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Are supporters that use the main stand or Norrie stand subjected to searches on their person, and asked specific questions about what they have on their person?, or is it just the NW? 

To be honest I'm going to refuse to let them search me again and I won't be answering any questions, they're not the Police and I haven't done sod all wrong. If I get refused entry then I will take it up with the club. 

I am helpful and respectful toward the security staff. They're doing a job but this continual searching game after game causing delays in getting to your seat is a pain. 

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Blame the young f***ys who throw stuff onto the pitch from the NW corner. Club have to be seen to do something otherwise police will be required for all games and also get possible fines. 

Reason why it will only be punters in the NW getting searched is due to other areas not have any instances of stuff being lobbed at players and officials from the stand.

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Yeah lighters and a pie during the Falkirk game. Got searched going in before that game. Hard to pick these up and there's nothing they can do about these items. We have CCTV in the ground, it can clearly pick up every part of the ground and it is obviously used. Back in 2013 the club got the Police involved when a, flare got let off in the Norrie. They picked out the person who set it off, a 15 year old laddie. He ended up in a restorative justice programme. Hard to pick out people throwing stuff mind, but they managed it during a Falkirk game few seasons back. SLO Drew Main is trying to set up a meeting with some of the younger guys where they can talk these things through. 

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Think the attempted pitch invasions wont be going down well with the club,Cook told them to stop it at a supporters meeting last season. Someone will eventually get hurt,a supporter or a steward. It was a tad embarrassing trying to get on the pitch scoring vs Peterhead.

The club closed down a section in the NW before but hopefully as piracy says the club can work together with the young team. They will be watching them closely in the control room. They are the future of the club and we need to keep them coming.

Hopefully we can avoid the extra policing costs.




Edited by rosythpar
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Aye, I've been searched before but not for a wee while, and the search was tertiary at best. I do often wonder what the point is in these searches. They have no powers to insist you are searched but can refuse you entry if you refuse. I refused me and my laddie to be searched at Falkirk a few seasons ago. We were about 20th into the ground at 2pm and they were clearly picking out people dressed in a certain way, it was obvious. 

So, for that reason, I told them no, I wouldn't emptying my pockets and they weren't given permission to search my son either. The thing that made it obvious was they searched a bunch of younger guys, then let through a crowd of older boys, then stopped a 13 yr old in front of us, but not his grandad he was with. Then me and my son, dressed in a similar way and wearing similar labels to the kid both got searched. 

They brought the police over who asked what was going on. I politely asked the Police what they were searching us for, and they told me "drugs and alcohol". I pointed out it was 2pm, an hour before kick off and I was there with my 14 yr old son, and asked if they are saying that I look like the sort of person who takes their child to football, takes drugs and sneaks drink in so they can both drink it in the toilets an hour before kick off so I can then drive us home under the influence after the game?

The police waved me through without us being searched. Then I hear later, loads of lads who absolutely should have been stopped by the police never saw anyone. So basically, they were searching people who arrived at the ground an hour before kick off, but ignoring the ones who had spent all day up to that point in the boozer and had come specifically because it was Falkirk we were playing. Some guys I might add who are known to the police for bother at the football.

Easy targets is the name of the game for G4S et al, and they love to wield that power.

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Unfortunately because some wee fuds in the North West keep on invading the pitch and throwing stuff at officials and opponents, then we will have token searches in place - along with increased steward presence.  Saturday there were far more stewards there than necessary - very obvious extra presence.  Probably to try and stop the inevitable police presence if we can’t get it under control.

I don’t mind being searched before a game, if it was worthwhile and had the right selection criteria.  Hampden stewards have wands and everyone going in before the Ireland game had a quick search.  If done properly it can be effective.  But the example Digs gives is far too often the norm.  Stewards searching kids bags for contraband and then letting groups of ****ed up fuds straight in because they’d be slightly more challenging than some poor dudes 5 year old and her Dora the Explorer backpack with a naughty plastic fruit shoot bottle.


Ultimately if the minority of fuds within  the North West would stop being fuds and containing their behaviour- this all goes away.


TLDR version, less fuddery please.

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24 minutes ago, Rossmcno1 said:

Unfortunately because some wee fuds in the North West keep on invading the pitch and throwing stuff at officials and opponents, then we will have token searches in place - along with increased steward presence.  Saturday there were far more stewards there than necessary - very obvious extra presence.  Probably to try and stop the inevitable police presence if we can’t get it under control.

I don’t mind being searched before a game, if it was worthwhile and had the right selection criteria.  Hampden stewards have wands and everyone going in before the Ireland game had a quick search.  If done properly it can be effective.  But the example Digs gives is far too often the norm.  Stewards searching kids bags for contraband and then letting groups of ****ed up fuds straight in because they’d be slightly more challenging than some poor dudes 5 year old and her Dora the Explorer backpack with a naughty plastic fruit shoot bottle.


Ultimately if the minority of fuds within  the North West would stop being fuds and containing their behaviour- this all goes away.


TLDR version, less fuddery please.

For me, it's not necessarily about searches per se. It's the inference that because I, a middle aged professional guy who wears glasses and has never been lifted in his life, somehow automatically become a yob l because I happen to like football and dress a certain way. Football fans are all treated like second class citizens in this country and are the only sports fans actively legislated against because of a minority despite lots of evidence that we are far from the only group to have idiots.

In this instance, I agree it's down to boys being fuds and they are a minority, but we also need to be better at self policing so the club wouldn't have to have these measures.

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This reminds me of the time I was staying in Lisbon and went to a few Sporting Lisbon games as their ground was easy to get to. I think the game was against Beira Mar and there was rumours of trouble so everyone was being searched as they entered the ground and as the man got down to searching my shoes I said yes I have come all the way from Dunfermline to start a fight. He looked up at me and said thats why I am searching you because I know what you Fifers are like. Turns out he had lived in Edinburgh for five years but said he preferred to go over to watch the Pars rather than the Edinburgh teams.

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