them in making any big decisions to do with a new manager. I appreciate them for bringing in the much needed investment but they even admitted themselves they have taken the club as far as they can and they also put us back into big financial trouble when they gave AJ a new 2 year deal and then had to pay him off,2 directors had to bail us out.
  4. Duku will have a field day if hes playing up against Ross Graham on Saturday.
  5. The club is a complete mess, my mate who is a kelty fan said to me today use need to have a complete clear out from top to bottom and I agree with him. The whole lot of them need to go,we need a whole new regime.
  6. Grant on stv news saying he fears the sack
  7. Still no announcement from the club,so looks like he will be in charge for the game on Saturday. The board are just delaying the inevitable. I am not in favour of the walk out and think it's stupid bringing norrie into it. They would be better boycotting and taking the matchday income away from the board. They will notice the empty red seats.
  8. Hes got a YouTube channel bud,you can see grant getting it tight at the end of the video when hes leaving the pitch with a security guard.
  9. Just watched Ben crawfords video from Saturday and grant got it tight from the fans on the other side of the terracing from us when he was leaving the park. The players didnt get any abuse on Saturday from anyone near me,encouragement and trying to get belief in themselves more than anything.
  10. He obviously wanted it to work but he wont be complaining when he gets a lump sum from the club and back on a coaching role somewhere else in the next wee while. Its his own fault hes made a complete arse of it anyway,rubbish signings,stupid formations and playing players out of position.
  11. I think a lot of fans will protest by boycotting and hurting the club in the pocket, but 2000 of us have already gave them our cash for this season.
  12. Some fans are trying to organise a mass walk out on the 4th minute on Saturday, its going to get ugly.
  13. Peter Grant wasnt even actively looking for a new job in the summer, he was looking at going on holiday with his wife before Mcarthur called him. He will be laughing all the way to the bank though when he does get a big pay off shortly,easy money for him.
  14. The board were going to give Crawford a new contract in the summer, you have to respect stevie for knowing he had taken us as far as he could. The fans dont have much trust in the board atm.
  15. I know a few people that are planning on taking banners in on Saturday and a protest outside the main stand if hes still here.
  16. David hopkin has just walked away from ayr? Peter Grant staying at the club isn't going to improve his CV any, who will employ him again after this disaster?
  17. If he was going to get sacked by the club,you would of thought it would have been announced/leaked by now. If Grant cared about the club he would have resigned but he will holding out for his payout. Surely he wont be in the dugout on Saturday?
  18. Ask him next time you see him,he will tell you himself that he applied. He said last year that he would only return to 2 full time clubs, us being one of them.
  19. Dick said he applied for it and said he wouldnt return while mcarthur is still chairman after the way he spoke to him.
  20. So you would say Grant stands out better than Dick Campbell? Dick applied for it and his managerial record blows Grant's out the water.
  21. The board are having a meeting at east end this morning,hopefully we will know soon that he has been given his marching orders. This appointment has absolutely destroyed the club and we will be suffering from this for a while. The signings grant has made will still be here and some are here on 2 year contracts,absolutely shocking. Some fans might not have wanted Dick Campbell back but he wouldnt have had us in this mess. If we had brought Dick in,you would also have a great assistaint in Pink. The pair of them have worked miracles at Abroath and will now be laughing at us. We need to bring a proper manager in this time,not someone who is best pals with board members or a manager who gets a good reference from his ex-chairman. Us the fans cant put up with these ridiculous managerial appointments anymore. We need a proper interview process this time but I am afraid the damage has already been done for this season.
  22. Yes they will be sucking up to the germans but hopefully they will see what they are really like. I think Mikeys tweet a few weeks ago about the new owners sniffing out the problem at the club is referring to the problem being the vice chairman and his cronies.
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