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I have emailed twice with no reply,seriously thinking about cancelling mine.

My mate had his own personal one and our supporters club had one which came out the club funds,we put in over £300 when the fans weren't in the grounds. When the restrictions got lifted we cancelled the clubs lifeline and received a cheeky email from a member of the lifeline.

The lifeline is all jobs for the boys.

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11 minutes ago, rosythpar said:

I have emailed twice with no reply,seriously thinking about cancelling mine.

My mate had his own personal one and our supporters club had one which came out the club funds,we put in over £300 when the fans weren't in the grounds. When the restrictions got lifted we cancelled the clubs lifeline and received a cheeky email from a member of the lifeline.

The lifeline is all jobs for the boys.

Now did lifeline know you personally/the supporters club had cancelled?  Asking because I couldn’t find a formal cancellation process and can only think cancelling my standing order

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Just now, parsforlife said:

Now did lifeline know you personally/the supporters club had cancelled?  Asking because I couldn’t find a formal cancellation process and can only think cancelling my standing order

The chairman of the supporters club cancelled it but had to go into his bank branch and received a rude email, the lifeline was under the clubs name.

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The Lifeline is obviously what it says, a financial Lifeline. It's simply and rightly a personal choice whether the individual cancels it or not. For me cancelling it while we're in a bad position isn't helping the situation, it's hurting the club. Yes there are various unsavoury and less than popular characters at the club, but there's other ways of highlighting concerns and displeasure at our present less than acceptable plight. One thing I'd say we'd all agree on is that we're underperforming and it needs to improve rapidly. So what do we do

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29 minutes ago, Piracy said:

The Lifeline is obviously what it says, a financial Lifeline. It's simply and rightly a personal choice whether the individual cancels it or not. For me cancelling it while we're in a bad position isn't helping the situation, it's hurting the club. Yes there are various unsavoury and less than popular characters at the club, but there's other ways of highlighting concerns and displeasure at our present less than acceptable plight. One thing I'd say we'd all agree on is that we're underperforming and it needs to improve rapidly. So what do we do

For me ask the new owners, do you want to invest in the playing squad now or do it in the summer in league one? If we don’t get at least 4 more in, then I fear that we’ll be down. Our only hope is that nisbet is sold and that money can be used for any financial hit coming our way. I really worry for us and today hasn’t bothered me as much as I actually felt we had a pumping coming our way given recent performances 

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Not sure anyone wants Nisbet now ? Hibs have missed a trick not selling him when his stock was at its highest 

To be fair, many clubs are guilty of that. 

In the early 70s, Rangers offered £60k for Kenny Mackie. We turned it down. 

He ended up going on a free to East Fife. 

Liverpool did the right thing with Coutinho. Got £146m for him 

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8 hours ago, Piracy said:

The Lifeline is obviously what it says, a financial Lifeline. It's simply and rightly a personal choice whether the individual cancels it or not. For me cancelling it while we're in a bad position isn't helping the situation, it's hurting the club. Yes there are various unsavoury and less than popular characters at the club, but there's other ways of highlighting concerns and displeasure at our present less than acceptable plight. One thing I'd say we'd all agree on is that we're underperforming and it needs to improve rapidly. So what do we do

Question I’m having.

1. We are now a privately owned club,  can supporters really be expected to donate money regularly in the same manner as we were when fan run?

2.  The distance between those in charge and the fans is comfortably at its worst since we came out of administration.

3. For a third season in a row fans have been locked out of games,  on each occasion we have payed up season tickets and not received what we have payed for,  whilst this isn’t a fully a club decision the lack of recognition of this is tough to take,  it seems to me that fan donations have stopped being appreciated and become expected. 

4.  What other means are there to voice displeasure?  The board have shut themselves off from fan engagement. 

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Yes, I have been troubled by point 1 since the private buy-in. There has been a fundamental shift in the manner that the club is run and administered. It can no longer lay claim to being a fan-run club and Lifeline does not sit comfortably in the new scenario.

I am not a lawyer, but I suspect that the scheme as it is presently constituted might be in need of a review, given the club is in private hands and fans have a very small proportion of ownership. It seems to me that a conversion of Lifeline to a club membership scheme might be the best way around this.

When does the new CEO come in? His first task should be to undertake a full review of where the club is, where it wants to go, and how the heck we get there.

Right now, our situation is bleak. I struggle to find much to be cheerful about where the Pars are concerned.

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I too feel distanced from the club.

Not getting in to games is part of that feeling. At least at matches you're in the ground sensing and experiencing all the emotive aspects of being there. Watching it on live stream just isn't the same. 

I was initally really excited regarding the GmbH Fussball owners coming in and having been fully endorsed by Ross McArthur. After all why not be excited about it?, we're all hoping it'd take us up another level longer term. But right now it's really hard to just blindly accept that they'll sort this all out in the very near future. This present deteriorating situation is alarming. That scudding yesterday was simply unacceptable, it's not just humiliating but also points at something being potentially not right about the club. Those players just do not appear to be motivated and I just dont accept that they cannot do better, but that said I'm still giving Yogi time, he deserves that much. He still has time to put some of this right on the pitch, but it's a huge job.

Off the pitch, I want the new owners to engage with us fans. I want them to display leadership, especially during difficult situations to give the fans both hope and confidence that we'll sort this out. Hearing and seeing nothing from them as the weeks go by will only lead to conjecture and suspicion about their intent and commitment longer term. The new CEO arrives the end of this season, he'll do much to address my aforementioned concerns but no one is appearing to do that right now. Also, fans aren't asking for the earth here, it's important to remember that. We're important and no matter what ever happens regarding ownership it's still our club, your heart owns something cash will never buy. They just need to communicate with us to show they value us fans and to display they're taking all this very seriously. I personally think they've maybe underestimated this job. They're maybe taken aback by the fans expectations and the complexities of Covid-19 negatively influencing some of their plans. But whatever the situation,  I'm obviously just guessing about most of this because right now I'm hearing SFA from them. 


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Being taken aback by expectations does make sense to me.  

They seem genuinely shocked to the anger at some of the performances.    I know it’s been talked about the rights and wrongs of that,  but anyone who had been to the football before knows it’s an emotive game and things spill over at times.    This isn’t boys club football where you can work on progression and not worry about results.  

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2 hours ago, OzPar said:

Yes, I have been troubled by point 1 since the private buy-in. There has been a fundamental shift in the manner that the club is run and administered. It can no longer lay claim to being a fan-run club and Lifeline does not sit comfortably in the new scenario.

I am not a lawyer, but I suspect that the scheme as it is presently constituted might be in need of a review, given the club is in private hands and fans have a very small proportion of ownership. It seems to me that a conversion of Lifeline to a club membership scheme might be the best way around this.

When does the new CEO come in? His first task should be to undertake a full review of where the club is, where it wants to go, and how the heck we get there.

Right now, our situation is bleak. I struggle to find much to be cheerful about where the Pars are concerned.

David Cook starts this month working closely beside Ross and will start the job fully next season. He has a massive job on his hands. 

Did you not suggest the idea of a club membership scheme last season and was rejected by the club Oz?

A lot of supporters have stopped going already and will be hard to get them back,two from our bus haven't been all season because of decisions made by the board. We will be  lucky to sell 2000 season tickets next season.

The new CEO is going to have to revamp a lot at the club- Lifeline, hospitality, legends etc. I think it would be a good idea to make Charlie D's a members bar like the Rovers have the 200 club,pay a yearly membership and get bt or sky installed. Our match day hospitality and bars are mediocre compared to Kelty Hearts. I very rarely go to Legends nowadays,about 5 of us drink in coadys pre and post match now instead of legends and a few others are the same. 

Fussball GMBH wanted to be hands on but we only really see/hear Meggle and Teller. Gundermann who is financially backing the group is invisible and I have only seen Keretic once at a supporters meeting. They need to be engaging with the fans more and get them back on side. 

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10 minutes ago, parsforlife said:

Being taken aback by expectations does make sense to me.  

They seem genuinely shocked to the anger at some of the performances.    I know it’s been talked about the rights and wrongs of that,  but anyone who had been to the football before knows it’s an emotive game and things spill over at times.    This isn’t boys club football where you can work on progression and not worry about results.  

I'll clarify what I meant by "maybe being taken aback expectations". Their response to some fans becoming slightly over emotive at games appeared to be one of genuine surprise. When asked about it at the one of the first supporters communication sessions they said as much. From my perspective, I wasn't sure why they'd be surprised at fans becoming emotive when we're playing sh*te, but there you go. Maybe they've just got to get used to how forthright and deranged the average Scottish football fan can be when their teams not winning. 

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20 minutes ago, rosythpar said:

I think it would be a good idea to make Charlie D's a members bar like the Rovers have the 200 club,pay a yearly membership and get bt or sky installed. Our match day hospitality and bars are mediocre compared to Kelty Hearts. I very rarely go to Legends nowadays,about 5 of us drink in coadys pre and post match now instead of legends

I think it's not a good idea. Charlie D's was unofficially given to supporters on a match day to develop it as a socially inclusive bar where we (fans) brought in (and paid for) live music every home game. The intention is to get that reinstated as soon as we can get into a rhythm again regarding attending games. It's way more inclusive than any other part of the facilities pre-match in my opinion. I'd like to see it return and flourish under its former guise. 

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