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Yogi Hughes is the new Manager


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Not my first choice, but he does fit the profile of a manager who has the experience to get us out this mess. 

Our players and staff need their morale raised a lot. Yogi has some personality and I can see him lifting us quite a bit. 

There maybe players that can't adapt to his ways and some that will thrive with them, giving us that much needed boost.

Let us hope for the latter. 

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6 hours ago, Digs said:

I’d suggest his tongue was firmly in his cheek if he actually said that and tbh, that is just fitba patter.

No-one is safe, everyone is fair game, and if you’ve got the baws don’t care who you dish it out to. It’s a huge part of a football dressing room and is the main thing boys miss when they stop. 

You can’t play a team sport and be a sensitive flower. It’s what builds strong teams. 

Like the Rovers team he took down? 😉

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Some so called banter in years gone by was horrible. Racism, mysogoni, homophobic etc, you name it, all was fair game. But as a society let's not get to a stage where we're actively seeking things to be offended by. Comedy is supposed to challenge our beliefs, our own predijuces yadda yadda and so on. I've worked in the Dockyard most of my life and I've met some funny men and laughed a lot at some of the situations in the workplace. But no doubt a lot of people would not find some of the stuff funny. For instance best nickname  I remember was was a chap who's surname was Beveridge. Unfortunately he had a chronic drink problem so he was called "alcoholic Beveridge". Another example of 'cruel banter' (but I think funny) was a guy who also liked a drink and had one kidney. Now, he had been the recipient of that kidney through transplant. He was a moaning hoor and was reeking hygiene wise. One day sitting in the office, he moaned continually about the office door being open and how his kidney was cold. One of the guys eventually blurted out "what the f*ck you greeting aboot, it's no even yours". Again easy to find offence in stories like that if you chose to do so, just like it's easy to get offended with the (unsubstantiated) story/screenshot I had shoved up about Yogi advising a young player to salute him. It was meant to be funny, not a reflection on Yogi's moral character ffs. It's a bit of banter, at least that's my take.

The debate afterwards was both interesting but off on a tangent considering what the thread was about, but I couldn't be bothered debating it so I just read it. 

I think close knit groups of people in life like friend groups, groups of colleagues in workplaces, sports teams etc find it perfectly natural to make fun of one another, slag one another, it's life and a lot of what's said between them would offend others outside that group. A fitbaw dressing room is a loud boisterous place and things get said in there but I bet my house that within that group most love the atmosphere and cammeraderie it helps create. 

I like Yogi. He's someone I can relate to given I've grown up with guys like him. I think he's honest, outspoken, passionate, hard working, doesn't f*ck about but also has a fairly high degree of emotional intelligence when it comes to both social and self awareness. He'll know how to get the players motivated without offending them, I'm sure of that. 

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Just read my way through this thread. Good to read that the vast majority are prepared to get behind Yogi and give him a chance to sort out the mess PG has left behind. I also picked up that many posters said he would not have been their first choice. (He may not have been the BoD's first choice either, for all we know.) In recent times, the club has sprung more leaks than a colander. The statement on COWS relating to the appt, says that, in addition to those who applied, a couple of managers were asked if they'd like to be considered for the job. My information is that this referred to Robertson and Petrie. Neither was interviewed, so you can draw your own conclusions. The third point concerns Shields and Whittaker being kept on. It may have been purely a financial consideration, but I think it's more likely that Hughes was asked if he'd be OK to work with them for the time being. The same thing happened when AJ came in and Potter was kept on, but further down the line Sandy Clark was brought in as his No.2.

I believe a lot of unease about JH is down to that ill advised interview he gave at Raith. Of course it was a mistake, but context is everything. After a 5-0 hammering v fellow relegation rivals St Mirren, the players arrived the following Monday, (in their flashy cars) appearing to have not a care in the world. Being the kind of passionate, 100% guy he is, he lost the plot. Hughes didn't shy away from that in his first interview but admitted that he couldn't have achieved what he did with Ross Co last season, if he hadn't been through that unhappy experience at Starks Park. Besides that, Raith were all over Brechin in both legs of the play off but Jean M'Voto sold two goals and Chris Smith saved 3 pens in the shootout, according to Stanza who was at both games, so the Raith players didn't exactly lie down to spite him.

Finally, the disagreement between Digs and Keyser. Again context is key. You'd need to have been there. Did Hughes have a wee smile on his face when he turned away from the young player? Were the other players laughing? Do we know for sure this scenario even took place? The worst kind of argument you can have with anyone is either by phone or on a forum, because you cannot see the other person's body language, so it's easy to get the wrong impression although at least on a forum you can add a 😉 or similat.

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Today is for the players to show they are up for the fight, far too many poor performances so far and yogi coming in might be the kick up the arse some of them need. Unfortunately though I don’t think majority of them are good enough for us but we all need to get behind them to try get us out of this mess

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