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Ross Mcarthur steps down

Keyser Soze

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No idea what the future holds for him with regards The Pars and I don’t think anyone would blame him if he took a step back. The abuse he has received from a minority of Dunfermline fans is utterly despicable. If it wasn’t for McArthur I very much doubt we’d still have a club to support. I don’t want to speak for everyone but given the events of the last week I’d just like to say that there’s a lot of people that ‘have his back’. I would hate for the disgraceful actions of a few pars fans to be his legacy, the guy deserves so much better than that. Hopefully any anti McArthur sentiment is challenged at the time. Mon the ****ing pars 

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They should especially be challenged as the new owners hold the power. 

There have been a bunch of people, not necessarily on this forum, who have been getting wound up by the current manager's employment status and fuelling both themselves and others by pointing out various awful/terrible/disgraceful decisions that Ross has made on the football front.  In truth, almost all of them have been reasonable, especially without the benefit of hindsight.  Yes, we'd all prefer to be in the Premier League by now so it could be better, but it hasn't been a disaster either. 

Anyways, even if you disagree with that and have been calling for Ross to resign, you've fundamentally missed the point that he is no longer in a position to "make decisions" on the football front.  You have effectively got what you want.  I've no doubt he offers input still - and obviously wasn't the sole decision maker at any point - but it's the new owners who have 75.1% of the voting power.  

Ross is now in the position where he's helping ensure the club itself functions on a day-to-day basis.  Something that he has been instrumental and successful in doing for many years now - and that was after playing a big part in saving the club.  

Edited by DA-go Par Adonis
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16 minutes ago, DA-go Par Adonis said:

They should especially be challenged as the new owners hold the power. 

There have been a bunch of people, not necessarily on this forum, who have been getting wound up by the current manager's employment status and fuelling both themselves and others by pointing out various awful/terrible/disgraceful decisions that Ross has made on the football front.  In truth, almost all of them have been reasonable, especially without the benefit of hindsight.  Yes, we'd all prefer to be in the Premier League by now so it could be better, but it hasn't been a disaster either. 

Anyways, even if you disagree with that and have been calling for Ross to resign, you've fundamentally missed the point that he is no longer in a position to "make decisions" on the football front.  You have effectively got what you want.  I've no doubt he offers input still - and obviously wasn't the sole decision maker at any point - but it's the new owners who have 75.1% of the voting power.  

Ross is now in the position where he's helping ensure the club itself functions on a day-to-day basis.  Something that he has been instrumental and successful in doing for many years now - and that was after playing a bit part in saving the club.  

100% this.

On the nonsensical rant on the North West Pars twitter page, trying to organise a protest brought to you by the same bed-wetters you may recognise from "Let's not walk out in the 4th minute after underestimating how protective people are over Norrie's name" and "Actually, we're playing quite well, so let's stay to the end" protests, this language is particularly prevalent.

It reads like a 5th year has been given a dramatic prose assignment for their Higher English and says things like "This club is now run by egotistical, vitriolic charlatans" (without a hint of irony btw). 

That page has now demonstrated on at least two occasions they have little to no understanding of our history, both recent and not so recent, and where the club came from to where it is now, and who the people are that helped us get from a place where the club was a total basket case, which took years of work to undo, lots of their personal time and money, to deliver us to a solid footing as a business, which was stable enough to attract outside investment which will see the club take more strides forward.

If you are reading this wee man, I suggest taking the time to not only speak to people who do know about this stuff, or better yet, email Ross himself and ask him what you want to know, he will happily tell you, albeit in a very modest way because that's who the man is. The only reason any "vitriol" (😂) has been directed towards those wounded by these words is because they have themselves used excessive language towards the people playing for, and running, the club they clam to love so much in a much more vitriolic way than anything that has been served up by the club.

The club owes you very little, other than a team on the park to provide entertainment. You can be unhappy in the manner they do this, and you are allowed to criticise, but it's a game of fitba, and if you are so delicate a flower you can't handle being chastised for your tantrums, then I'd suggest taking a few years off until you have grown up a bit because make no mistake, it's posts like the one I'm referring to, that are responsible for the attacks on individuals.  

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13 minutes ago, Digs said:

100% this.

On the nonsensical rant on the North West Pars twitter page, trying to organise a protest brought to you by the same bed-wetters you may recognise from "Let's not walk out in the 4th minute after underestimating how protective people are over Norrie's name" and "Actually, we're playing quite well, so let's stay to the end" protests, this language is particularly prevalent.

It reads like a 5th year has been given a dramatic prose assignment for their Higher English and says things like "This club is now run by egotistical, vitriolic charlatans" (without a hint of irony btw). 

That page has now demonstrated on at least two occasions they have little to no understanding of our history, both recent and not so recent, and where the club came from to where it is now, and who the people are that helped us get from a place where the club was a total basket case, which took years of work to undo, lots of their personal time and money, to deliver us to a solid footing as a business, which was stable enough to attract outside investment which will see the club take more strides forward.

If you are reading this wee man, I suggest taking the time to not only speak to people who do know about this stuff, or better yet, email Ross himself and ask him what you want to know, he will happily tell you, albeit in a very modest way because that's who the man is. The only reason any "vitriol" (😂) has been directed towards those wounded by these words is because they have themselves used excessive language towards the people playing for, and running, the club they clam to love so much in a much more vitriolic way than anything that has been served up by the club.

The club owes you very little, other than a team on the park to provide entertainment. You can be unhappy in the manner they do this, and you are allowed to criticise, but it's a game of fitba, and if you are so delicate a flower you can't handle being chastised for your tantrums, then I'd suggest taking a few years off until you have grown up a bit because make no mistake, it's posts like the one I'm referring to, that are responsible for the attacks on individuals.  

Is this the account you’re referring to, Digs? I had a wee search out of interest and honestly don’t see much wrong with the message. If he’s spoken to someone and taken it on board then great. If it’s another account you’re referring to then just ignore me! 

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3 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

Is this the account you’re referring to, Digs? I had a wee search out of interest and honestly don’t see much wrong with the message. If he’s spoken to someone and taken it on board then great. If it’s another account you’re referring to then just ignore me! 

No, the one I'm referring to was the same one you posted the picture of on another thread. They've shown above that they absolutely get it. This one:



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To be honest this type of nonsense is why I’m staying away just now. I do not agree with some of the decisions made by Mr McArthur and sometimes his media delivery can be a bit skewed. I do not agree with the appointment of the current manager or his ongoing support. I do have immense respect and admiration for Mr McArthur, the job he has done and continues to do. I am acutely aware that when things are going south it is easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and and say things we later regret, by not going this is taken out of the equation and a more reasoned though process follows. To sit in the cold light of day and spew the filth that we see on social media beggars belief.

Hopefully Mr McArthur reads some of the positive posts about him as he has been and continues to be a fantastic ambassador for our club who we are lucky to have onboard.

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2 minutes ago, Digs said:

No, the one I'm referring to was the same one you posted the picture of on another thread. They've shown above that they absolutely get it. This one:



Ah right. I don’t recall that. I’m happy to admit I possibly jumped the gun a little earlier this week and got a few things wrong. It’s easy to lose perspective when the football is ****e. There’s definitely more important matters in play just now.


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Just now, Keyser Soze said:

Ah right. I don’t recall that. I’m happy to admit I possibly jumped the gun a little earlier this week and got a few things wrong. It’s easy to lose perspective when the football is ****e. There’s definitely more important matters in play just now.


To be fair, I think you were only highlighting that a protest was happening.

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1 hour ago, DA-go Par Adonis said:

They should especially be challenged as the new owners hold the power. 

There have been a bunch of people, not necessarily on this for um, who have been getting wound up by the current manager's employment status and fuelling both themselves and others by pointing out various awful/terrible/disgraceful decisions that Ross has made on the football front.  In truth, almost all of them have been reasonable, especially without the benefit of hindsight.  Yes, we'd all prefer to be in the Premier League by now so it could be better, but it hasn't been a disaster either. 

Anyways, even if you disagree with that and have been calling for Ross to resign, you've fundamentally missed the point that he is no longer in a position to "make decisions" on the football front.  You have effectively got what you want.  I've no doubt he offers input still - and obviously wasn't the sole decision maker at any point - but it's the new owners who have 75.1% of the voting power.  

Ross is now in the position where he's helping ensure the club itself functions on a day-to-day basis.  Something that he has been instrumental and successful in doing for many years now - and that was after playing a big part in saving the club.  

agree with your post, but don't think the new owners have their 75.1% yet.  Big worry if they don't sign up for the additional %

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I have been critical and not agreed with some of the football decisions the board and Ross have made over the last few years but the offield stuff has been brilliant. 

Ross has been brilliant in bringing sponsorships to the club for example srjwindows who put a lot of money into the club every season. He also does well making sure we have a match sponsor and ball sponsor every game which brings money into the club. He does a lot behind the scenes that we dont see.

He also worked hard to bring in the new investment for the club,flying out to Germany to meet Fussball GMBH. He also has the best interests of the club at heart,he could have sold the club to one individual which was very close to going through, but at the last minute he didnt think it was the correct decision for the club and rejected the bid. 

Ross brought the germans in because he wanted stability for the club. He wants to see us have our own training ground and be back in the top flight of Scottish football,that's why he went out and tried to get investment for the club.

Yes some of us reacted angrily to the last paragraph when it got released on Tuesday (me included) but it has now become clearer what they meant by it. 

Ross has made mistakes on the football side but he has admitted that himself at the supporters meetings and that was another reason for the investment, to bring in people with a knowledge of football. Yes I have been critical of Ross but he has done a lot more good for the club than bad. Some people wouldnt believe the amount of money some people put in to save the club, I know two people who put money in with Ross at the same time and it was a lot.

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7 minutes ago, DA-go Par Adonis said:

I still think tagging that last paragraph on to the statement on Tuesday was an error of judgement - when they knew the main bulk of the contents was going to be unpopular.  

When all the facts eventually come out, you'll have a better understanding of how that came about, DA-go, but I agree with you, it was an error of judgement - as was the rest of the statement. The whole tone was confrontational and the last thing any business needs to do is alienate its paying customers....

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So sad. Ross is the best Pars Chairman in my time as a fan and I go back 58 years. Hounded out by mindless morons who haven't the faintest idea of the countless unpaid hours he put in for his beloved Pars. His family will be pleased to get him back.

Those of us who knew him will be gutted.

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