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Never Forget


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It’s certainly been a rollercoaster ride but that’s what great about supporting the Pars. 
I will definitely be going back on Saturday and looks like there was a meeting on Monday for a clear the air talk. 
RM has more or less devoted his life to the pars since rescuing the club and can be very proud of what he has done. It’s definitely time for him to step down and chill out….. go on a long well earned holiday not having to worry about the club…. But he probably will!

I predict a 4-0 thrashing of Morton on Saturday!

mon the pars!!

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2 hours ago, Piracy said:

where we about went, how we come out of it, where we've been.

Never forget why we saved this club, or that Ross McArthur had a huge set of balls. 

Get a new Manager in let's get back to fighting together to get us up the league. 




I'l be there on Saturday, to be fair my self imposed exile failed big time and was up at Arbroath. Even without a new manager in place I feel a bit optimism for the first time in ages, the interview with Shields and Whits speaks volumes, I think we will get a positive reaction.

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10 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

Recall a bevy session with Ross, @Honk @Piracy, @Fifes Eliteand a few others the evening after all the i’s and t’s were dotted. A top bloke and and the club is worse off without him. 

Mikey Leonard was there too. Tuesday night after surving administration. We ended up in Life 😂

I've got the photos somewhere, I'll dig them out this week. 

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Not to put a dampener on all this(but I will). Every time I speak to people about this folk make out it was some sort of glory days with massive **** ups and comraderie(and that was sort of part of it)


What I remember mostly was meetings at EEP most evenings trying to work out what to do and trying to organise fundraising events, surveys, dealing with the politics of a small town, supporters convention, rebranding of the lifeline, ideas forums and setting up supports councils and general meetings about the state of play and what to do next. I found the whole thing stressful and tedious and I was a tiny part to it, so **** knows how Ross felt. I mind going along to east end park to meet him and he hadnt ate all day going into meeting after meeting(my meeting was half 8 at night), so I went to aldis to get him a sandwich. Doesn't sound like a big deal but that's the sort of thing I mind more than anything.


I get impression some folk would go back to those days again for the fun element. I wouldn't.

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17 minutes ago, Fifes Elite said:

Not to put a dampener on all this(but I will). Every time I speak to people about this folk make out it was some sort of glory days with massive **** ups and comraderie(and that was sort of part of it)



I only recall one **** up and that was literally the day the club was finally saved. What other ones are you referring to? 

Definitely no interest in going back given I was arrested and charged during the protests and received a punch in the face volunteering at one of the fund raisers

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7 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

I only recall one **** up and that was literally the day the club was finally saved. What other ones are you referring to? 



Loads you wernt invited to obviously 🤣🤣

I mind at least 2 more you were at. 1 in fabric when the twins played their song after a fundraising event at thr carnegie Hall or the alhambra and the one after the march and the banner incident. TBF we had the latter one thinking you couldn't make it for obvious reasons then you just showed up.

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7 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

I only recall one **** up and that was literally the day the club was finally saved. What other ones are you referring to? 

Definitely no interest in going back given I was arrested and charged during the protests and received a punch in the face volunteering at one of the fund raisers

O aye I forgot about the punch. More of a slap tbf. It was  that rubbish I seem to mind you laughing.

The punch was after the banner incident and march


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20 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

I only recall one **** up and that was literally the day the club was finally saved. What other ones are you referring to? 

Definitely no interest in going back given I was arrested and charged during the protests and received a punch in the face volunteering at one of the fund raisers

Also I mind we ended up pished one night at a fundraiser in PJs and ended up flogging the bands merchandise cos they donated it to the fighting fund. **** knows how we got roped into that


I also mind embarrassingly being in tears in the old inn in tears thinking the pars would die the night of the punch. With Bob marleys don't worry about a thing on in the background. First time I had cried since seeing dumbo as a bairn

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Yeah ok there may have been a few more **** ups than I initially recalled. For people on the very fringes of it like me the camaraderie was very big part of it though tbh. Met plenty of great people and stuff like that is important. I remember a conversation vividly with someone who again was probably on the fringes but played a very vocal and visible part and he said to me once it was all done and dusted that it literally saved his life. It gave him a purpose. He probably wasn’t the only one. 

Looking back fondly and wishing to go back are two entirely separate things. For me there were good times during the struggle. For others more heavily involved I can’t even begin to imagine the stress. 

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5 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

Yeah ok there may have been a few more **** ups than I initially recalled. For people on the very fringes of it like me the camaraderie was very big part of it though tbh. Met plenty of great people and stuff like that is important. I remember a conversation vividly with someone who again was probably on the fringes but played a very vocal and visible part and he said to me once it was all done and dusted that it literally saved his life. It gave him a purpose. He probably wasn’t the only one. 

Looking back fondly and wishing to go back are two entirely separate things. For me there were good times during the struggle. For others more heavily involved I can’t even begin to imagine the stress. 

Aye I get it, there was some good times in there and allot of postives, mainly friendships I have formed which I wouldn't have done without the whole thing. Tbh I was on the fringes as well largely 


Guys like @Honk and @The Roy Barry Fan Club were much more involved and could give loads of stories about Ross that havnt been heard before

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1 hour ago, Fifes Elite said:

Also I mind we ended up pished one night at a fundraiser in PJs and ended up flogging the bands merchandise cos they donated it to the fighting fund. **** knows how we got roped into that


I also mind embarrassingly being in tears in the old inn in tears thinking the pars would die the night of the punch. With Bob marleys don't worry about a thing on in the background. First time I had cried since seeing dumbo as a bairn

Nowt wrong with this lad. Was in tears the other night when Muffasa died at the start of The Lion King. My 6 year old laughed at me 😔

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2 hours ago, Fifes Elite said:

Not to put a dampener on all this(but I will). Every time I speak to people about this folk make out it was some sort of glory days with massive **** ups and comraderie(and that was sort of part of it)

What I remember mostly was meetings at EEP most evenings trying to work out what to do and trying to organise fundraising events, surveys, dealing with the politics of a small town, supporters convention, rebranding of the lifeline, ideas forums and setting up supports councils and general meetings about the state of play and what to do next. I found the whole thing stressful and tedious and I was a tiny part to it, so **** knows how Ross felt. I mind going along to east end park to meet him and he hadnt ate all day going into meeting after meeting(my meeting was half 8 at night), so I went to aldis to get him a sandwich. Doesn't sound like a big deal but that's the sort of thing I mind more than anything.g

I get impression some folk would go back to those days again for the fun element. I wouldn't.

Nothing glorious about it. F*ckin horrible most of it. That said all I've ever advocated is that some of the spirit and energy that was evident then was a positive. Most of that came from people like Ross. I think his leadership qualities shone through, he demonstrated those qualities to the right conclusion. This is all part of our history, therefore its important it's not forgotten and the part Ross played is rightly acknowledged as the sun sets on his tenureship. It's the end of a chapter for me.

As for those ignorant c*nts who have been questioning Ross and his time as Chairman they need reminded, or in some cases educated. As Ross's position was revealed its fit and proper we acknowledge that and drown the ignorant c*nts out. 

Incidently the article in the Courier about Ross is pretty damm decent. 

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