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Traffic Management at Full Time


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On 01/12/2022 at 15:09, parsforlife said:

It’s the club’s responsibility to keep customers safe yes,  inside their property

. Me walking down Halbeath road after a game is no different to me walking down Halbeath road any other time.    If something happens on the high street do they tell the nearest shop it’s their problem?  If I’m driving to supermarket is it their responsibility to make sure the roads are safe for me? What if I’m driving to a game, is it the clubs responsibility from the moment I leave the house? 

the police are not providing a service to the club, they are protecting the general public on public land, if that’s not their responsibility I have no idea what is. 

It is different though, the reason why you are walking down Halbeath road on a Saturday is because of the game which the club had put on, supermarket/shops and any other buisness will have traffic measures etc in place to keep there patrons safe when exiting and entering the premises. 


If I'm being honest, I don't really disagree with the police at all. What's stopping the club putting a few stewards at the end of the walkway behind the Norrie to trickle people out on Halbeath Road? I've got a few mates in the police and they're stretched horrifically thin. Imagine a crime was ongoing and it needed officers, but none were available and you had a few doing traffic at EEP because people are incapable of walking on a pavement, you'd be fuming. 

If this wasn't something we were so emotionally invested in there's not a chance we'd be expecting the police to pick up the tab, if we the fans are saying it's unsafe for us to all exit at once would we be happy if the club announced people could leave the stadiums in sections etc? 

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I exited EEP straight after the final whistle yesterday and joined the fans walking in the traffic free road. A car parked on the pavement, opposite the main stand then pulled out sharply onto the road, heading towards the town. I had to take avoiding action to avoid a potential accident. The car then proceeded in an aggressive manner, with the lady driver treating pedestrians to several angry blasts of the horn. There then ensued a number of angry exchanges towards the woman and her male  passenger, who got out of the car and asked those on foot if they wanted to be run over. More angry exchanges before the car sped off towards Appin Cresc.

Two folk in a hurry to get home?

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Like GG Riva I also had the great misfortune to encounter this car. I was crossing at the traffic island just down from Aldi and felt something against my leg - it was the car bumper! I held my hand up and shouted “stop a minute”, the woman driver just blasted her horn and laughed at me, her male passenger roared out the window right in my face “shut your pus!”. I’m sure there were older children in the back, all of them kitted out in Pars tops. An older gentleman told me he’d had an altercation further up the road with them, he seemed a bit shaken up by it, he kept saying imagine our own fans doing that! I was fizzing angry, if I’d had a child with me that bumper would’ve been against their head. I know part of the registration of the car and I’d definitely know him again if I saw him.

If you’re on here mate - your card is marked, I called you an idiot to your face and that’s exactly what you are.

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1 hour ago, Al k said:

People like this crack me up, don't they understand you only need the CCTV under freedom of information and then someone to get the address from the DVLA database. 

Just asking for someone to take justice in their own hands. 

Agreed, what makes it worse it that they were Pars fans - there is no excuse not knowing what to expect on Halbeath Rd at FT. It's just moronic, selfish entitlement. 

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It was obvious from the moment the car took off, from the pavement opposite Exit 1, at the West end of the main stand, that they were in a hurry to try and beat the crowd. I wasn't the only fan who had to get out of the way sharply. Being slowed down momentarily, by the cones opposite the Norrie, undoubtedly added to their frustration, causing the driver to accelerate and sound the horn at those walking between the Aldi car park and the mini roundabout.

The guy getting out of the car to shout at us, asking if we wanted to get run over, really took the biscuit. 😨 Classy.

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If I had parked right outside EEP and needed away fast from the game then I would’ve left 10 minutes before the final whistle. It’s hard not to assume they were just being bloody minded folk who knew the road wasn’t shut officially so us plebs were just to move out of their way and give them a clear run to wherever they were going. Bad and bad enough but a hundred times worse when it’s your own fans roaring and threatening you!

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I'd have walked as slow as humanly possible and made sure I got the a picture of both the reg of the car and those in it. That's outrageous. The boy is lucky someone didn't leather him.

I came out slightly after that as we were waiting on my mate's laddie getting a picture with Todorov, and there was a white Ford Ranger also trying to drive through the people. For the most part, folk were on the pavement but it's just not possible for everyone to do so. 

Why cant people just wait 5 mins for it to clear? It makes you wonder how many brain cells these idiots have that they'd risk injuring someone with a piece of machinery weighing several tons and aggressively intimidate people with it than just take their time. 

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I believe there are moves afoot to make it illegal to park on pavements in Scotland. While that may solve the problem of fans parking across the road from EEP, what about residents who have nowhere to park their cars? On street parking on a main artery like Halbeath Road is a non starter, imo.

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3 minutes ago, GG Riva said:

I believe there are moves afoot to make it illegal to park on pavements in Scotland. While that may solve the problem of fans parking across the road from EEP, what about residents who have nowhere to park their cars? On street parking on a main artery like Halbeath Road is a non starter, imo.

It's already illegal.

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