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9 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

Surprised this was ignoredΒ 

I'm not.Β  My post questioning Kaufland liking central sites was also ignored.Β 

People like to throw around wild baseless accusations without backing them up with "do your own research" a favourite retort if asked to prove what they are saying, if they respond at all.Β 

Entertaining though.Β 

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6 minutes ago, Deutsche Par said:

I'm not.Β  My post questioning Kaufland liking central sites was also ignored.Β 

People like to throw around wild baseless accusations without backing them up with "do your own research" a favourite retort if asked to prove what they are saying, if they respond at all.Β 

Entertaining though.Β 

Yeah probably should’ve clicked earlier. Fair play I suppose. A decent bit of trolling but I’d suggest accusing Ross McArthur of covering up a conspiracy to sell EEP, even as a troll, may not have been the smartest move.Β 

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1 hour ago, Rengade Master said:

How can we afford all the bills that come with 2 major sites? We will have huge business rates for both and if you haven’t noticed gas, electric, water and parking spaces are all through the roof.Β 
I’d imagine the club will feel obliged to pay for all its staffs parking spaces at both sites should it continue!Β 

Honestly, the sheer amount of utter pish I've just read through in the last five pages is absolutely wild, I don't think there's been a single theory that hasn't got a massive, gaping, mahoosive flaw right through the middle of it.Β 

But let's try go through them.Β 

The board appointed PG and JH in a deliberate attempt to relegate us -Β 

Now while we all known these were two bad decisions, the PG decision making process was actually described in some detail at the supporters meeting, we wanted a head coach who had a good reputation for developing players, and we thought PG was that guy, we didn't comprehend he was bad at loads of other things sadly, to come onto the massive flaw in this. People are saying that to get us relegated, the board then sacked the manager who had no wins? And then appointed a manager who had just recently pulled Ross County out of a similar situation? To guarantee we'd go down? Now there's plenty people saying Hughes is **** now, but go back to the time of his appointment and you had plenty believing we'd just pulled off a great appointment.Β 

To further go into this, the board doubled down by backing and funding Hughes pretty significantly in the January Transforms window, bringing in a considerable amount of players? None of that makes sense.Β 


We want to do a St Mirren -Β 

Honestly this is hugging the absolute life out of me reading about St Mirren, you're just showing yourself up for knowing absolutely nothing. Incase anyone isn't aware, St Mirren sold there old stadium for a package worth about 15 million, it cleared all there debts, and tesco in turn built them a new stadium and a training ground, it was an insanely good deal which has led to St Mirren being a pretty consistent Premier league team, while we have not.Β 

Now, if it was as simple as doing a St Mirren every club and Scotland would do it, do you want to know why no other club in Scotland has been able to do a St Mirren? Because just after the deal went through there was a pretty ****ing massive recession, it just simply isn't worth it and supermarkets don't buy up land like that anymore, tesco didn't even build a store on Love street in the end, if the investers want to make there money this way they'd still have to finance building a new stadium, the profits would be minimal.Β 

Ross McArthur knows all this and has kept quiet -Β 

Seriously, read that and read it again, are you saying Ross McArthur, one of the key bodies in saving the club, knows about a great conspiracy theory to kill us off and just can't be ***ed to tell anyone? We can all debate on how successful his tenure has been, but there's no absolutely no discussion on how much McArthur loves the Pars.Β 

You can't sustain EEP in league one -Β 


We did, as a full time team, for three seasons, and we turned a profit in two of them, what pish.Β 


The directors are builders so they must be in on it-

Have you stopped to consider that the building companies are probably the most profitable small businesses in Dunfermline, and as such the owners will be amongst the select few who can actually afford to invest in a football team?Β 



I have honestly never read such pish in all my life.Β 

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Thank you, Grant. I don't always agree with you, but I fully support your responses here. Instead of the grim conspiracy theories that we have had to plough through today, let me offer you an alternative prospect...

Damir Keretic was head of IMG Europe, a giant sports marketing firm which was the creation of Mark McCormack, who in the 1980sΒ wrote the best business guide I ever read, 'What they don't teach you at Harvard Business School'. Do you really think he's interested in making a few quid on a minor land switch in Fife?Β Or has he a far more interesting plan in his mind?

Nick Teller and Albrecht Gundermann are shipping industry guys. No, they are not "shipping magnates" as some suggest on here and dotnet, but they are both well thought of in the industry, have experience of the finance sector and in Teller's case, a truly impressive record of turning around the fortunes of a long established shipping company that looked all but finished.

There is no more volatile industry in the world than shipping. To succeed in itΒ requires balls of steel. It normally takes two to three years from ordering aΒ ship to seeing it fully built and sliding down the slipway into commercial operation. The market conditions may have completely changed in that period... a global financial crisis could see a shipowner's potential earnings slide below his loan repayments for the ship; alternatively, a vessel running aground in the Suez Canal or a global pandemicΒ could suddenlyΒ see earnings grow by a multiple of 20. Shipowners are used to the booms and busts of the global trading markets... they don't look to make a quick buck. They look to get their money back on their shipping investment in 12 to 15 years, knowing that earningsΒ thereafter will be cream and the profits could be immense. That's why if they say they are looking at DAFC as a seven to eight or nine year project, there is actually every reason to believe them.

Instead of contemplating another German supermarket in the town, or opportunities for folk to buy into a smallΒ housing estate with lovely views out their back windows of the local cemetery, perhaps there is an alternative that sees EEP remain as it isΒ and a new training ground get established at Rosyth, justΒ as promised...

Perhaps the German plan is for Dunfermline Athletic is to be a new model for Scotland, a centre of football excellence for youth from around the world who can learn their trade in a professional environment overseen by the fourth member of the investment team, Thomas Meggle. Where the team has direct links with larger clubs on various continents, and possibly we become part of a Red Bull-like franchise. I would still support the Pars if they were called Red Bull or RB Dunfermline. No bother atΒ all with that if it meant that the club had a sustainable and successful future.

Of course, my vision is pure speculation. I have no grounds to believe that this is the way that the Germans are thinking, but my vision has as much merit and likely more credence than that vision being put forward by RM and others who are skeptical of the motives of the German investors. Β 

Take a look at the comments of the German investors on the official club website and consider them in the context of this thread.


Doubtless, they would have been mightily encouraged seeing 5,500 turn up for the QoS game last week. That was two thousand fans who suddenly emerged from the shadows... a sleeping giant indeed.Β Everything suggests that the GermansΒ have a plan. It may have been set back a bit by relegation, but they surely have a plan. The imperative for them now is to tell us about it. Just give us some hope that things will get better...

I am pretty sure that they will.



Edited by OzPar
spelling mistake
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6 hours ago, Superally said:

Reports of people on .net shaking their heid on the level of utter conspiracy pish being spouted here!


P&B too πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.Β 

I'm glad other posters have weighed in to offer their own opinions dispelling and undermining the theory offered up by 2 fellow Pars fans. The content maybe 'wild' but it couldn't and shouldn't go unchellenged given it's potentially damaging to the club and the reputation of those running the club (cannot get over the calling of Ross McArthur's integrity into question).Β 

For me it also reminds everyone of the need to post responsibly if for no other reason than trying to ensure quality discussions.Β 

Much more of this type of stuff and it'll be deleted as I can't be ersed being nice about it.Β 

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Having read through all of this, one thing is clear, no matter how much the people posting claim to have been able to have seen the light or uncovered some startling revelation, it’s just not true or plausible. Not least because there would need to be a change of use applied for before any development would happen and doing any of this stuff without that in place seems risky at best.

All that has been done here is a bunch of info has been pulled together about specific circumstances ofΒ individuals. There has been nothing to follow any of it that produces any hard evidence that what is being claimed is actually true. There is not one scintilla ofΒ evidence of that in fact. All that happened is you’ve put two and two together and come up with a number of your choosing.

I also think it’s disgusting that someone like Ross is having his integrity questioned with the implication that he somehow knows about this fantastical theory and is jumping ship so as not to be tarnished with it when he could do something about it. You know, like he did with a certain chairman and board of directors ten years ago…

The fact is, we wouldn’t be here without Ross, and I’m not talking about ten years ago, I’m talking about in the last few yearsΒ when he and others put their hand in their pockets, again, to keep us afloat. He said as much at the meet the fan might recently but as his modesty dictates, declined to mention he was one of them. One of the others is also leaving the board.Β 

So, in short, I’d be careful about posting half truths and filling in the gaps with uninformed opinion, especially when playing with peoples reputations.Β 

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11 hours ago, scottyboy said:

Β Serious question. Would it bother yourself,Β  or anyone else if we had to move. Been talked about in the past. I get the spiritual home and all that, but bigger and better clubs have done that and will probably do that in the future.Β 

No-one has directly answered this, as far as I can see, so I will.

Yes, it would bother me HUGELY if we had to move. EEP is home and I hope it's where we always stay.

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When I made the post yesterday talking about allowing free speech etc it was not an invitation to start posting loopy conspiracy theories.Β 

For starters Lidl and Kaufland wouldn't want the site of EEP.Β  Lidl are offering people 20 grand for telling them about suitable sites in Fife, they wouldn't be doing that if they had one.Β 

As for Kaufland they are currently reluctant to expand into other countries at the moment as they tried expanding into Australia, lost a **** load of money and all the Australian stores were closed.Β  Also, if they were to expand into the UK would Dunfermline really be the number one location to open a store?Β  Gies peace.Β 

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Grant, OzPar and Digs.Β 

Thank you for your most reasonable posts.Β 

Some of the other crap I'm reading is laughable. And anyone questioning Ross McArthur's integrity really don't know the man and the sacrifices he's made to keep this club going.Β 

Our German investors need to come out with a statement of intent urgently to stop all this nonsense.Β 

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