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McGlynn's apology


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As I said elsewhere,

“McGlynn will forever now be remembered as the manager that tried to sign Goodwillie. 

I lost all respect for him, and I really rated him as a manager.   Shame.”


The apology is flat for me.  They knew fine well what they were doing and knew the backlash, and decided to go ahead.  They’re not sorry about the action, they’re sorry that it caused such a ruckus.  “We’re not bad people”. Well…maybe not, but people with very questionable morals and behaviours is a definite.  I just cannot understand what they were thinking.

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I believe it was a scheduled media conference to preview the Celtic game? They then, unsurprisingly, got ambushed with DG questions. They seemed to be unprepared for that, which is surprising?

Benedictus is a good example of a footballer having his brains in his feet. No excuses at all for McGlynn.

Isn't Karen Macartney ( one of the BOD ) the partner of Paul Smith?

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25 minutes ago, Raymie said:

I believe it was a scheduled media conference to preview the Celtic game? They then, unsurprisingly, got ambushed with DG questions. They seemed to be unprepared for that, which is surprising?

Benedictus is a good example of a footballer having his brains in his feet. No excuses at all for McGlynn.

Isn't Karen Macartney ( one of the BOD ) the partner of Paul Smith?

She's the CEO I beleive Raymie. 


Yesterday it appears that due to Tag games pulling out there sponsorship, that one of the directors who voted for Goodwillie had his buisness as the shirt sponsorship. 

Got sympathy for the decent Raith fans, they're run by absolute screamers. 

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6 hours ago, Raymie said:

I believe it was a scheduled media conference to preview the Celtic game? They then, unsurprisingly, got ambushed with DG questions. They seemed to be unprepared for that, which is surprising?

Benedictus is a good example of a footballer having his brains in his feet. No excuses at all for McGlynn.

Isn't Karen Macartney ( one of the BOD ) the partner of Paul Smith?

I believe the CEO didn't get a vote 're the signing of DG. Just as well - it wouldn't be a good look for a woman to be involved. That's if she'd gone along with the male idiots who voted in favour.

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1 hour ago, Piracy said:

Wooft, she must be peeved off at her work remit been undone over a week after signing a rapist. She makes such a big thing about developing the clubs position within the community. That is now shot to pieces. 








Seriously that’s what they’ve gone for in that video.  😂🙈

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20 hours ago, rosythpar said:

The Rovers fans signing super John McGlynn yesterday in Glasgow when he came out to watch the team warming up

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, more than just a few of them too by the sounds of it! There’s an element along there that will forgive McGlynn anything.

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Apparently they are holding a "review" the results of which will be available at the end of the season. Its almost like the Boris Johnston equivalent where the results are so delayed the exercise will be pointless. There may be a slight element of tinkering, However it wont be enough and I suspect Val wont be their main sponsor next season.

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