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Ross McCarthur


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I’m assuming this man can’t have his mind turned and for him to stay on as chairman long term?

The Grant appointment ofcourse was poor but not solely down to him and whilst Grant was in charge and with Yogi in the last few interviews he is being called out for his work ethic and love for the club.

Feels like a big own goal we could score here because of a minority of fans hurling unnecessary abuse at the man and his family.

What he may lack at times in football acumen it’ll be much harder getting a replacement in who’s as dedicated to the club and has the finger on the pulse with the finances.

Edited by Berry
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Never say never, but I believe it's highly unlikely. My understanding is that the other directors tried their hardest to get Ross to reconsider his decision to step down before it was made public, but reluctantly accepted that his health and that of his family must come first.

A rather sad ending for a Chairman who has done so much behind the scenes, to firstly save our club from extinction and then navigate it through the choppy waters which followed. Countless, unpaid hours, to restore the Pars battered reputation and rebuild the club as the focal point of the community. 

Only a tiny proportion of Pars fans are fully aware of what he has achieved in this respect, because he has deliberately kept things low key. The appointment of Peter Grant proved to be disastrous for the club and Ross has taken all the flak for it. All the good he did before that seemed to have been forgotten. 

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I hope he continues with his plan to step back.  It’s clear he needs a break and let’s be fair, he’s done it for 6 years through some of the most horrendous stress and pressure.  It’s best for both parties that the plan that’s been communicated is executed and he can get back to being a fan and his family can enjoy his company again.


 I really hope we can avoid the drop this season and finish on a bit of a high so that his contribution can be recognised. 

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What's not already been said about this man?, he's a Pars legend in my eyes. 

He highlighted our clubs plight in 2012, he then stood up and led the supporters to take on Masterton. We won the club back mainly due to him.

He then united various supporter factions into a cohesive unit to take the club forward.

He has worked tirelessly, relentlessly and with passion on behalf of this club, and we as supporters have all benefitted from that.

You couldn't even begin to count the hours he's put in for no monetary gain, in fact it's cost him money, a lot of money. 

He's a decent, principled, honest and  respectful man. He deserves nothing but respect and gets respect from the vast majority of Pars fans. 

He will be missed by this club, but he's right to step away now. He's done his time. 

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Ross has done a great/brave job on getting us to where we are and should be proud of himself.

I really think he should step down and leave it to the new owners now and take a long deserved holiday/ break with his family. 
Great service to the club and as he has said time for someone new to come in and take the club forward. All the best to the guy!

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Yogi is desperate for Ross to stay on in some capacity but I think his wife has been wanting him to stand down for a while now.

Ross will be looking forward to returning to the North West as a supporter next season and have a deserved break. He will still help the board if they ask him for his help.

I think we will see some new faces joining the board next season, we will also have David Cook starting in his role as CEO.

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As much as I think it's a huge loss to the club and it's infrastructure, I respect Ross enough to want him to do what's right for him and his family, he has absolutely earned that right. 

We've also got David Cook coming in, who Ross was involved in recruiting, so as someone who ran the club day to day for the last ten years, I respect his judgement as to his replacement, and I look forward to seeing what sort of job he does, and look forward to seeing Ross back in his seat in the NW, where he belongs.

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