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Efe Ambrose


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47 minutes ago, rosythpar said:

Ambrose has had a good career and would bring a wealth of experience and quality but wouldn't be any use if he cant play near enough every game from now till the end of the season.

I would imagine Yogi will have him in for a couple of training sessions before offering him a deal to see what his fitness is like.

Dorrans had a good career but hasn't been a standout for us so far,I still think it was a crazy decision to give him a 2 year deal. We need to do proper research this time in our recruitment.


Dorrans has been a good signing for us, and anyone who says that he has been poor really hasn't got a clue what they're watching to be honest.

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1 hour ago, Digs said:

Dorrans has been a good signing for us, and anyone who says that he has been poor really hasn't got a clue what they're watching to be honest.

That’s a bit unfair though Digs on folk who disagree.  

He’s been in and out, and has made a fair bunch of mistakes that led to goals when he was getting up to speed, and also made the mistake that led to the goal getting us knocked out the Scottish cup.  We’re not talking about someone who when playing was making a marked difference to results all the way.   He may not have been poor all the time, but he has had poor games and overall hasn’t been particularly great for me.  He may be the “best midfielder” at the club but he hasn’t performed like it at times, and given the lack of quality in our teams midfield - I wouldn’t say being best of what we’ve got is a particularly big boast! 😂

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I really like him as a footballer & we should be able to build a team around him but until we compliment him better in midfield we're much better off without him, as Saturday showed. I'm no tactician so can't really explain it better than that.

The only other time he played & the whole team played well was Ayr at home, someone who knows their stuff can maybe explain the difference that day (other than Ayr being murder)


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I'll agree he has made mistakes, but majority of those were when he was just coming back from not having played in 6 weeks. None of his spells out have been due to him being older than grass, he got clattered against Raith with a shocking tackle (and btw had made a 50 yard run to track back and make a tackle in that game that nobody else was near making) and he has had Covid. I'm not sure how we could have possibly mitigated against either of those scenarios or how either of them justify the opinion he is not worth a 2 year deal.

He rarely gives the ball away, and is one of the few players who tries to play a forward pass. This utter nonsense that our lack of creativity being entirely down to the players in centre mid is one of those things that has been allowed to grow and it's not true. Saturday showed what I've been saying all season is our problem - The formation and the pace/tempo of the way we play. 

What changed that on saturday? A formation with inverted wingers that allowed the full backs more opportunity to get forward because we had a plyer in there in Lawless that could make it stick when it got to the final 3rd, and actually used it to link in with the full backs and also the centre mids when they were on the ball, ie the midfield actually had something to hit for a change other than just a big guy to fling it up to and hope for the best. 

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2 hours ago, Digs said:

Dorrans has been a good signing for us, and anyone who says that he has been poor really hasn't got a clue what they're watching to be honest.

Nah I don’t think that’s fair at all. He’s by no means been as poor as he’s been made out in certain quarters but to make an assertion like yours above is wrong imo. 

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2 hours ago, Digs said:

Dorrans has been a good signing for us, and anyone who says that he has been poor really hasn't got a clue what they're watching to be honest.

Well, at least I now know that I have no idea what I have been watching for the last 50 odd years.The 'Digs' has, thankfully, cleared that up for me, as I am of the opinion that DROSSans was an exceptionally poor signing. Slows the game down far too much, and is not nearly as good a player as he and the, so called, pundits make out. Just a further thought, from someone who obviously hasn't a clue, have a look at Dundees record at the beginning of last season with DROSSans in the team and compare it with that after they ditched him! Oh aye, promotion!

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1 hour ago, da_no_1 said:

I really like him as a footballer & we should be able to build a team around him but until we compliment him better in midfield we're much better off without him, as Saturday showed. I'm no tactician so can't really explain it better than that.

The only other time he played & the whole team played well was Ayr at home, someone who knows their stuff can maybe explain the difference that day (other than Ayr being murder)


In fairness with regards to the Ayr game that’s all the explanation needed. Dorrans was as given as much time as he wanted that day. That probably was his best game for us but that was 100% down to the opposition absolutely chucking it to a degree I’ve rarely witnessed before 

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1 hour ago, Keyser Soze said:

In fairness with regards to the Ayr game that’s all the explanation needed. Dorrans was as given as much time as he wanted that day. That probably was his best game for us but that was 100% down to the opposition absolutely chucking it to a degree I’ve rarely witnessed before 

Only match I watched at 2-0 this season, you knew it was game over, when the 2nd went in.

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Dorrans is the best player on our books, don’t think many can argue with that. Throughout the season, whenever we’ve played well and got points, most of the time its because Dorrans has had a great game.

Think the criticism of him has been pretty harsh this season. Yes he’s made mistakes but that’s inevitable when we’ve been relying on him so much in a team where there is a real lack of experience through the core.

If anything we as a club have let him down as we haven’t been able to build a decent team around him.

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36 minutes ago, Berry said:

Dorrans is the best player on our books, don’t think many can argue with that. Throughout the season, whenever we’ve played well and got points, most of the time its because Dorrans has had a great game.

Think the criticism of him has been pretty harsh this season. Yes he’s made mistakes but that’s inevitable when we’ve been relying on him so much in a team where there is a real lack of experience through the core.

If anything we as a club have let him down as we haven’t been able to build a decent team around him.

I would say Thomas is the best player on the books just now. Only player who can score a goal from nothing   Dorrans has had the best career so far though. Dorrans a better player than Wighton as well.

Edited by scottyboy
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The main issue with Dorrans is that he’s had a good career and played at a high level but he hasn’t been able to influence games in a positive way. He’s made a few costly mistakes but not scored or set up any goals I can recall. I think he has been poor, as all Pars players have been this season. 
I think he was also a disappointment at Dundee when he was 2 years younger so that should have acted as a warning.

 I would also assume that given his experience he’s likely to be one of the more expensive assets in the squad so expectations are, quite rightly, higher.

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53 minutes ago, Kdy Par said:

Spoke to my mate who’s a saints fan. He said they are looking for new centre halfs and when they get them in, I think Ambrose will be free to leave then. He was only on bench tonight due to 3 loan players who were all defenders having loans deals cut short 

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