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The Pars v The Jags


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2 hours ago, parsforlife said:

Kilmarnock can’t play Sunday due to having Hamilton in the diddy cup next Tuesday.

What a bunch of wimps! When I were a nipper (cue 'Hovis" tune) teams regularly played derby fixtures on Jan 1 and 2. The only time they got a rest day in between was if Jan 2 fell on a Sunday - the Kirk wouldn't have the day of rest profaned by games of football. 

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24 minutes ago, GG Riva said:

What a bunch of wimps! When I were a nipper (cue 'Hovis" tune) teams regularly played derby fixtures on Jan 1 and 2. The only time they got a rest day in between was if Jan 2 fell on a Sunday - the Kirk wouldn't have the day of rest profaned by games of football. 

Football had already gone soft by that point. Go a generation or two earlier and teams would play double headers on Xmas day!

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2 hours ago, scottyboy said:

Storm whatsitsname is on its way this evening.  Expect winds reaching 90mph, courtesy of Kingdom FM.

Arbroath breeze type.

The weather looks ok for Glasgow and the game. A bit of breeze from the North but dry. Fife will be very windy so maybe travel via Kincardine especially homeward bound with a WIN. COYP


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