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Yogi Hughes is the new Manager


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7 minutes ago, Digs said:

Well I respectfully disagree. Toxic culture in football isn’t endemic. It’s no more or less toxic than any other environment I’ve ever been in and I’ve played football since I was 8, now 45 and worked since I was 16. I’ve only had one bad experience in each. 

As a matter of interest, how many teams have you played for to make a judgment in this toxic culture you’re saying exists throughout the game?

Shouldn’t the more pertinent question be how many talented footballers have I spoken to who have been lost to game due to the reasons I’ve outlined? 

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11 minutes ago, Rengade Master said:

So you get mollycoddled through your development, you are are shielded from banter, leg pulling you progress to be a good player and make your debut in front of a crowd!

How do you protect that same player then?

The point I’ve made numerous times now is a lack of ‘mental strength’ in certain areas doesn’t automatically mean you can’t thrive as a footballer and enjoy playing in front of a crowd. That isn’t how the human mind works. 

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4 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

Shouldn’t the more pertinent question be how many talented footballers have I spoken to who have been lost to game due to the reasons I’ve outlined? 

Not really, becasie you’ve got one side of a story. They could easily have been arseholes.

Ive no idea if they were, or weren’t, but one thing I can tell you with absolute certainty, having been round dozens of them over the years, that the majority of players who don’t make it usually blame someone other than themselves, and it usually becomes evident fairly quickly when you’ve seen them play and train for a while. 

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9 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

Well as far as that’s concerned and drawing on my experience of tutoring them I would stake my life on them not being arseholes. 

As I said, I’ve no idea if they are or not. I’ll take your word for it. The rest of the post stands.

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3 minutes ago, Digs said:

As I said, I’ve no idea if they are or not. I’ll take your word for it. The rest of the post stands.

I would completely agree that the vast majority of players who don’t make it are for reasons other than I’ve outlined in my point. I wouldn’t suggest otherwise. 

We’re obviously not going to agree on this and that’s perfectly fine. A civilised debate without resorting to childish behaviour. A fine example of why this is finest Pars forum on the internet if I do so say myself. 

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Quite enjoyed the interview, and although he says he is familiar with the squad, Its still Shields and Whits taking the team. Cant see Yogi just sitting in the stand and although he will leave it to Shields and Whits he is bound to have a wee influence at some point. He is realistic enough to dampen expectations though and there was none of that we will win the league pi5h. It will be interesting to see how the players respond tomorrow hopefully a positive outcome and taking a point at least

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Its good to see the Poll set up by Sanguine is largely in favour of Yogi with only a single vote against. I agree that some may still have to be convinced, but the important thing is that the team and the fans do it together and make the fans want to get behind and support the team. Its a shame that the first game isn't at home.    

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5 minutes ago, Superally said:

Its good to see the Poll set up by Sanguine is largely in favour of Yogi with only a single vote against. I agree that some may still have to be convinced, but the important thing is that the team and the fans do it together and make the fans want to get behind and support the team. Its a shame that the first game isn't at home.    

It's definitely time to seek a bit of unity and calm so we can concentrate on getting off the bottom of this league. 

I'm looking forward to the game tomorrow. 

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