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2 hours ago, Berry said:

I’ve not really got the business acumen to comment on the specifics, my underlying thought was why not just do it now, if they plan to do it in the future anyway regardless.

The investment is all well and good, the stuff going on in Rosyth is all well and good, but all pointless if we continue to fail to get it right on game day. 

Winning is all it takes to get supporters on board, we’re relatively simple creatures.

The official line is that due to covid and travel issues, they can't be hands on. Which is understandable

Personally I think there might be an element of the team troubles putting them off.

If they are in full control at this stage, there might be an expectancy/pressure from fans for them to spend on the first team to help us out of this. This set-up let's them fund projects they initially wanted to do and not take the brunt of fan frustration if we get into a Falkirk situation over the next few years. 

Edited by Tartan Army Par
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Renegade: just to mention that if you are referring to Pars United (EEP)Ltd then you don't have to be a football club director to be on its board. Indeed Patrick Burns, a chartered surveyor, is on the board and nothing to do with DAFC ltd. The other two directors are Bob Garmory and Billy Braisby who are appointed because of their property and building knowledge. 

If you look at the accounts, you'll see that the stadium is held in the balance sheet at cost. Not valuation. This is a much more conservative approach than used to be the case in the pre administration past. No borrowing is secured on the property, and nor will it because the ground belongs to the shareholders who paid The Bank of Scotland cash for it. 

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1 hour ago, The Roy Barry Fan Club said:

Renegade: just to mention that if you are referring to Pars United (EEP)Ltd then you don't have to be a football club director to be on its board. Indeed Patrick Burns, a chartered surveyor, is on the board and nothing to do with DAFC ltd. The other two directors are Bob Garmory and Billy Braisby who are appointed because of their property and building knowledge. 

If you look at the accounts, you'll see that the stadium is held in the balance sheet at cost. Not valuation. This is a much more conservative approach than used to be the case in the pre administration past. No borrowing is secured on the property, and nor will it because the ground belongs to the shareholders who paid The Bank of Scotland cash for it. 

Sorry you are correct PUCIC can appoint 2 of the directors to PUEEP. But the dilution of share issue has consequences to PUEEP and does appear to against the original resolution.



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Renegade: in June 2020 it was announced that GmbH would be in due course, replace PUCIC  as the holding company. That was extensively discussed at the time. 

I very much regret that it was necessary to move from the previous model because I would much prefer a fan owned model but that model was unable to generate enough investment to take the club forward.  By the way, I am also a member of the PST, and have put money in via them as well as directly. 

So when you recall what Bob Garmory said or cite these notes, you are talking about a situation pre 2020. In due course, the holding company of dafc will become GmbH and not PUCIC as the result of a takeover. 

Hope that helps.

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I really like these guys and the way they’ve been conducting themselves through some pretty awful times.  Listening to Damir again from that initial conversation, “we want to do something with people we enjoy spending time with away from work”.  Don’t underestimate that part about how much they had in common with our board and the why they invested.  I’m hopeful that the new CEO on the board will make a very big difference to a lot of the links at the moment such as comms with fans.  

I would also add that say if we were at least midtable, a lot of the suspicion and negativity about these guys would vanish. As to be expected, when things on the park aren’t going well, folk start picking on everything to do with the club from the catering to the sports science to the lethargy of ball persons…etc… 😂

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10 minutes ago, Rossmcno1 said:

I really like these guys and the way they’ve been conducting themselves through some pretty awful times.  Listening to Damir again from that initial conversation, “we want to do something with people we enjoy spending time with away from work”.  Don’t underestimate that part about how much they had in common with our board and the why they invested.  I’m hopeful that the new CEO on the board will make a very big difference to a lot of the links at the moment such as comms with fans.  

I would also add that say if we were at least midtable, a lot of the suspicion and negativity about these guys would vanish. As to be expected, when things on the park aren’t going well, folk start picking on everything to do with the club from the catering to the sports science to the lethargy of ball persons…etc… 😂

Morning Ross

You will find I generally don't make too many comments regarding what's going on on the pitch, I didn't think Grant was the right appointment nor Yogi, but we as fans have no influence on the board in their appointments. We the fans can only hold them to account in respect of their decisions.

Football has changed dramatically especially over the last 10 years or so, and so have supporters. The biggest factor I feel is as supporters we supported our team, abused, berated the opposition players, fans, management and officials.

Nowadays the abuse is directed to our own (same with most clubs) and this comes as we have seen on social media, on the pitch, at home even buying petrol or going to the shops. Stevie Crawford, John Potter and Ross have all spoken about it.

For young players on a football pitch living in a social media driven environment it must be god damn bloody awful having your life scrutinised by some awful people.

Imagine 2 players from the club now owning clubs and pubs in the town and working in them most nights...........In those days John and Norrie were heroes win, lose or draw and you would find many players and club staff out enjoying themselves and mingling with fans and happy to speak about on and off field shenanigans. 

However, scepticism into current events I don't think is a bad thing with recent events at the club and common situations with Hearts and any club who has had investors show an interest or buy into or all the club. Newcastle under Mike Ashley is another example. 

The initial team after administration, Purvis, Leishman, Garmory and a few others made assurances to the fans that this will never be allowed to happen again. The club was run quite successfully in that guise for a number of years with good teams and promotion battles.

We now have a club in freefall these guys have gone a new regime in (to a degree) yes devoted supporters and certainly good guys, but the club is not in as good a place as when they took over.

The future is where to look and to try and foresee is impossible as fans.

But to blindly accept this is the best way forward unchallenged with no plan (except a training ground) is naive. Surely hearing things like we want to invest in the team and have granted additional funds to the manager to allow him to strengthen the team to prevent relegation as this can not be allowed to happen to our great club. We have Meggle using his extensive knowledge of German football to recruit some players until the end of the season ?

My final line, a con man/woman doesn't walk into your home and tells you he's here to con you out your life savings. 9/10 they build up trust with you and all around you and they are the most charming person you have had the pleasure to meet. By the time you and those around you have realised they have totally mugged you off they are long gone, and you have the silent folk standing around saying I knew there was something not right but I was told to shut up, or I didn't say anything.

With no emotional attachment in business it is even easier as it is nearly always financially driven, as long as money is being flashed everything is going to be great.

I would like to think I'm way off the mark. Maybe I have done too much digging into a lot of the things around the club. 

But I remain sceptical.

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59 minutes ago, Rengade Master said:

Morning Ross

You will find I generally don't make too many comments regarding what's going on on the pitch, I didn't think Grant was the right appointment nor Yogi, but we as fans have no influence on the board in their appointments. We the fans can only hold them to account in respect of their decisions.

Football has changed dramatically especially over the last 10 years or so, and so have supporters. The biggest factor I feel is as supporters we supported our team, abused, berated the opposition players, fans, management and officials.

Nowadays the abuse is directed to our own (same with most clubs) and this comes as we have seen on social media, on the pitch, at home even buying petrol or going to the shops. Stevie Crawford, John Potter and Ross have all spoken about it.

For young players on a football pitch living in a social media driven environment it must be god damn bloody awful having your life scrutinised by some awful people.

Imagine 2 players from the club now owning clubs and pubs in the town and working in them most nights...........In those days John and Norrie were heroes win, lose or draw and you would find many players and club staff out enjoying themselves and mingling with fans and happy to speak about on and off field shenanigans. 

However, scepticism into current events I don't think is a bad thing with recent events at the club and common situations with Hearts and any club who has had investors show an interest or buy into or all the club. Newcastle under Mike Ashley is another example. 

The initial team after administration, Purvis, Leishman, Garmory and a few others made assurances to the fans that this will never be allowed to happen again. The club was run quite successfully in that guise for a number of years with good teams and promotion battles.

We now have a club in freefall these guys have gone a new regime in (to a degree) yes devoted supporters and certainly good guys, but the club is not in as good a place as when they took over.

The future is where to look and to try and foresee is impossible as fans.

But to blindly accept this is the best way forward unchallenged with no plan (except a training ground) is naive. Surely hearing things like we want to invest in the team and have granted additional funds to the manager to allow him to strengthen the team to prevent relegation as this can not be allowed to happen to our great club. We have Meggle using his extensive knowledge of German football to recruit some players until the end of the season ?

My final line, a con man/woman doesn't walk into your home and tells you he's here to con you out your life savings. 9/10 they build up trust with you and all around you and they are the most charming person you have had the pleasure to meet. By the time you and those around you have realised they have totally mugged you off they are long gone, and you have the silent folk standing around saying I knew there was something not right but I was told to shut up, or I didn't say anything.

With no emotional attachment in business it is even easier as it is nearly always financially driven, as long as money is being flashed everything is going to be great.

I would like to think I'm way off the mark. Maybe I have done too much digging into a lot of the things around the club. 

But I remain sceptical.

Hey RM.  Appreciate the note, and absolutely a healthy dose of scepticism is appropriate when it comes to our club.  I just think as a general support (not so much on this forum) we are pretty quick to jump to negatives based on in the instant results on the park, flip side with positives too!  “Yogis at the wheel” after 2 wins (shudder).

Time will tell with these guys. 

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