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5 hours ago, rosythpar said:

A couple of weeks ago the discussion on talksport was should you be allowed to play new signings for a rearranged fixture. Southampton had a game postponed vs Newcastle and weren't happy that Newcastle would have new players in for the rearranged fixture.

It is an interesting topic and if a rule was in place we would be without Martin,Lawless and Donaldson.

That’s the rules in the cups.

League it’s generally accepted that depending on timing you might play against sides after they’ve made signings when others didn’t have too.  

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17 hours ago, Raymie said:

Sad to see him go. He had his hairy moments but in a struggling team that is going to happen. His leadership qualities were clear to see right from his debut at Starks and we are absolutely going to miss that unless we can fnd an equally good leader/organiser/communicator as his replacement. This position worries me way more than any supposed midfield crisis. 

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No new signings in the bag, so i expect the only changes from last weekend winning team will be Breen coming in for Connolly. I'll go for:


Comrie Donaldson Breen Edwards

Dow Pybus Todd Allan

Lawless McCann

I suspect there will be appearances for Dorans, Martin and O'Hara at some point. I suppose players fitness returning from Covid may have an impact and also if there any new cases! 


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17 hours ago, Superally said:

No new signings in the bag, so i expect the only changes from last weekend winning team will be Breen coming in for Connolly. I'll go for:


Comrie Donaldson Breen Edwards

Dow Pybus Todd Allan

Lawless McCann

I suspect there will be appearances for Dorans, Martin and O'Hara at some point. I suppose players fitness returning from Covid may have an impact and also if there any new cases! 


I think it’ll be Martin and Donaldson as centre halves today 

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1 minute ago, Keyser Soze said:

Agreed. It’s far from ideal. It is what it is. I’ve no doubts that the club are trying their best but most clubs are in the same boat with regards to recruitment 

With premiership teams waiting on getting their own players in, they might be reluctant to give players away until they have squads finalised. I see St Johnstone are about to sign another defender, might allow Ambrose to leave now if we are still after him.

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