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David Goodwillie


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3 minutes ago, Superally said:

I wonder if Benedictus has been hung out to dry by putting forward a statement of support  from the dressing room only for the club to backtrack a couple of hours later. It shows the intent from the BoD was to continue regardless and to ride out the storm. The Board and McGlynn knew exactly what they were doing and badly underestimated the reaction and probably the cost. The damage has been done and they should be accountable for the mess they have made despite the warnings they were given  

Alan Temple said the interview other Benedictus was done right after the game on Tuesday night 

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47 minutes ago, DougieDave said:

I heard a fan on Radio Scotland yesterday criticise Val Macdaimids stance on this issue - his argument ? “She writes books where there are bad words, violence, women getting battered and murdered - she has got double standards”


you honestly couldn’t make this **** up …….

Which is kind of ironic, since making it up is exactly what she does!

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51 minutes ago, DougieDave said:

It’s mind-blowing to know there are people walking the streets who can’t discern the difference between real life and fiction …..

Having witnessed the comments over the last few years about covid, 5G and vaccines nothing surprises me now.

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17 hours ago, Al k said:

Some of the views on dafc.net just wow. That site is an absolute stain on our club. How that threads been allowed to run is embaressing.

There's a few good things on that site that's down a couple of posters and not how its ran.

Only had a look as a mate said someone had a copy of the champions video. Was hoping it was someone on here to ask for a copy.

Thread on .net now deleted. What an utter embarrassment that was, some of the stuff posted on that thread was nothing short of disgusting tbh

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I didn't think it was disgusting, although I concede I might have missed something that was. 

I just didn't understand why anyone would trawl through the evidence, looking for reasons why he might not definitely be guilty and then try and put forward that viewpoint on a public forum.  He's been found guilty in a court (by a judge who is probably better equipped than any .net reader to make a decision) and this viewpoint has been franked by another judge(s) given the appeal failed.  It's not a good look to be arguing against it.


Edited by DA-go Par Adonis
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