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Donald Adamson: Thanks


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I'm deeply saddened to learn that Donald is also stepping down. While he's not as well known as Ross McArthur by many Pars fans, his contribution to the survival of our club and its subsequent stabilisation, cannot be over stressed. On top of that he's an absolute gem of a man - a real true gent - and I'm sure he'll be blushing furiously if he reads this because he's also a very modest, unassuming chap. 😊

Lang may yir lum reek, Donald and I'll be expecting you to buy me a pint next time I see you at EEP..... 😉

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I would like to echo the words above. 

I first met Donald in the summer of 2013 when I helped organise a sportsman lunch in Valleyfield Club for Save the Pars. 

The  Football Club have been very lucky to have a man and importantly a fan with his vast knowledge, experience and expertise - just like all of us everything done in a voluntary basis. 

Although  I met Donald through Save the Pars, through the years he has been a mentor and a friend, on a personal basis, someone I know I can trust and will give me the best professional advice, particularly on my personal journey from working in a factory to having a complete career change to becoming a public health practitioner. 

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Donald will be the first to admit there have been mistakes along the way. However the simple fact is along with a few others there wouldn't be a club for us to support or even to moan about if he wasn't there. A thoroughly decent man from the terrace who was not prepared to see the Pars die. I will be forever grateful and i'll shake his hand on the terrace next season.     

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I cannot echo these sentiments enough - not only has he been a stalwart in rescuing and keeping the Club afloat - he has pumped endless hours of effort and passion to many of the groups around the Club - on top of that he’s a thoroughly decent and honourable man - the support he has given to me in recent years is unmeasurable…….

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1 hour ago, rosythpar said:

Messaged my mate to tell him and he thinks going to be a couple more leaving too.

Even if that is the case, it's no real surprise with David Cook coming in. He was always going to be reviewing the day to day running, and will no doubt have a remit to implement some restructuring to make it more of a 'professional' set up. To qualify that, I'm not implying Ross, Donald and others who were giving their time for free were unprofessional, absolutely far from it, more that this is part of the building of the infrastructure of the club and running the club with volunteers and a tiny headcount is not something that could ever be sustainable if we want to become successful.

All of that being said, and back to the original point, Donald is a guy I only know through his work in helping to save the Pars, and the things he's been involved in since. A nicer, more intelligent and humble guy you'd struggle to meet and I'm sure he'll be blushing when he reads these posts, which is a measure of the man.

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On 29/04/2022 at 06:17, Piracy said:

I'm going to mention Donald Adamson and his selflessness contribution toward the club over the last 10 years alongside Ross McArthur. 

Donald is a man who stood right into the clubs mess in September 2012, after contacting a small group of us fans who were attempting to highlight the disasterous mismanagement of our club.

Donald provided much needed proffessional help and advice and also pulled in some heavily influential people to assist our campaign to win our club back. 

He worked side by side with Ross McArthur back then, and they've maintained a real respect between them to this day (2 good honest men). 

Donald has been heavily involved with the club since 2013, quietly going about his business. Like Ross, I believe he is also now stepping down from his present responsibilities and rightly letting others take over the reins of responsibility. 

So as a Pars fan, a huge personal thanks from me to Donald for his contribution toward keeping our club alive and working toward our clubs future wellbeing. Good job done, top man.


A lot of fans really don't know how lucky we are to have Donald. Another huge loss along with Ross. 

These two legends were the main hierarchy who saved our club. I was honoured to work alongside them in Pars United and learned so much from them. 

I'm hopeful Donald continues with the Heritage Trust as his knowledge of the Pars past will be needed for our current and future generations to come. 

To you Donald, I tip my hat. Huge respect sir, and thank you for everything you've done for the club and me personally. 

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