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Ross Mcarthur steps down

Keyser Soze

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1 hour ago, Buffy said:

It’s all about getting it out before everyone else has a go, though, isn’t it? 
I don’t like it one bit despite folk telling me it happens everywhere these days. 
Whoever leaks information from a professional club makes it look amateur and can subsequently put off potential future investment imo. 

Ross doesn’t deserve any of this. 
I truly feel for him, and his family. 

A lot has been leaked out buffy and hopefully the germans will tell the culprit to leave very soon. Over the last wee while you have had Thomas asking to leave, thomas/dorrans bust up and the Lee McCulloch rumour which I know for a fact has all came from the same person. 

I am not sure who leaked out about the board backing grant and Mcarthur leaving but I would bet it's the same person.

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I mean in practice who would’ve been involved/in the room when the decision to keep Grant on was made? It was posted on here before the official announcement was made. 

I was was at the same table when my friend was informed that Grant had the job but it wasn’t going to be officially announced for a couple of days. The bookies were still accepting  bets at that point…

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1 hour ago, Fifes Elite said:

I'm disappointed it's in the public domain. I thought he might go tbh and its looking likely that it will happen.

Selfishly I want him him stay. But from a human level I don't think he deserves all this hassle and might be better for him to step away. 


I worry he won't even be able to watch a pars game as a fan without getting hassle. 

Its a sad state of affairs, I wasn't happy with that statement but now we know what it was referring to it makes it worse we all had a go at it. 

Thank you Ross and I hope in time everything you did is properly acknowledged. 


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My only concern! 

Why is a Chairman walking away (potentially) before the cause of the whole situation (Peter Grant) is still employed?

1. Germans won't endorse his sacking (Nothing RM can do)

2. We can't afford to sack? (PG is a Knob)

3. Ross McArthur won't sack him? (well he's falling on his sword)

4. The club are being stubborn and are playing hard ball against supporter pressure (Well hell mend you, that has driven RM out and subjected him to utter shocking abuse he is not entitled too)


The club has a board of directors if they are hanging Ross our to dry then the whole board should be ashamed of themselves and consider their own positions on the board!

Edited by Rengade Master
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For my principled friends on here, who do not go anywhere near dotnet, here's why I haven't felt so low since I lost my mum.

I've been privileged to know and collaborate with Ross for several years.

I retired from teaching in 2011 and approached the Pars about an idea I had to use our players as role models in local primary schools, to consolidate what they learn in the Health & Wellbeing section of the Curriculum for Excellence. If we gave participating children a comp ticket each this would be mutually beneficial to the Pars and the school children. A director told me the club had tried that and it didn't work. It was a massive disappointment.

I tried again after the new BoD was installed in late 2013. Billy George suggested I speak to Ross McArthur. Ross couldn't have been more helpful or enthusiastic. He said that the club's reputation had been badly damaged when it went into administration. He wanted to rebuild it and make the club the focal point of the West Fife community. He spoke to the manager who allowed me to speak to the players and the 'Pars Tackle Health' programme was born. At the same time, Ross introduced me to two teachers from other schools, who had recently retired and were also Pars fans. We put our heads together and came up with two other initiatives, 'Tours for Schools ' (a stadium tour) and 'Pars Stars in the Media' (a literacy programme.)

During the time the Schools Engagement Programme was running ( it was halted by the Covid pandemic in March 2020) Ross was always hands on. He was out to see it in operation for himself, asking if there was any more the club could do, how well the players were representing the Pars and the level of feedback from pupils and teachers. Ross was keen for U-12s to be able to attend Pars games for free. Around 5,000 had the opportunity to do this from 2014-2020.

Ross has been a fantastic Chairman and a great ambassador for the club. We can ill afford to lose him at such a critical time.

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27 minutes ago, scottyboy said:

But is he? This is how all this starts from charlatan, imposter, clown, to GTF in his face.

If anything, he is out his depth on the managerial front ,whether we can afford to sack or not. 

What I meant by this Scott, was that Peter Grant is prepared to sit fast while the Chairman walks away, because as much as he wants to sack PG he can't. 

Managers come and go, good chairmen don't. 

The abuse the RM has received is because PG is still manager, PG seems to be very complicit in this. It won't get any easier for PG now in fact it will get worse.

If PG had an ounce of dignity he'd be in the Chairmans office handing in his resignation, not sitting there watching while his boss he abused and attacked and driven to the point where he is prepared to walk away! Caused by the guy who blatantly out of his depth and lost the backing of the supporters!


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2 minutes ago, Rengade Master said:

What I meant by this Scott, was that Peter Grant is prepared to sit fast while the Chairman walks away, because as much as he wants to sack PG he can't. 

Managers come and go, good chairmen don't. 

The abuse the RM has received is because PG is still manager, PG seems to be very complicit in this. It won't get any easier for PG now in fact it will get worse.

If PG had an ounce of dignity he'd be in the Chairmans office handing in his resignation, not sitting there watching while his boss he abused and attacked and driven to the point where he is prepared to walk away! Caused by the guy who blatantly out of his depth and lost the backing of the supporters!


Thats fair enough, but the board will have to decide quickly. If we win next game, which we could, then sacking PG will probably be harder. I doubt he'll walk away, but stranger things have happened. 

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41 minutes ago, Piracy said:

I think Grant will go soon. I think the reason he's still there is contractual. After the Kilmarnock game perhaps. 


I'm not privy to PG's contract details, but I'd bet my house that he wouldn't be due any compensation if he resigned. 

Setting aside the totally unsatisfactory results and performances in the league, how many of us in his shoes would turn our back on a compensation package because we are highly principled? He then goes home and tries to explain it to his wife and kids.

Maybe he could afford it, maybe not. Jose Mourinho must be a multimillionaire by now. I don't think he's resigned from any club he's managed. Just saying.

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Peter Grant is responsible for the bad results.  He's in no way responsible for the abuse of Ross McArthur or the vandalism of his property. That's solely on the shoulders of the perpetrators.

My understanding is that Grant is an enthusiastic guy who loves football. I've no doubt he has plenty of dignity but also plenty of self-belief. I think he believes he can turn this around and doesn't want to walk from a job having not won a league game.

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