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Paul Watson

Boston Red Sox

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3 hours ago, Keyser Soze said:

Interestingly a number of current players knew what Watson was up to. How do we feel about the lack of respect those players showed to the club by not informing someone of his plans? Or is not being a grass more important? Discuss. 

I've not seen that anywhere other than your post. That's not to say it's not true but I'm not sure it's beneficial to discuss rumours like that. 

I will say in regards to your question, that if it is true, that's really disappointing and probably says a lot about the team spirit at the time within the squad. If it was me, and I played in this team, I'd definitely have something to say about it. Not even so much from a respecting the club point of view, as players are transient and won't have the same feelings about it as we do. However as a team mate. He's letting them down too, and basically telling them 'You carry on getting battered every week, I can't be ***ed despite being partly responsible, I'm away on holiday, I'll send you a postcard, crack on lads...."

That's absolutely not on and I'd definitely be saying that to his face, as well as to the club.

Also, this chat about not being a grass. Sorry, I;m not 5 years old, or an east end gangster respecting some misguided 'code'. If someone is being a dick, they face the consequences. 

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14 minutes ago, Digs said:

I've not seen that anywhere other than your post. That's not to say it's not true but I'm not sure it's beneficial to discuss rumours like that. 


It was a direct family member of a player still at the club who mentioned it. That’s not to say he was fibbing about having prior knowledge but I’m at a loss to think of why he would. Or why the family member would claim that. 

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