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Threat to supporters in stadia.

Rengade Master

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5 minutes ago, Superally said:

Its a terrible inconvenience Covid and public health

It's a legitimate concern as well, along with every other societal issue we need to concern ourselves with, which some of it might just not be getting the attention it deserves due to the huge concentration on Covid-19. Difficult to manage none the less. 

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46 minutes ago, scottyboy said:

Should have lifted restrictions from Friday, so some clubs could've got a wee financial lift  re bigger crowds.

The lower leagues weren't threatening to play their games in England were they! So no F's given.

Still no breaks for hospitality though!

No restrictions for supporters buses or in the grounds but theatres, cinemas and restaurants have to run at 1/5th capacity making them unviable.

52 folk in a coach for 2 hours fine singing, chanting and chatting,

6 people from 3 households 2 metres apart from the next table eating in a restaurant fine. Madness!

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I’m fed up with it all, rules being switched on and off like a tap when they make no sense when other parts of the UK are doing different things and some of the stuff they come out with just sounds made up.

They just need to be seen to be doing something and treating it seriously, this is getting more political by the day rather than on public health.

Its all gone on too long now, my grandfathers health has deteriorated so much in these last two years and it’s hard not to blame it on all of this. Been stuck in the house hardly moving over the fear put on him over this virus and the uncertainty as to what he can and can’t do.

All these lockdowns and restrictions have been put in place to protect us from covid but it is doing more harm than they think and care to acknowledge.

As for the Hamilton game, I bloody forgot and was sold out by the time I looked this afternoon. Might be a blessing in disguise I suppose as I can switch a stream off easily enough!

Moving to Monday would be a smart idea but wouldn’t happen, Accies hardly bring any fans anyway, we wouldn’t split the gate and the 500 probably benefits them more.

Nice to see the restrictions just being lifted though, just in time for the Celtic Hibs game, funny that, farcical.

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Other parts of the UK are doing different things based on their data. The Scottish Govt seem to be more cautious than Johnson & co down London way - although there is an argument that one administration cares more about the overall health of the citizens than others.

As for lifting the restrictions, they're never going to change things with immediate effect - there's always going to be a few days so that organisations can adjust. I'm guessing the decision to change on Monday is more to do with it being at the start of the week rather than to accommodate Hibs v Celtic.

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It was farcical the restrictions were implemented in the first place but there was always going to be a set date to lift them that wouldn’t please everyone. If the lifting of restrictions had moved to Saturday to suit football clubs you’d rightly have nightclub owners or music venues asking “well if they’re being lifted early for football why can’t you lift them on Friday instead etc etc”. Football fans seem to forgot it wasn’t the only industry to suffer. 

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2 hours ago, DA-go Par Adonis said:

Other parts of the UK are doing different things based on their data. The Scottish Govt seem to be more cautious than Johnson & co down London way - although there is an argument that one administration cares more about the overall health of the citizens than others.

As for lifting the restrictions, they're never going to change things with immediate effect - there's always going to be a few days so that organisations can adjust. I'm guessing the decision to change on Monday is more to do with it being at the start of the week rather than to accommodate Hibs v Celtic.

Previously however with changes announced on a Tuesday they have almost nearly all started at midnight on a Thursday/Friday or 4am on a Friday, including travel, supporters and hospitality.

Celtic and Hibs playing Monday night had no bearing on this you tell me?


They've had weeks of scientific data from England to show that fans in outdoor stadiums have had little or no effects on transmission as Scotland currently has higher rates than most of England despite not even having stadiums open.


Edited by Rengade Master
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Whilst I've little interest in trawling through the dates of when restrictions were announced/announced to be rescinded - and then their corresponding implementation - it's a matter of fact that full stadiums were first permitted back on 9th August 2021 (which was a Monday) and announced on Tuesday 3rd August.

As such, I'm inclined to believe that's just their policy when it comes to changes as material as this.  I'm therefore inclined to believe that it's little to do with a Celtic v Hibs match - especially in the current climate where sports events are regularly getting postponed due to covid outbreaks.

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