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Fitba for a Fiver!


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Good to see the club have reduced prices for the forthcoming game against Morton on Friday 18th March for £5.00 for all seats throughout the ground. Even though the game is on Council TV its a good move by the club to try and boost what would probably be a reduced crowd and try and get a atmosphere in the ground. COYP

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The only other time I can remember the club charging a flat rate of £5 was for our first ever live match on SKY. He who pays the fiddler calls the tune, so the game v Dundee Utd was switched from the Saturday to Sunday at 6.05 pm. Fearful that the satellite channel would show lots of empty seats around the stadium, the Pars opted for £5 a head. The Board needn`t have worried, not ony was the game a sellout, an estimated 3,000 people were locked out, many of them ST holders who arrived just before kick-off. 

Needless to say, there were a lot of unhappy fans that night. Not much chance of a sellout v Morton. 🙁

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1 hour ago, GG Riva said:

The only other time I can remember the club charging a flat rate of £5 was for our first ever live match on SKY. He who pays the fiddler calls the tune, so the game v Dundee Utd was switched from the Saturday to Sunday at 6.05 pm. Fearful that the satellite channel would show lots of empty seats around the stadium, the Pars opted for £5 a head. The Board needn`t have worried, not ony was the game a sellout, an estimated 3,000 people were locked out, many of them ST holders who arrived just before kick-off. 

Needless to say, there were a lot of unhappy fans that night. Not much chance of a sellout v Morton. 🙁

The atmosphere might help us  if a load of turn ****.

Edited by scottyboy
Up. No idea how filter is on
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29 minutes ago, kelty_par said:

Wonder if anything will be made available for season ticket holders to award our loyalty?

Hope so,  I am reluctant to disagree with a positive scheme for PATG(an outdated term now but **** it) just because I don't benefit.   However I am of the opinion the club have left season ticket holders out for a while now.  Over Covid we have payed for games that didn't happen, payed more than casual customers for a season of streams and been locked out of home games this season with little communication from the club.   McArthur did mention his appreciation on point 1,  but we have seen nothing on points 2 and 3.  Its one thing to be proud of our loyal fanbase, quite another when that loyalty becomes expected.

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8 hours ago, kelty_par said:

Wonder if anything will be made available for season ticket holders to award our loyalty?

I don't want to go all religious on you, KP, but you sound like some of the workers in the vineyards parable Jesus told his followers. For those who are not familiar with it :-

"A landowner goes out early in the morning and hires men, agreeing to pay them the daily rate - a silver coin for a day’s work. He hires them at various times throughout the day - 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm and promises all of the workers a fair wage. When the end of the day came, the landowner said to his manager to pay the workers, starting with those who had been hired last. Those who began working at 5pm were given the daily rate - one silver coin.

When it came to those who had been hired first (early in the morning) they thought that they were going to receive more. When they too were given the standard daily wage they began to grumble. They were angry because they had done a lot more work than those who had started later in the day. The landowner did not listen to their complaints and reminded them that they had agreed to the daily rate of pay when they were hired. He said, “Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?”

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One of the reasons i stopped getting a season ticket is due to the lack of value in getting one, years ago it came with a few benefits, im sure we got discount at some local shops, the club shop on certain items and a free pie and drink at a game, now if you miss one game its pretty pointless getting one as it works out cheaper just to pay in on the day and as good as initiatives like this in for a fiver is it just another reason not to get a season ticket moving forward

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22 minutes ago, the saline hill puma said:

One of the reasons i stopped getting a season ticket is due to the lack of value in getting one, years ago it came with a few benefits, im sure we got discount at some local shops, the club shop on certain items and a free pie and drink at a game, now if you miss one game its pretty pointless getting one as it works out cheaper just to pay in on the day and as good as initiatives like this in for a fiver is it just another reason not to get a season ticket moving forward

Yep. I only buy one partly out of habit, but partly because it gives the club money when there is no income. Like @kelty_par says though, it's starting to feel like that generosity is being abused a bit. 

I'm all for the £5 for fitba scheme in general. It generates income and a great atmosphere (although it will no doubt bring it's share of slavering halfwits who never come to the games then spend the next 90 mins complaining no matter what is happening because 'tHeYvE PaYed ThuR MuNY 🤪' ) but at what point do the ST holders get more than a thanks very much from the club?

Although to be fair, having a ST did save me £2k off my new windows 😂

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I’m happy to let the club start new initiatives to get the place busy.  I have no doubt that this is just the start of David Cooks plan to get us moving, and I have also no doubt that in due course there will be changes to the season ticket packages, and rewards for the loyal buyers.  Just look at his track record at Forest.  Seems churlish to be having a whinge right now when it’s clear the club are about to start doing some different things all to improve the matchday experience.  

In fact I’ll go one further.  See if they made every home game now to end of season a fiver to get the place to 7000+ as a target, I’m all for it, as season ticket holder .  Every advantage possible for us to stay in this league for now, and avoid a calamitous relegation.  Plus if they’re looking at getting 5000 walk ups at a fiver, damn sight better than 1000 at an average of £15.

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5 hours ago, GG Riva said:

The landowner did not listen to their complaints and reminded them that they had agreed to the daily rate of pay when they were hired. He said, “Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?”

Those lads needed a union. And a contract with a clear definition of the term "daily" - does 5pm-6pm really count as a day? Cheeky sod.


2 hours ago, Digs said:

Although to be fair, having a ST did save me £2k off my new windows 😂

Was that with SRJ? We built an extension in 2020, and I contacted them to see if they wanted to put in a quote for the glass work, and never heard back from them at all, even just to say "sorry, we're too busy".

Was pretty unimpressed, as I tried a couple of times, and explicitly mentioned that it was because they sponsor the Pars and I wanted to support them in kind. Oh well.

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2 hours ago, SanguinePar said:

Was that with SRJ? We built an extension in 2020, and I contacted them to see if they wanted to put in a quote for the glass work, and never heard back from them at all, even just to say "sorry, we're too busy".

Was pretty unimpressed, as I tried a couple of times, and explicitly mentioned that it was because they sponsor the Pars and I wanted to support them in kind. Oh well.

Yes, to be fair, I didn't even get a chance to ask, the guy took it off anyway.

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