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Threat to supporters in stadia.

Rengade Master

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6 minutes ago, Raymie said:

Big gamble by Boris, but the man will do anything to hang onto his job, including risking the lives of many people. 
Let’s see where England are in 2 weeks. I think this will backfire on him 

Backfire based on what? All data coming out the now is showing omicron is less severe and not resulting in as much hospitalisations considering the case numbers. I think in 2 weeks it’ll show that sturgeon acted too quickly, considering they are just making the restrictions up now and not based on any actual evidence 

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It’s really annoyed me as wee nippy brought in this 500 rule. Had planned a good day out with the wee man and friends then she does this…. But I can go down to England to watch a proper game etc…. It doesn’t make any sense at all tbh.

The new omicron is/was what we called the common cold and it’s probably more infectious than covid…. Time to just get on with it.

Wear a mask and sanitize hands etc but bring back fitbaw!!

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5 minutes ago, Raymie said:

Time will tell, gents. Wales and NI went the same way, as did Germany, Austria, Netherlands etc 

The point is when will it stop?  Do we have to conform to Bojo, nippy and those mental ministers in Ireland and wales when the data for the omicron is a load of nonesense? 
We should all be going to Starks Park tomm.

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Latest varient isn't as life threatening apparently to the vast majority of people, or too debilitating by all accounts. A lot of that can be attributed to the vaccine programme. 

So at what point do we actually accept that we've got to start living with this virus instead of shutting down society everytime we experience a new varient? 

We should be supporting our club at the game tomorrow. 

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Majority of us have been vaccinated and boostered then put back into restrictions. Not very fair in my opinion but could see it coming.

Omicron spreads quicker but seems to be less dangerous than delta.

All political parties make up the rules and don't follow them, they are all corrupt.


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It’s been known for a while Omicron was less severe than Delta and it’s only now they start to be reluctantly letting that out through the media because the data is struggling to hold up and it will be spun that the rules they put in place were critical.

Government need to be seen to be doing something, anything, but they’re simply making up rules now which quite frankly are laughable.

The 500 rule for example, 90 mins in an outdoor space, yet we can all go to the pub watch it on the telly, get merry and then make a night of it that can last many hours, hell we’re welcome in England for a game and few pints.

We’ve had this for over two years now, social distancing, mask wearing, not allowed to visit our family, at times only mixing with 3 households and 2 household pets…..

Those that got vaccinated, many took it on the premise they would get their freedoms back but that hasn’t materialised and aren’t much better off than those that haven’t taken it.

Those that were sceptical about it were just labelled conspiracy theorists and the ones to blame for all of this.

The fear that Government have instilled on people is shameful, there are still many that are afraid to leave their house, many are testing daily despite having no symptoms or cases in the house.

All whilst government are throwing parties and flouting the rules themselves.

The impact this has had on the economy and how it will impact the years to come.

They’ve managed to introduce vaccine passports which sets a dangerous precedent for the future.

People have had enough, it’s time to just live our lives. Looking forward to the day where it feels normal to shake someone’s hand rather than debating whether that’s acceptable or whether we should be air high fiving, touching elbows or arses or what a lot seem to do is just cross the road and ignore you.

Edited by Berry
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Scotland has some of the counties with the highest case rates in the UK despite the draconian restrictions we have been living with for months.

According to records released half the people going to hospital are only testing positive when they arrive and not going to hospital because of covid.

I saw a figure yesterday saying that in the whole UK only 20 people were in hospital currently solely because of covid and most likely the Delta variant as its symptoms are a little more severe.

If Omicron was so severe as football fan we are all aware of the amount of players in teams testing positive, as soon as they have finished isolation they are back in the team, doesn't sound like they have just been battling a life threatening disease if they are playing football at an elite level 7 days after catching it!

As for EEP being a danger to 2-400 fans sitting outside in a 12,000 seated stadium, but thousands sitting in the Ally Pally watching the darts isn't, how does that make any sense.

Had it 4 weeks ago was like a nasty cold with 3 bad days nothing normal cold remedies couldn't keep on top off.


Update from figures today. Only one person in Scotland has required ICU care for Omicron and less than 100 have required hospital treatment.

Edited by Rengade Master
Update added.
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The point some appear to be missing is not that omicron is less severe, it’s the number of people who are getting it, meaning they are absent from work. 
That means the likes of doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, police, firemen, bus drivers, train drivers, shop assistants, delivery drivers…..

this will impact on our daily lives and the economy. 

I just hope none of us have to phone for an ambulance in an emergency 

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2 minutes ago, Raymie said:

The point some appear to be missing is not that omicron is less severe, it’s the number of people who are getting it, meaning they are absent from work. 
That means the likes of doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, police, firemen, bus drivers, train drivers, shop assistants, delivery drivers…..

this will impact on our daily lives and the economy. 

I just hope none of us have to phone for an ambulance in an emergency 

USA 5 Day Isolation.

UK (except Scotland) 7 day Isolation.

Scotland 10 day isolation.

That is what is causing that issue Raymie.


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21 minutes ago, Rengade Master said:

USA 5 Day Isolation.

UK (except Scotland) 7 day Isolation.

Scotland 10 day isolation.

That is what is causing that issue Raymie.



Who does the Scottish Government take advice from?

or is it the same organisation and then Nippy, Bojo etc make their own minds up what to do and set their rules down?



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They all get the same data, SP, but Boris is trying to get back some credibility after all the sleaze revelations, otherwise I’m sure he would have made the same decisions ? 

I think the 10 day isolation period will be reviewed, only so that people in the public services can get back to work sooner. 
Not sure what scientific data pinpoints how long someone can be infectious ? 
It could well err on the side of caution? 

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