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Another cracking Falkirk statement

Al k

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I think it’s quite funny how bad they’ve become, and frankly I think they need a wee extended spell in the 3rd, hell why no the 4th tier of Scottish football for supreme banter times.  

There’s just this nasty edge about our games that go beyond rivalry that I’m not too keen on, and I do think a lot of it comes from their side.  They do have to add a wee extra bit of nastiness which inevitably makes it sweeter when they do come a cropper.

So I’m afraid I’ll admit that if they did drop into administration, my sympathy would be limited - to be fair, probably exactly how they felt when it happened to us.

Wouldn’t particularly want them to be liquidated, but at the same time not going to pretend to care too much if they did.  😂

Their fans should be a lot more worried than they are coming across.  No cash reserves and a £400k BUDGETED operating loss in a cost of living crisis….?  

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6 hours ago, SanguinePar said:

Just to be clear, they're not currently (to my knowledge) in any existential danger, so any schadenfreude on my part is purely in relation to them seemingly struggling to keep up.

I don't want them to go out of business either, but I definitely want to see them fail as much as possible.

And if they need to sell their better players in order to balance the books, then I'll be glad to see them balance their books.

No, but there`s a lot of unholy glee about the fact that Falkirk have the begging bowl out for a mere £600k and in the unlikely event that they somehow get that, they`ll still be £400k short of making ends meet. Seems like a slippery slope too me.

I don`t doubt that many of their scummy fans took great delight when we went into administration in 2013, but two wrongs never make a right. What many short sighted fans fail to grasp is that rivalry is the very lifeblood of football. I want Falkirk to come up to the Championship with us because it will give us 4 exciting games to look forward to. I hope we hammer them in all of them, of course. I would only want to see them relegated from the Championship again if we are promoted to the Premiership.

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14 minutes ago, Keyser Soze said:

I hope they go bust and cease to exist tbh. 

You're a very naughty boy, Keyser! 

Football fans need a rival club(s) to hate. If Falkirk were to go bust, we'd be diminished as we'd be missing the object of our ire.

Years ago, Celtic and Rangers used to plunder the best players from other Scottish clubs (now they go for foreign players) and try to get them for derisory transfer fees. This served to widen the gap between them and us. They failed to do understand that football is not like other businesses, where weakening your rivals makes you stronger. Healthy competition is vital in football - a good number of strong sides makes for an exciting league. Now we have a top flight pond with 2 pikes and 10 minnows. ☹

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I've got no great dislike of Falkirk but for their Board to issue a Statement which overtly criticises a rival team for negative play and says that the best team (whatever that means) didn't win when we played them, is in my old fashioned view, lacking in class.  Not what a Board should be saying in public. Must be feeling the pressure.

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4 hours ago, GG Riva said:

No, but there`s a lot of unholy glee about the fact that Falkirk have the begging bowl out for a mere £600k and in the unlikely event that they somehow get that, they`ll still be £400k short of making ends meet. Seems like a slippery slope too me.

No glee here. Just spying a potential opportunity for us to bolster our own promotion push while weakening theirs. 

4 hours ago, GG Riva said:

I don`t doubt that many of their scummy fans took great delight when we went into administration in 2013, but two wrongs never make a right.

Again, to be clear, not doing that, nor would I.

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9 hours ago, SanguinePar said:

No glee here. Just spying a potential opportunity for us to bolster our own promotion push while weakening theirs. 

Again, to be clear, not doing that, nor would I.

I wasn't pointing the finger at you or anyone in particular, SP - just a general observation that some seem to be revelling in what could yet turn out to be the final throes of our historic rivals. 

I'm not exactly squeaky clean myself - I derived a lot of pleasure when a certain entitled Glasgow club went under in 2012. As a feeble excuse, I can offer the fact that it pre-dated our own, near death experience. I could also add that there was no real rivalry between them and us - the gulf in resources meaning we only beat them 3 or 4 times in our entire history.

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9 hours ago, the saline hill puma said:

Wouldn't lose any sleep if the manky cunts went bust. Horrible club with horrible fans. Screw the lot of them 

While I fully get your utter contempt for that club and its fans, just think for a minute, who would you hate if they ceased to exist? 🤔

Your life just wouldn't be the same. 🙁

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