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Threat to supporters in stadia.

Rengade Master

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7 minutes ago, Raymie said:

Caught the tail end of an interview with Nicola Sturgeon on Scotland Tonight. Reading between the lines, I think the 500 crowds will probably be in place until the end of the month ? 
statement tomorrow in Holyrood 

Was hopeful it will be green light for go tomorrow and bigger crowds.

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The messaging at the moment does certainly lean towards extension of the restrictions.   The same industries are being hit once again,  it’s clear the government are very happy to chuck them under the bus so long as they can protect others.   Nothing to do with science,  only there opinion on how right or wrong those activities are. 

I hope for better tomorrow but that’s not what the last 2 years have suggested.


Edited by parsforlife
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16 minutes ago, Raymie said:

Caught the tail end of an interview with Nicola Sturgeon on Scotland Tonight. Reading between the lines, I think the 500 crowds will probably be in place until the end of the month ? 
statement tomorrow in Holyrood 

You mean lifted in time for the 6 nations game? Imagine that…..

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6 hours ago, Raymie said:

She explained that she didn't want "tens of thousands" travelling to a game sharing a car or using public transport. She also stated that games would require a certain level of policing and ambulance services, which were already strained.

Reasonable points, to be fair

The nhs is strained near enough every winter, will large events no longer be able to happen in Scotland during winter months again? 

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7 hours ago, Raymie said:

She explained that she didn't want "tens of thousands" travelling to a game sharing a car or using public transport. She also stated that games would require a certain level of policing and ambulance services, which were already strained.

Reasonable points, to be fair

So how are England managing? Far more sporting events far bigger crowds etc. Is this a hidden admission the Scottish NHS is in a far bigger mess than England?

She has expressed an interest to going to the Calcutta Cup at Murrayfield on 6/2/22, I don't know if that is supposed to be a wink in the direction towards Scottish Rugby that they don't need to book St James Park.

The 3 week review in not until the 17/1/22, no restrictions have been lifted earlier than an official review date so I wouldn't expect anything today except encouragement for an announcement,ent next week.

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I'm not a Sturgeon supporter, BTW, just trying to take the emotion out of it.

Boris doesn't give a ****, Andy, about the man in the street, is probably your answer, emphasised by attending a party at number 10, whilst the rest of us were not allowed to got to funerals, weddings or see family?

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7 minutes ago, Raymie said:

I'm not a Sturgeon supporter, BTW, just trying to take the emotion out of it.

Boris doesn't give a ****, Andy, about the man in the street, is probably your answer, emphasised by attending a party at number 10, whilst the rest of us were not allowed to got to funerals, weddings or see family?

And you think Sturgeon gives a **** about the average Joe in the street? She is a total **** and needs challenged on covid issues and on these pointless and damaging restrictions

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8 hours ago, Raymie said:

She explained that she didn't want "tens of thousands" travelling to a game sharing a car or using public transport. She also stated that games would require a certain level of policing and ambulance services, which were already strained.

Reasonable points, to be fair

Fair points but using us v ICT as an example would there be any police or ambulance present? Other than directing the traffic post game I don’t think so?  Same for most games outwith the SPL surely so why oh why is it capped at 500?

I’ve been pretty supportive of most restrictions but this capping at 500 is an absolute joke.

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51 minutes ago, Raymie said:

I'm not a Sturgeon supporter, BTW, just trying to take the emotion out of it.

Boris doesn't give a ****, Andy, about the man in the street, is probably your answer, emphasised by attending a party at number 10, whilst the rest of us were not allowed to got to funerals, weddings or see family?

Raymie, as a businessman I need an up and running economy, looking after over 400 hospitality venues who are earning no money due to these draconian measures affects me and my clients immensely.  

If it is any consolation we are now now looking after the Network Rail environmental services and that unfortunately means all the train strikes, we are averaging 4 suicides a week and they have been at unprecedented levels for the last 18 months and that is the side of things that no-one is speaking of but we are seeing at first hand. The average age is 23 it's bloody tragic.

As for Boris, if Nichola was getting as much attention from the media as he is then you wouldn't be able to split them for some of the rule breaks, but this is the final straw for Boris. Cheerio.

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9 hours ago, Raymie said:

She explained that she didn't want "tens of thousands" travelling to a game sharing a car or using public transport. She also stated that games would require a certain level of policing and ambulance services, which were already strained.

Reasonable points, to be fair

They're not really. Jason Leitch, and her own governmebts report said that the restrictions on football and hospitality had little bearing on how things have gone with Omicron. This is why it makes no sense for them to continue.

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