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10 hours ago, Secure Par said:

If I was a striker signed for the pars now and they brought in a Leeds U23 lad that has hardly played for the team in front of me…. I would be embarrassed. The strikers we have must be brutal if Yogi sees this.

All the best to the you lad. Looks a big built player and hopefully a 4-4-2 formation👍

I agree, but they have had time to impress the manager and clearly, they haven’t, so I would expect Todorov to get moved on, if possible ? 
O’Hara will probably be moved on in the summer ?

Edited by Raymie
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Yogi seems to place great store in a player’s attitude and I think there is a lot of merit in that. It had been evident for some time that there were a handful of players who were not putting in adequate shifts for the Pars.

One or two presumably didn’t take to the Yogi style, while others may already have given up before he arrived, scunnered by Peter Grant. Yogi is clearing those out. 

Logic dictates that a player like Wighton would always be chosen ahead of McCann, but he wasn't... why do you think that was? Same would surely apply to Toderov too... why?

With more players out than in, our squad might appear a little bit threadbare at the moment, but a couple more new faces will probably be enough.

Let’s hope that Yogi has picked well this window. So much depends on our survival in this division. The board appear to have given him fair freedom to shuffle his pack, so fair dos to them.

I don't know about you, but I am quite excited about seeing how the refreshed squad melds during the remainder of this season. it has been quite a nightmare so far, so hopefully fewer sleepless nights await us.

At least we should be better equipped for the relegation fight if our players are all singing from the same songbook.




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19 hours ago, kelty_par said:

Yet near enough every post you’ve put up about him, you’ve complained or had a go at him. Strange that 

Not strange at all, we've been guff for most of the season and I'm not particularly happy with the season, surely if I wanted Yogi to fail I'd be happy? It's an utterly ridiculous statement, no Pars fan is wanting Hughes to fail. 

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There are Pars fans out there that seem ridiculously hard to please tho, like they haven't quite grasped our current desperate predicament & how hard it must be any January to improve a squad.

The manager is doing his very best to improve things - time will tell if it works but I think the early signings (Lawless & Donaldson) give hope for the rest of the season.

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1 hour ago, da_no_1 said:

There are Pars fans out there that seem ridiculously hard to please tho, like they haven't quite grasped our current desperate predicament & how hard it must be any January to improve a squad.

The manager is doing his very best to improve things - time will tell if it works but I think the early signings (Lawless & Donaldson) give hope for the rest of the season.

Lawless in particular was a very good signing. Donaldson has pedigree but truthfully, would we have been better with Gaspuitis? Hard to say. 

A Pars fan who isn't happy with the club being bottom of the Championship isn't ridiculously hard to please. 

Agreed that January is a hard window, the increase in subs will only make it more difficult. 

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1 hour ago, Piracy said:

Just be clear on Gaspuitis wanting away. The lad wanted home as he was home sick (keeping it simple). I don't think we had many options regarding keeping him fully motivated and engaged. Sometimes these things happen 

On the interview from Yogi, Gaspuitis not playing really exacerbated his home sickness. I don't think he deserved to get dropped at the time he did. 

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