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McGlynn's apology


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We didn't anticipate the level of fallout


"I'm a husband, I'm a father. I get it."

These two sentences make it very clear that he absolutely does not get it. 

"Level of fallout" shows that they did anticipate some fallout, but went ahead anyway. It also demonstrates that they are only thinking of this in terms of how people reacted, not about the fundamental right and wrong of it.

And the "husband, father" line is ridiculous. You don't need to be either to know that rape is wrong.

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You could see he was struggling giving the interview,  saying we're not bad people. The main man hiding in the far East and the rest of the board should have been there to answer the big question.  McGlynn probably be better standing down soon. He a good football manager,  so should find another job no problem. The lot of them need to leave the building. 

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3 hours ago, Rengade Master said:

Val McDermid indicated in an interview yesterday that the pay off to terminate his contract will be a 6 figure sum. £100,000+ wow.

Yeah I heard that. She articulated her point of view very well (again). 

That's an extremely expensive mistake for them to have made. 


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29 minutes ago, SanguinePar said:

These two sentences make it very clear that he absolutely does not get it. 

"Level of fallout" shows that they did anticipate some fallout, but went ahead anyway. It also demonstrates that they are only thinking of this in terms of how people reacted, not about the fundamental right and wrong of it.

And the "husband, father" line is ridiculous. You don't need to be either to know that rape is wrong.

I found that extremely embarrassing. I cringed. I understand what he's trying to achieve but he is obviously thick or a tad arrogant, or both. 

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6 hours ago, Teuchter said:


There was plenty of warning that there would be a fallout, but clearly a ‘burd’s” opinion didn’t matter to a dinosaur like McGlynn.

”aye, awright luv, you just keep putting the money in and leave the fitba tae us”

I  think McGlynn is/was under the impression that the moral code, which most people in civilised societies adhere to, does not apply to football and footballers.  

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