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Threat to supporters in stadia.

Rengade Master

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It’s a feking joke now and tbh the people above making these decisions, right up to wee nippy don’t have a clue about football and how much we all want to watch our team play…This is going to ruin clubs without money….. plus another headache for our German investors who would have been looking over the festive period income…All for a mild virus that originated in SA and numbers are low so our government takes away everyone’s enjoyment over Xmas/new year🤷🏻‍♂️


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I’m glad the club supported a short suspension of the league. It’s a shame that a majority of clubs want to press on regardless. It seems it’s financially better to play behind closed doors than have 500 fans in.

I’d like to see the government analysis that proves it’s safe for exactly 500 people to attend any game regardless of the size of the ground and the quality of transport links.

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4 minutes ago, Number Eleven said:

I’m glad the club supported a short suspension of the league. It’s a shame that a majority of clubs want to press on regardless. It seems it’s financially better to play behind closed doors than have 500 fans in.

I’d like to see the government analysis that proves it’s safe for exactly 500 people to attend any game regardless of the size of the ground and the quality of transport links.

They don’t have any evidence. Jason leitch has even admitted they just made the number up 

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 We now have loads of folk off work due to this new strain with runny noses and sore throats. Get a package in place for those of us who don't get full sick pay. Can you remember when Boris was seriously ill in ICU? You would like to think after the nurses saved his life, he'd have been weary about having Xmas parties. Does he know something we don't?  Whats Sturgeon playing at tae? Whole thing is a ****fest now. Why did nobody listen to the SA lady with 30 odd years experience, saying this new variant was mild? 

Back to the Pars.....I'm glad they wanted to postpone till later.

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18 minutes ago, scottyboy said:

 We now have loads of folk off work due to this new strain with runny noses and sore throats. Get a package in place for those of us who don't get full sick pay. Can you remember when Boris was seriously ill in ICU? You would like to think after the nurses saved his life, he'd have been weary about having Xmas parties. Does he know something we don't?  Whats Sturgeon playing at tae? Whole thing is a ****fest now. Why did nobody listen to the SA lady with 30 odd years experience, saying this new variant was mild? 

Back to the Pars.....I'm glad they wanted to postpone till later.

Yep we have a mild virus that causes cold like symptoms…… it’s called the common cold ffs.

Name it Omicron and scaremonger the millions of folk out there as it’s a killer… 

Now no football and back to the rules like last year but this so called variant is mild….. 

Iv had all the jabs now and this is getting beyond a joke…. The hierarchy can make up what they want for us to do etc 

It’s a joke now.

Edited by Secure Par
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Oh Look the same conclusions as they found in RSA.

BREAKING New #Omicron study in Scotland and it looks like good news. ‘Early national data suggests that Omicron is associated with a two-thirds reduction in the risk of COVID-19 hospitalisation when compared to Delta.’ Experts from Edinburgh & Strathclyde Uni.

Sometimes waiting on data before making crippling decisions can be beneficial to all the industries being hardest hit!

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Said it before, absolute joke fest of a Government who ask us do do X,Y and Z based on scientific data then introduce this knee jerk ****show which will devastate clubs. Don't go to the Arbroath game but nip up the town to any rammed boozer and catch this deadly common cold. Well done Nicky well done. I know several younger folk who are choosing not to get the booster based on "what's the ****ing point'" after this latest fiasco. 

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9 hours ago, Superally said:

Disappointing but understandable regarding the games against Arbroath and ICT. However it's another example of Scottish Football and self interest at its worst.

I can't get my head round this at all. I was convinced that a 3 week suspension, with an opportunity to vote for a continuation or a resumption at the end of it, was a no brainer. 

At least 6 Championship clubs voted to carry on with the 500 fans ceiling regardless, in spite of having average attendances in 4 figures. I'm sure I could work out who they are by looking at the upcoming fixture list. I wonder how many of the chairmen/owners of these clubs gave even a passing thought to what their fans wanted? They may come to regret their decision if the restrictions continue beyond 3 weeks and a greater proportion of their home games are affected. 

We'll not be crying any crocodile tears for them.

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9 hours ago, Piracy said:

They can ram the situation up their arse. Season tickets now binned, it'll be a long time before I raise enough enthusiasm to head to a game. Only been to a handful of games anyway. F*ck them all 

I can completely empathise with your anger and frustration, but I hope it's not directed at the Pars, who have been shafted by a late decision by the SG and then inexplicably kicked in the nuts by some of their fellow Championship clubs. The decision to play the next two games behind closed doors, is completely understandable, imo. Can you imagine the seethe and outrage by disappointed fans (including ST holders) who would have missed out, if 500 had been allowed in? 

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39 minutes ago, GG Riva said:

I can completely empathise with your anger and frustration, but I hope it's not directed at the Pars, who have been shafted by a late decision by the SG and then inexplicably kicked in the nuts by some of their fellow Championship clubs. The decision to play the next two games behind closed doors, is completely understandable, imo. Can you imagine the seethe and outrage by disappointed fans (including ST holders) who would have missed out, if 500 had been allowed in? 

It's aimed at the Tories, it's aimed at the SNP, it's aimed at the league set up, it's aimed at scaremongering, it's aimed at blind obedience of us all, it's aimed at the reactionary policies, it's pure frustration. 

Have a family Christmas, don't have a family Christmas. Go to the football, don't go to the football. Go to a pub, don't go to a pub. Go for a meal, don't go for a meal. Go to a gig, don't go to a gig. Go anywhere wear your mask. Going out to socialise, test yourself before and after (lateral flows aren't even accurate, so book your PCR anyway). Can't hospital visit seriously ill parents. Wait over 4 hours for an emergency ambulance call. 

Yeah, frustrated like everyone else. Had enough of it like everyone else. I'm just sounding off. But I am genuinely limiting myself socially and withdrawing more and more. 

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10 hours ago, Boston Red Sox said:

 I know several younger folk who are choosing not to get the booster based on "what's the ****ing point'" after this latest fiasco. 

My middle son said exactly this. As much as I'm as annoyed at this whole situation outlined in your post and others, I can still see the benfits and have read a few things over the last couple of days that suggest with 2 x doses and a booster, it gives huge amounts of immunity. COuple that with having been infected, it works really, really well. 

So, I'll be persuading him to get it done.

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2 hours ago, Piracy said:

It's aimed at the Tories, it's aimed at the SNP, it's aimed at the league set up, it's aimed at scaremongering, it's aimed at blind obedience of us all, it's aimed at the reactionary policies, it's pure frustration. 

Have a family Christmas, don't have a family Christmas. Go to the football, don't go to the football. Go to a pub, don't go to a pub. Go for a meal, don't go for a meal. Go to a gig, don't go to a gig. Go anywhere wear your mask. Going out to socialise, test yourself before and after (lateral flows aren't even accurate, so book your PCR anyway). Can't hospital visit seriously ill parents. Wait over 4 hours for an emergency ambulance call. 

Yeah, frustrated like everyone else. Had enough of it like everyone else. I'm just sounding off. But I am genuinely limiting myself socially and withdrawing more and more. 

I think you're just saying what everyone is feeling mate. 

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2 hours ago, Piracy said:

It's aimed at the Tories, it's aimed at the SNP, it's aimed at the league set up, it's aimed at scaremongering, it's aimed at blind obedience of us all, it's aimed at the reactionary policies, it's pure frustration. 

Have a family Christmas, don't have a family Christmas. Go to the football, don't go to the football. Go to a pub, don't go to a pub. Go for a meal, don't go for a meal. Go to a gig, don't go to a gig. Go anywhere wear your mask. Going out to socialise, test yourself before and after (lateral flows aren't even accurate, so book your PCR anyway). Can't hospital visit seriously ill parents. Wait over 4 hours for an emergency ambulance call. 

Yeah, frustrated like everyone else. Had enough of it like everyone else. I'm just sounding off. But I am genuinely limiting myself socially and withdrawing more and more. 

Yip pretty much this. My older two bairns had their 18th and 21st birthdays during this, stuck by the rules, did everything that was asked but this, for them is the final straw. This cannot go on indefinitely,  especially when this latest strain is less viral than the flu. History tells us that all serious viral diseases (Spanish flu etc) mutate weaker and eventually the body can deal with it on it's own. We do need an exposure in order to achieve this.


I have pretty much played this straight down the line but in her unrelenting quest to be the first president of Scotland she has got this seriously wrong. Not a labour man but they as good as have my vote at the next election. 

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