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Ross Graham loan cancelled

Al k

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13 minutes ago, Al k said:

As expected confirmed now, sad really Grant did him no favours keeping him in the team when he did.

All the best but sadly didn't work out for him. 

Correct.  Grant let the boy sink.   Was a crying shame what happened to the lad.  He clearly needed dropped for a bit to build confidence but the manager at the time persisted on that shape and those player selections which continued to expose the lad to risk.  He was relied upon to get the ball forward and obviously that became another risk area.

Best luck to the lad and hope he rebuilds his confidence.

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1 hour ago, Raymie said:

Frees up the wage for Donaldson, I presume. ?

Chances he will go out on loan again and hopefully get his confidence back ?

I assuming that wage would allow another in? Sure Yogi would have known about the situation with Gaspuitis and the possibility of Graham, Connolly too? that wasn't a signing of his and may want to send him back.

Not that i would expect him to return, the best we have at the moment. 

Edited by Al k
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Just didn't work out for the lad here, the best thing for him will be to return to Cove on loan till the end of the season or another league 1 side.

Yogi had the budget to bring 3 players in- Lawless,Martin and Donaldson. Now that Kennedy and Graham have returned to their parent clubs and Gaspuitis returning to Lithuania,that frees up wages to bring in three new players, I expect one will be Connolly.

I think it will be announced soon that both parties have mutually agreed to terminate Reece Cole's contract, which will free up wages to bring another player in.


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I think it's wrong to say Grant didn't do him any favours by keeping him in the team, Grant didn't do him any favours by persisting with a back 3. A system that it was clear to anyone with eyes and a modicum of football knowledge that the players weren't comfortable with and one that we didn't have the players to play, ably demonstrated by performances and the fact we consistently played players out of position to make a square peg fit a round hole and make it work. 

It would have been good to see how he would have fitted into a 4 from the start instead of once his confidence was completely annihilated.

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21 hours ago, rosythpar said:

Just didn't work out for the lad here, the best thing for him will be to return to Cove on loan till the end of the season or another league 1 side.

Yogi had the budget to bring 3 players in- Lawless,Martin and Donaldson. Now that Kennedy and Graham have returned to their parent clubs and Gaspuitis returning to Lithuania,that frees up wages to bring in three new players, I expect one will be Connolly.

I think it will be announced soon that both parties have mutually agreed to terminate Reece Cole's contract, which will free up wages to bring another player in.


I did wonder if it was 3 players plus however many left the Club. So if Cole goes that’s 4 more players we have a budget for in theory? Chuck in the size of KK’s wages and the fact that Martin is probably on a low basic wage then we could be looking at more players coming in. Also likely that we may attempt to move on a few more?

Could be looking at between 8 and 10 new players this window which isn’t ideal but is definitely needed.

Impressed that we got Lawless and Donaldson done so quickly. Fingers crossed for a world class centre midfielder by the weekend 😃

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17 minutes ago, livipar2 said:

I did wonder if it was 3 players plus however many left the Club. So if Cole goes that’s 4 more players we have a budget for in theory? Chuck in the size of KK’s wages and the fact that Martin is probably on a low basic wage then we could be looking at more players coming in. Also likely that we may attempt to move on a few more?

Could be looking at between 8 and 10 new players this window which isn’t ideal but is definitely needed.

Impressed that we got Lawless and Donaldson done so quickly. Fingers crossed for a world class centre midfielder by the weekend 😃

At least one centre mid in by Saturday minimum I hope

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If Cole leaves it won't be for hee haw, he'll quite rightly be after a severance fee. 

Unless it's a loan returning, or a player being sold(Wighton) its unlikely any player who leaves during this window will get the same wage, as such they'll want that wage re imbursed in some measure by us. 8 players out doesn't equate to 8 in, unless the players coming in cost less, or we've had an increase in budget. And considering season ticket sales, sacking a manager and covid, how would we have an increase in budget? 

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