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Lewis Martin


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It has been confirmed by Drew Main via Twitter that Lewis Martin is continuing his rehab at the club. I am not sure if he is still under a short term contract or if they are just giving him use of the facilities to get himself back to fitness. Hopefully Lewis can make a full recovery,he has had no luck with injuries a bit like Ryan Williamson. We are all behind you Lewis.

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1 hour ago, rosythpar said:

It has been confirmed by Drew Main via Twitter that Lewis Martin is continuing his rehab at the club. I am not sure if he is still under a short term contract or if they are just giving him use of the facilities to get himself back to fitness. Hopefully Lewis can make a full recovery,he has had no luck with injuries a bit like Ryan Williamson. We are all behind you Lewis.

I may be totally making this up, but I'm sure I read somewhere that we were always going to give him facilities to get fit. Hopefully he can come back from it, being out a long time is a lot tougher mentally than a lot of people think.

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5 hours ago, Digs said:

I may be totally making this up, but I'm sure I read somewhere that we were always going to give him facilities to get fit. Hopefully he can come back from it, being out a long time is a lot tougher mentally than a lot of people think.

yeah no real news that on twitter.  Out of contract too now

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  • 1 month later...

I was really pleased to read this in Yogi's Thursday update:

Lewis Martin played thirty minutes in Tuesday’s friendly against a Hibs XI and the manager commented on the 25 year old defender who has not played a competitive match since 10th March last year:-

“Lewis is training with us and took part on Tuesday. He is just trying to recover from injury, he is out of contract but we have still given him all the training facilities. He is probably a wee bit behind the rest of them but he has done all his hard work and back into it with us.

“He now needs game time to get sharp and we will need to assess him to see if he is one we might look at if he could do us a turn.”

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3 hours ago, Yorkie said:

I think Plantar Facilitis was mentioned, which is some sort of extremely painful inflamation of tissues in the foot. Pretty debilitating for a footballer.

I had that for the better part of a year and yes it is very painful. You can get inserts for your shoes which I started wearing. At about the same time I was in Gambia and while walking on the beach a woman asked me what was wrong with my foot so I told her. She said that she was a trained physio and could help, so she massaged and manipulated my foot for about 20min then said try walking now. I stood up and walked without pain for the first time in a year and the pain has never come back.

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I'm guessing he has been through all the routes available, my wife is a soft tissue therapist. She is surprised by the amount of time this has gone on (Assuming its Plantar Facilitis). Generally its fixed by foot massage, calf stretches and some taping. If still showing symptoms then a podiatrist to look at inserts.

Hopefully he passed this now and can kick on again, good player to have in the squad. 

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