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FC Edinburgh statement - improvement to Meadowbank experience and apology for name-change comms


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Quite an interesting statement from our nearest league rivals, hoping to allow fans closer to the pitch, reduce sight restrictions and build a new stand opposite the current one.

Also interesting to see them acknowledge issues with how they changed their name and how fans were consulted or otherwise.

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  • The title was changed to FC Edinburgh statement - improvement to Meadowbank experience and apology for name-change comms
33 minutes ago, GG Riva said:

Good to see a club doing what they can to try and meet the wishes of not only their own fans, but those of other clubs too. Quite often, visiting fans are tolerated but not appreciated by the home club, even though their money is just as good.

Yeah, that's what I took from it. They seemed to be living up to their community club ideals with both clarity and acountability in holding their hands up and seeking resolutions when they got it wrong.

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Opposite opinion from most on here it seems.

The community club aspect is bull****, ask any of the large amount of the fans that abounded the club in the summer,  unnecessarily changing the club name would go down well nowhere and changing it again, but without conciliation or concern for the clubs history.  Can you imagine the reaction of our board though calling us dunfermline city was the right thing to do get and angry reaction and say we’ll ok we’ll just be dunfermline then?  They would rightly be told to get ****ed.

The medowbank shambles may be marginally improved, but it’s still going to by a mile the worst ground in the spfl and outclassed by just about every non-league ground.  They were never forced to play there and choosing to do is deliberately ignoring fans.  Aye it might be cheeper next time to get in but £12 to get into a joke ‘stadium’ is still a ripoff. 

The idea of another stand is fantasy, they have had planning permission but that’s meaningless why you are trying to build something on someone else’s land. Cart before horse.  Not that diddy stand miles from the pitch would change much. 

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11 hours ago, parsforlife said:

Opposite opinion from most on here it seems.

The community club aspect is bull****, ask any of the large amount of the fans that abounded the club in the summer,  unnecessarily changing the club name would go down well nowhere and changing it again, but without conciliation or concern for the clubs history.  Can you imagine the reaction of our board though calling us dunfermline city was the right thing to do get and angry reaction and say we’ll ok we’ll just be dunfermline then?  They would rightly be told to get ****ed.

The medowbank shambles may be marginally improved, but it’s still going to by a mile the worst ground in the spfl and outclassed by just about every non-league ground.  They were never forced to play there and choosing to do is deliberately ignoring fans.  Aye it might be cheeper next time to get in but £12 to get into a joke ‘stadium’ is still a ripoff. 

The idea of another stand is fantasy, they have had planning permission but that’s meaningless why you are trying to build something on someone else’s land. Cart before horse.  Not that diddy stand miles from the pitch would change much. 

To be clear, I was only referring to the statement itself but if as you say this did happen at the Pars, would it not be a good thing that they realised they'd made a pigs ear of it, said so, met with the fans tro rectify it and came out with a statement saying how they're going to fix it? I get what you're saying but credit where it's due no?

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