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David Goodwillie


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Absolutely the right thing for Rovers to do. 

It will however take a lot to undo the damage of the last few days:

1. John Sim wont be going anywhere. It would take a couple of million to remove him from club and ground and that sort of money is unlikely to materialise any time soon from any credible/legitimate source. Nor can Sim afford to write it off. What about the other three directors who backed him ? Do the other two directors come back?

2. What about the football management team ? They have pushed for the signing very clearly. 

3. What about Benedictus and his unfortunate comments this morning -- could no-one have stopped him from making an arse of himself before he made his statement [CEO?]?

4. What about Val -- she called the female CEO out as having misled her on Woman's Hour yesterday. Said to her face two weeks ago no signing -- and then went an did the deal with Goodwillie and nobody spoke to Val. Cant see them sitting down together any time soon.

5. Will the volunteers come back if board is still there?

6. Will the fans come back if board is still there?

7. What about present and future sponsors? Damage to the Rovers brand.

8. How much will it cost to arrive at a severance package with Goodwillie (and will he go back to Clyde??!!??): should be covered by the share of the game vs Celtic -- but what a waste of money!

9. What about the Woman's team and junior development teams?

10. Is it too much to imagine a call between John Sim and Gordon Brown?  "John -- you've made a right huddy of it. Now listen up: this is what you do..... I've taken the liberty of sending you a draft statement, since the first one was such a disaster".


Edited by The Roy Barry Fan Club
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Just now, The Roy Barry Fan Club said:

Absolutely the right thing for Rovers to do. 

It will however take a lot to undo the damage of the last few days:

1. John Sim wont be going anywhere. It would take a couple of million to remove him from club and ground and that sort of money is unlikely to materialise any time soon from any credible/legitimate source. Nor can Sim afford to write it off. What about the other three directors who backed him ? Do the other two directors come back?

2. What about the football management team ? They have pushed for the signing very clearly. 

3. What about Benedictus and his unfortunate comments this morning -- could no-one have stopped him from making an arse of himself before he made his statement [CEO?]?

4. What about Val -- she called the female CEO out as having misled her on Woman's Hour yesterday. Said to her face two weeks ago no signing -- and then went an did the deal with Goodwillie and nobody spoke to Val. Cant see them sitting down together any time soon.

5. Will the volunteers come back if board is still there?

6. Will the fans come back if board is still there?

7. What about present and future sponsors? Damage to the Rovers brand.

8. How much will it cost to arrive at a severance package with Goodwillie (and will he go back to Clyde??!!??): should be covered by the share of the game vs Celtic -- but what a waste of money!


It's been utterly astounding last few days watching this unfold. It's a nightmare for the supporters and worse given they've had to soul search about supporting a club they love, a club that should help define them as individuals. To recover from this will take a long long time and all extremely avoidable. It's a sad tale.

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5 hours ago, Piracy said:

After the initial appearance of online defence of the DG decision by some, it then turned to "no one said anything when he signed for Clyde", the quoted newspaper text below says otherwise:


I've been having this argument with various idiots on Twitter - the formula usually is:

- Why did nobody say anything when he signed for Clyde?

- They did, here's proof

- He was found Not Guilty

- Nope. Here's proof.

- If people didn't complain when he joined Clyde then they shouldn't complain now

- They may not have known he joined Clyde or about his past. This signing has got much more attention.

- Why is the outcry so much bigger this time?

- Because Rovers are a bigger team with more and more influential fans and more media coverage. Also, why does that matter?

- Rovers have about the same fanbase as Clyde

- No they don't, here's the comparative attendances, Rover 2-3 times more than Clyde over the last few seasons

- So you just want him to be unemployed, yeah? And ruin his life?

- I'm fine with that, yeah. What about his victim's life? (As an aside, the guy punting this argument followed up with "So you want him unemployed costing the state even more money? Progressive politics at its best". Seriously...)



And round and round and round like that...

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Just now, SanguinePar said:

I've been having this argument with various idiots on Twitter - the formula usually is:

- Why did nobody say anything when he signed for Clyde?

- They did, here's proof

- He was found Not Guilty

- Nope. Here's proof.

- If people didn't complain when he joined Clyde then they shouldn't complain now

- They may not have known he joined Clyde or about his past. This signing has got much more attention.

- Why is the outcry so much bigger this time?

- Because Rovers are a bigger team with more and more influential fans and more media coverage. Also, why does that matter?

- Rovers have about the same fanbase as Clyde

- No they don't, here's the comparative attendances, Rover 2-3 times more than Clyde over the last few seasons

- So you just want him to be unemployed, yeah? And ruin his life?

- I'm fine with that, yeah. What about his victim's life? (As an aside, the guy punting this argument followed up with "So you want him unemployed costing the state even more money? Progressive politics at its best". Seriously...)



And round and round and round like that...

On the whole forums like this, P&B, football club Facebook pages, Twitter discussions are almost all aligned and the those wuckfits were being continually challenged. 

One guy asked me on a mutual friends Facebook page ''have you never had a one night stand'', I left the conversation rapid. He was sticking up for DG obviously. 

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14 minutes ago, Boston Red Sox said:

That one night stand thing grips my ****. There is a difference between a one night stand and physically imposing your will on another person to commit the most horrific violation. Hopefully that unremorseful ******* never works again. Likewise those ****wits in management and the dressing room who supported this.

It's almost like rape apologists cannot determine what's fundamentally wrong in ignoring not having consent. Males openly voicing the validity of their opinions upon others and believing they're in the right. That's frightening.

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47 minutes ago, Piracy said:

On the whole forums like this, P&B, football club Facebook pages, Twitter discussions are almost all aligned and the those wuckfits were being continually challenged. 

One guy asked me on a mutual friends Facebook page ''have you never had a one night stand'', I left the conversation rapid. He was sticking up for DG obviously. 

I spoke to a guy yesterday and had to walk away from "DG is a good footballer though and the pars should have signed him".

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The club captain making that statement too, he'd have been well advised to have stayed out given his past. I don't recall him apologising and can't find anything suggesting he did either. This whole situation is awful and every further action has made them look totally shambolic. 

The first thing they need to do is partner with an abuse charity, have someone do a talk with everyone at the club and show they are trying to make amends. Then start something within the local community. 

This should also be something being pushed within the whole football community, there are plenty of examples of footballer taking advantage of their status, not being held to account for their actions.

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On 02/02/2022 at 06:32, GG Riva said:

Public opinion is massively against the club, they've seriously ****ed off the vast majority of their fans and lost their main sponsor. I think McGlynn will resign, along with the 4 remaining directors in the coming days and Goodwillie will never kick a ball in anger at Starks Park. 

That's one prediction in the bag. 🙂

Eta. McGlyn next.

Edited by GG Riva
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1 minute ago, rosythpar said:

Clyde have 50k in the bank, Goodwillie will come to some sort of financial agreement with the Rovers and they will have one hell of  mess to sort out now. 2 out of 3 parties have won in this. Goodwillie will probably return to Clyde now too.

If he’s made a free agent, then they can’t sign with anyone until the next transfer window. Only free agents on or before 31st January can sign outside the window 

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