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Schools Engagement Programme

GG Riva

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The visits to local primary schools by Pars players started in 2014. After a two and a half year break due to Covid, the visits restarted last month.

Four Pars players, Breen, Chalmers, Comrie and Mahon spent yesterday afternoon with the P7s at McLean PS. In spite of the monsoon conditions, which meant the games session had to be held in the school gym, the kids had a great time. Incredibly, more than half of them are Pars fans and they were absolutely buzzing with excitement.

The players all obviously enjoyed themselves, too and stayed behind at the end for a good 15-20 mins, signing autographs on Pars tops or programmes the kids had brought in, as well as scraps of papers and forearms. 😃 One girl said "This is just the best day ever." Another asked the players when they were coming back again and the teachers thanked them several times for giving up their afternoon to visit the school.

Dave Mackay, who organises the player rota, was delighted with the feedback and said that the current squad are great to work with and a real credit to the club.

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49 minutes ago, SanguinePar said:

That's brilliant to hear - I still remember meeting Vetle Andersen when I was in P7 and it definitely helped make me a committed Pars fan.

Bravo to all, not least yourself GG, who have made this happen over the years.

Did he have to look up to you?

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16 hours ago, SanguinePar said:

That's brilliant to hear - I still remember meeting Vetle Andersen when I was in P7 and it definitely helped make me a committed Pars fan.

Bravo to all, not least yourself GG, who have made this happen over the years.

I'm not in any way being self effacing but it's the players who are the stars of the show. I derive a lot of pleasure from the fact that even the kids who have little or no interest in football really enjoy meeting the players and will remember their visit for a long time to come. Even if only 1 in 10 take the health messages on board and make some small changes to their lifestyle choices, it's well worthwhile. 

Another aspect which is very pleasing, is that the players recognise the worth of these sessions and totally buy into the programme. When Ross McArthur arranged for me to meet the squad for the first time in 2014, the coach introduced me with the words, "This is the guy I told you about and you're all doing it!" 😨 I'm sure it was well intentioned but perhaps not the best way to go about it. 

I explained to the players that the club wanted to use them as role models, to influence the health of primary school children in a positive manner and to build bridges with the local community, after the damage caused by administration the year before. We didn't want them to feel like conscripts, but to realise their was real value in actively participating in the programme. Happily, that's exactly how it turned out. I can only think of two players who gave the impression they'd rather be somewhere else during a school visit and they're both long gone from EEP.   

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21 hours ago, SanguinePar said:

That's brilliant to hear - I still remember meeting Vetle Andersen when I was in P7 and it definitely helped make me a committed Pars fan.

Bravo to all, not least yourself GG, who have made this happen over the years.

Ha, still got his autograph from that very visit!

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