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Efe Ambrose


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12 minutes ago, Piracy said:

Maybe just consider the use of '****ing ****e' craic. 

Fair dinkum. 




59 minutes ago, Piracy said:

Dorrans is a good player. Start getting favourable results, build confidence, get a settled formation and he'll be a different player. 

Always time for opinions to change, football fans are notoriously fickle. I think if he was in a good possession based team ala Raith with Ross Mathew's next to him and Ross and Zanatta out wide he'd look good. We simply don't have the right players to make our Central midfield tick. 


I thought it was quite a bold shout for Dorrans to start on the bench, if he's available he's tended to start. 

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1 hour ago, Grant said:

And from reading those who watched him in Australia, he didn't set the heather alight out there either. You'd have to go back years, and years to try and find performances that justify him being our best paid player, while ignoring years worth of average performances. I'm also guessing that we would've offered him on the contract based on his history, rather than us having a scouting network in the Australian league tipping us of? 


He's alright, we don't particularly miss him when he's not playing, and when he does he's more likely to slow the tempo down than he is to progress us up the park, as with most things they need blanaced up, for what we'll be giving Dorrans he quite frankly isn't giving enough back, that doesn't necessarily make him a bad player, but it does mean he's not been a good signing. 

You say you don't talk down to people, however you then say in the last paragraph that you know what you said is condescending? 

I didn't imply that at all, my post was clearly about how midfield was our biggest problem, asking you to ask Yogi about that while showing evidence about the whole team structure is done with the centre midfield deficiencys in mind is inferring exactly that, centre midfield is our biggest problem, don't get angsty because you're looking so deeply into posts to try help your own narrative. 

There's a good amount of justification for criticising Dorrans performances, unsurprisingly when we've been stinking the league out for most of the season. Likewise it's pretty hard to say whether Yogi has been a good, or bad choice. There's sadly some worrying signs in his tenure though that people were worried about when he was appointed. However he might turn out good. 


Or maybe, just a thought, that merely playing as a centre back doesn't make you an oracle of knowledge for everything there is to know about the game? I played as a defender but its not like me yeeting balls into the channel for a striker to chase gives me special insight into the game. It also doesn't make me more likely to criticise a midfielder, than it does for me to criticise a goalkeeper, a striker or, a defender. 


I won't take your advice because I already am calm, now if I capitalising random words? That would come across as angsty.  there'll be opinions I have on our state of play that absolutely won't align with what other posters think, and that's alright, it doesn't mean that they don't know what they're talking about, that's football. I don't hold my opinion of it in such a regard that I think what I say, is. 

Angsty 😂 Aye okey-doke. I’m 46 years old pal, it’s a long time since I’ve been angsty about anything, let alone a stranger trying to get me to bite on an Internet forum.

I could sit here all night and go back and forth but I won’t. I’ve made my points. 

Only thing I’ll say is this. I’ve apologised for my initial post, so let’s leave it at that. Flame wars are not what we’re all about. 

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Thread gone quite a bit off topic. Back into Efe though, hoping we get him over the line sooner rather than later, if ofcourse he is interested in coming and St Johnstone willing to let him go.

I can understand how it’s difficult to bring people in, getting the right experience to come play in a relegation battle isn’t going to be top of many players wishlist.

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2 minutes ago, rosythpar said:

Wish I never mentioned dorrans now lol


Anyway hopefully if the club can bring Effe in and he can lead the back line it will take pressure of the midfield.

So Effe, a CM(the Dundee Utd guy Hotti has been mentioned) and a striker(If we had cash I would have gone for the QOS striker that was decent against us… small guy but good and was a handful to deal with.



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Cool so it’s been decided I’m not permitted to have a differing opinion and any posts that don’t tow the party line will be deleted.

Anyway, notice Cove signed Reynolds tonight. Wonder if we looked at him? I think he stays up North so possibly would’ve suited him to stay in that neck of the woods. Cove handing out big bucks relatively speaking these days as well. 

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42 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

Cool so it’s been decided I’m not permitted to have a differing opinion and any posts that don’t tow the party line will be deleted.

Anyway, notice Cove signed Reynolds tonight. Wonder if we looked at him? I think he stays up North so possibly would’ve suited him to stay in that neck of the woods. Cove handing out big bucks relatively speaking these days as well. 

They beat us to the signature of Iain Vigurs in the summer, they did offer him a three year deal and he is from that area so you cant blame him.


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Just now, Keyser Soze said:

Are they full time? I think they beat a few championship clubs to his signature. 

They are part time at the moment but think they aren't that far away from going full time, maybe if they get promoted this season. We offered Vigurs a contract a day before he signed for Cove but his mind was made up according to the paper. 

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