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Morton v Pars


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1 minute ago, rosythpar said:

Will be the same director who said dick Campbell was not good enough for the job both times

Will it? Was it the same director who's lumbered us with Hughes on such a long contract? Better hope it's got a release clause. 

If we weren't in such dire straights it'd be funny seing all the fans who thought Hughes was the best thing since sliced bread, perform such mental gymnastics to try and absolve Hughes of all blame. 

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Sorry but in a relegation dogfight and leaving your top 2 strikers on the bench every week is a recipe for disaster. Genuinely embarrassing for us the now, what point does the manager start taking some blame? Team selection for weeks has been shocking, Ryan dow done nothing all season yet seems to get a game every week. Todd, Allan, McCann aren’t the answer either

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Only Dunfermline could get an investment that looks transformational and manage to make such a mess of the on field decisions.

hiring Grant and then replacing him with Hughes - both of whom recently relegated teams in this league, looks like the most obviously stupid combo of decisions possible.  Yet we’ve done it.

All for supporting and giving folk a chance, but sometimes standing back and seeing the obvious is all that’s needed. 

Christ what an absolute cluster****.

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It just feels like a big slap in the face this season if I can speak openly. I remember at the start, push for promotion was the aim so get on board and buy your season tickets.

You look at the teams this season in the league and you genuinely think as well this could be our best shot in a while.

All the money and contributions we’ve given as fans to the club, think we have a right to be miffed off at how the money has been spent and the way this season has gone.

This game was lost before a ball was kicked looking at that lineup. COVID or not, this is unacceptable, to be in a position where we are fielding a team like this.

Allan, Todd, McCann should be nowhere near the lineup, especially when we’re in a relegation fight, Morton have players who are street wise and will run over them.

This transfer window is absolutely critical, we don’t get it right it won’t be long until we start thinking about how to survive in League One.

Make no mistake, this team at the moment is a mid table League One side, and that’s me being generous.

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Here's the thing, every man and there dog complaining about the midfield being rubbish and not being up to task. 



The way Hughes has set this team up requires the centre of midfield to be the strongest part of the team, again this isn't a surprise, it's what Hughes has always done, so please, no nonsense about Hughes not being to blame. 

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