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27 minutes ago, parsforlife said:

I must have missed him saying that, tho it does make sense.

With all that's planned in the background it seems incredible nobody has put their hand up and asked should we properly manage first team affairs and fan relations to ensure we can properly execute these plans?

I got told he was with the fans walk on a Friday and said this. 

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The backlash was too big for them not to do something, they have annoyed the fanbase once again and have had to backtrack. They have tried to fleece us again but enough was enough. 

You wonder why we bother buying season tickets,lifelines etc when the board have wasted it on poor managerial appointments and players who are not good enough/dont want to be here. The season ticket sales will be lucky to pass the 2k mark next season, people will find other hobbies to spend their money on rather than giving it to the BOD to waste. I will more than likely renew mines but I am far from happy about the way the club is being run.

David Cook wont officially start until next season but hes going to have to make big changes if we want to move forward. We need to move on from the old pals act at East End.



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I went and done some digging on the extremely user unfriendly official site because I have time on the train to work.  I was sure there was a search function but it seems to have disappeared or maybe I was imagining that. 

I discovered that when we played Forfar when we were in admin where it would have been understandable to charge full price the prices were 10 and 5.

2013 link

With this and the Dundee United match @Grant mentioned earlier pricing is NOT consistent with previous play-off campaigns.  The board really need to stop playing the fans for chumps. 

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3 hours ago, DA-go Par Adonis said:

Calm down mate. The coming events on the pitch will give you much more reason to get angry than my interpretation of the board's wording in this statement.

If they've charged full price for a bunch of previous play-off games, it's hardly a lie. 

For the record though, I've no recollection if they did or not and no inclination to try and find out.

Nah bollocks, the initial setting of the prices was absolutely horrendous banter, to then follow that up by just trying to make the fans out to be idiots by lying about there reasoning is just ****, it just gives more credence to the idea that the board treat the fans like ****, and they do currently. 


It's a damming indictment of those running the club, it's an absolute shambles. The board think so little of you that they're now just lying on statements, if they lie about this, what have they lied about before? What are they going to lie about in the future? If they're so brazen so as to do it when the truth was so easily found, what does that say for other things? 


As deutsch Par has just proven, it's bollocks, if they were to rock out the ticket prices from our playoff games against Aberdeen it would still be absolutely bollocks. 

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34 minutes ago, Secure Par said:

The problem I have is do any of these players/management have a clue to the **** we are in the ongoing effect if we were relegated what this would cause?


I think they do.  Even if they don’t I’m sure they are well aware that as a professional trying to look after yourself that a side that’s just been relegated aren’t where clubs will first look at when looking for a new signing. Nevermind the consequences to the club, the consequences for them as an individual are huge.

I have little doubt the players have the motivation to get through this. The quality, the character? We’ll see.

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3 minutes ago, Grant said:


It's a damming indictment of those running the club, it's an absolute shambles. The board think so little of you that they're now just lying on statements, if they lie about this, what have they lied about before? What are they going to lie about in the future? If they're so brazen so as to do it when the truth was so easily found, what does that say for other things? 

It’s not the first time either.  Remember when they tried to claim a blatant offside goal was a referee mistake that cost us the game in statement gate,  something we had already shown in our highlights as the completely correct decision.

Its a really difficult thing to accept as a fan. It makes me really uncomfortable and I don’t know how we move forward under these circumstances. 

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53 minutes ago, parsforlife said:

It’s not the first time either.  Remember when they tried to claim a blatant offside goal was a referee mistake that cost us the game in statement gate,  something we had already shown in our highlights as the completely correct decision.

Its a really difficult thing to accept as a fan. It makes me really uncomfortable and I don’t know how we move forward under these circumstances. 

So they did. 


Is there anything that Dunfermline do well at the moment? Our fan engagement with regards to social media and online statements is dreadful, as a football team are an absolute joke, the fan experience at the stadium is rubbish with our inability to deal with any sort of crowd.

The only good thing that comes to the top of my head is the walks from East End Park seem like a nice community engagement piece. 


But as a fan how can you feel valued? You've got them lying in that statement in an attempt to cover up that they've just tried to overcharge you, and in a couple of weeks we'll have the begging bowl out asking fan to buy a season ticket, stay in the Lifeline, buy another top, how does that work? Cook has a massive job on his hands, I'm moving back to Fife in a few months and I've not felt this distant from the club in years. 

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I’ve never felt this distant,  the two other crises I have experienced as a fan we had a common enemy, the end of the masterton years we knew he was the problem and there was a huge amount of energy to save our club from him, the kenny year was divisive but once we got rid of him the club generally moved forward. 

Now? I have no idea, we’ve got rid of grant but the problems aren’t solved, Cook is replacing McCarthur but the problems remain.  Pars united are being replaced as a whole by the German consortium.   The problems stay. How do we progress?

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Fair enough Grant.  I’ll try and make this constructive rather than confrontational.  I think the board have done a lot wrong this season – the statement after the QoS game, the decision to charge £20 for a relegation play-off game (when we were in the promotion play-offs last season) and the appointment of Peter Grant being the obvious three for me.  The catering, getting into the ground and Legends/Charlie D’s are another three issues which need addressed before next season starts too.


I just don’t find it particularly impactful when people use terms like “everything is a shambles”, “toxic” and, in your case, accusing them of lying.  They may or may not have charged full price for previous play-off campaigns – I can’t remember the pricing for Cowdenbeath or Stranraer last time we were in the Championship play-offs. 


It’s clear that we reduced prices by £3 against Dundee Utd in 2018, but I can’t get on board with calling them liars on the back of that.  If they’ve never charged full price in any play-off game, they should probably correct it, but knowing some of the folks at the club, I’d probably give them the benefit of poor recollection rather than deliberately misleading.


The answer to the question about what anyone can do about it is be pro-active.  The decision to change the pricing quickly happened due to fan power.  It’s a win, and shows that someone at the club is listening.  Yes, we shouldn’t have needed a win, but it would have been far easier to ignore it and hope we get through to the final, so some credit for correcting it.  I’d also imagine it had something to do with Drew (the SLO) reporting back based on the online outcry.  It’s why it’s unfair to criticise the SLO for not being communicative.  He’s often on both forums with info, which is commendable given the amount of reactive work he’s got to do fielding enquiries or taking on board feedback from fans – which is no doubt more plentiful following a poor result, meaning he’s likely had a busy season.


If you feel disconnected and/or have some ideas, by all means vent on the forums, as that’s part of the reason they exist, but consider doing something about it.  Drew’s contact details are available on COWS, and you’re probably, at most, one degree of separation away from Ross or David Cook.  From past experience they’ll give you a hearing (I had an idea to do a club podcast and was invited in for a chat).  With covid restrictions easing, I’m pretty sure they all want to enhance the matchday experience, fan relations and get more fans in to East End.


The experience has improved inside EEP from even 3 months ago (thanks to the young team).  I hope the club continue to cultivate this and hopefully the side will stop disgracing themselves on the park and give us some reasons to be optimistic moving forward.  Everything gets amplified when the team puts in performances like they have in the last 4 matches.

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On 30/04/2022 at 14:36, GG Riva said:

Fackinell! We're beaten before a ball is kicked, according to the posters on this thread. A wheen o' fekkin Pvte. Fraser's fae Dads Army. 🙁

The play offs are a totally different proposition to last night's game. Who seriously expected Ayr to fail against a Partick team resting its key players? The manager and his squad knew fine well they blew it last week and were just whistling in the dark.

We now have to beat 2 teams who haven't been good enough to win League . We get 2 games against each with the 2nd game at home. Why should we be fearful? I'm not saying we should be arrogant or complacent - we'll have to scrap for every ball, but we can beat both Queens Park and the winners of the other semi. To go into these games fearing the worst is likely to bring about exactly that. I sincerely hope the players Hughes sends out have a more positive mindset than some of you....

DD - I don't want to be pedantic but we don't have to win 4 games. We just have to get through the ties. 4 draws and 2 wins on pens would suffice, although I hope we will be spared that.

Some good points here Riva. We should be much more confident and it is the same conditions for all 4 teams. We really should be best placed with the squad we have and being full time. It will be a fight but one we should win. The players just have to be up for it.

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There was no need to make the incorrect comment regarding previous play-off campaigns .  It really looks like a petted lip.  At best, it is poor recollection, at worst it is a lie because it is simply not true. 

If I was cynical then I would suggest that the decision to reduce the prices is not because of the social media reaction etc. but purely because sales yesterday were dismal and the club would have done well to sell more than 10 tickets... 

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Like I said, unless it's true of the last time we were in the Championship play-offs against Stranraer or Cowdenbeath.  Again, I don't know, and won't be the one who bothers to investigate.  

I've no doubt that ticket sales were low also, but I doubt they'd change the price point so quickly purely on that basis.  I think they might have waited until after the game on Wednesday before the panic set in.

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50 minutes ago, DA-go Par Adonis said:

Fair enough Grant.  I’ll try and make this constructive rather than confrontational.  I think the board have done a lot wrong this season – the statement after the QoS game, the decision to charge £20 for a relegation play-off game (when we were in the promotion play-offs last season) and the appointment of Peter Grant being the obvious three for me.  The catering, getting into the ground and Legends/Charlie D’s are another three issues which need addressed before next season starts too.


I just don’t find it particularly impactful when people use terms like “everything is a shambles”, “toxic” and, in your case, accusing them of lying.  They may or may not have charged full price for previous play-off campaigns – I can’t remember the pricing for Cowdenbeath or Stranraer last time we were in the Championship play-offs. 


It’s clear that we reduced prices by £3 against Dundee Utd in 2018, but I can’t get on board with calling them liars on the back of that.  If they’ve never charged full price in any play-off game, they should probably correct it, but knowing some of the folks at the club, I’d probably give them the benefit of poor recollection rather than deliberately misleading.


The answer to the question about what anyone can do about it is be pro-active.  The decision to change the pricing quickly happened due to fan power.  It’s a win, and shows that someone at the club is listening.  Yes, we shouldn’t have needed a win, but it would have been far easier to ignore it and hope we get through to the final, so some credit for correcting it.  I’d also imagine it had something to do with Drew (the SLO) reporting back based on the online outcry.  It’s why it’s unfair to criticise the SLO for not being communicative.  He’s often on both forums with info, which is commendable given the amount of reactive work he’s got to do fielding enquiries or taking on board feedback from fans – which is no doubt more plentiful following a poor result, meaning he’s likely had a busy season.


If you feel disconnected and/or have some ideas, by all means vent on the forums, as that’s part of the reason they exist, but consider doing something about it.  Drew’s contact details are available on COWS, and you’re probably, at most, one degree of separation away from Ross or David Cook.  From past experience they’ll give you a hearing (I had an idea to do a club podcast and was invited in for a chat).  With covid restrictions easing, I’m pretty sure they all want to enhance the matchday experience, fan relations and get more fans in to East End.


The experience has improved inside EEP from even 3 months ago (thanks to the young team).  I hope the club continue to cultivate this and hopefully the side will stop disgracing themselves on the park and give us some reasons to be optimistic moving forward.  Everything gets amplified when the team puts in performances like they have in the last 4 matches.

There's at least two examples of where we've not charged full price for playoff campaigns, with that how can you say that charging full price is consistent with previous campaigns? At best it's consistent with one out of the three. And that's at best because I have no idea what we charged against Stranraer and Cowdenbeath.

At best it's just sheer incompetence, realistically they're lying and trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the fans. Are you telling me that the board, who all would've been in charge for the United game couldn't remember the pricing? Are you genuinely trying to say that none of them then bothered checking up on the pricing to confirm? It took me all of 1 minute to Google, our board couldn't be bothered with that? I don't see how you can call it anything other than being deliberately misleading? Unless you just want to call it sheer incompetence. 

At no point have I criticised Drew Main. He does a fine job however how is Drew meant to rectify the club spunking money away on awful footballing decisions, before then asking for more lifeline money, for more season tickets, to then charge people full price for these games? How would emailing Drew rectify that? It wouldn't so there's no point, he does a great job of solving problems and issues that he can actually effect, I'm not expecting Drew to whip the footballing structure into place. 

The reason why the side are disgracing themselves on the park is a reflection of just how poorly we operate as a football team, we aren't down at the bottom of the championship through bad luck, we're down hear through many, many bad decisions. And when you have a board who are incapable of admitting, or owning up to bad decisions how are they meant to learn? 

Everyone makes mistakes, it happens, a part of life. They should in turn be used as lessons, where did we go wrong, how can we stop that in the future? Everytime we make a mistake there's a collective head in the sand from our board, did anyone take ownership of appointing Peter Grant? Did anyone realise where they'd gone wrong? No, and we appointed John Hughes. Who is Peter Grant. 

It may seem small and trivial to you, but lying to the fanbase is awful behaviour, you either know the pricing for previous campaigns, and in which case they should have been reduced, or you don't know and you set the prices for whatever you feel is fair, if the board felt that £20 was fair then bloody say it, admit you didn't read the room and that you're sorry. What you don't do is lie, it's just outrageous. 


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I was referring to a previous post re Drew.  Not one from you.  I apologise for the misleading nature of that comment - if not sheer incompetence on my part.  

Re the rest, life's too short.  I just can't get as outraged.  Like I said, if you feel disenchanted, want to offer some feedback and/or have any ideas, there are ways to contact the club.  No-one is suggesting that by doing so, you'll be able to turn us into Ajax.  

Edited by DA-go Par Adonis
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