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On 05/02/2023 at 09:41, Number Eleven said:

Your first reply to me stated:

After I called you out and further explained my position you’ve restated your characterisation of my post as:

There’s a big difference between claiming someone ‘automatically…isn’t good enough’ and saying an extension is risky ‘due to his performances last season in the Championship’. The latter is a very logical position.

So you’ve changed your wording materially to justify your criticism of my post. You may have meant this as general criticism but it was my post you quoted and you got my position wrong.

For what it’s worth I agree that to assume Joe couldn’t play well in the Championship purely based on the games he played for us last year is flawed.

I’m not justifying anything, and I certainly didn’t change what I said. I’m merely stating how your post came across and worded it differently so you’d understand what I meant. 

You’ve also conveniently been selective with my own wording where I’ve said I’d seen it said elsewhere. I just happen to pick up your post because it alluded to the same thing. 

If you can’t see how it might be construed then I can’t help any further with that, I gave my reasoning above, no need to take things so personally. 

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59 minutes ago, Par_fect said:

we have no injuries at the moment now. where do you think we need to strengthen ? 

As we are a team that often play with a back 3 we could do with another central defender. 

But we lack depth in the squad. We needed players in before Fisher was recalled and all we've done is replace him so far.

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24 minutes ago, the saline hill puma said:

As we are a team that often play with a back 3 we could do with another central defender. 

But we lack depth in the squad. We needed players in before Fisher was recalled and all we've done is replace him so far.

Correct. My post was only picked up because of the author. If anyone else had made that post there would’ve been no reaction.

Suggestion:  going forward if we could respond purely to the post and not allow the poster to cloud your judgment 👍

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36 minutes ago, scottyboy said:

Hopefully the league might be done and dusted over the next few weeks. We no dropping many points just now. Falkirk HAVE to keep winning, which they have been. One defeat if we pick up maximum points will finish them.

yep they are under massive amounts of pressure just now

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2 hours ago, the saline hill puma said:

As we are a team that often play with a back 3 we could do with another central defender. 

But we lack depth in the squad. We needed players in before Fisher was recalled and all we've done is replace him so far.

Agree with this.  I think at least one more centre back is needed, arguably another defensive minded midfielder to give some cover/another option.  Think there’s plenty to shuffle in attack/middle to attack.  But as before the window, an injury to Benedictus is a big worry.

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Our squad looks good at the moment because only Paul Allan is injured and he’s on the way back - get a few injuries or suspensions and we’d look short in a few positions.

As others have posted we like to play 3 at the back and we only have 3 central defenders - and 2 of them are left sided. We could really do with a right sided central defender.

Another issue is the lack of experience in the squad. We’ve done very well with the options available to us and I’m sure the guys there will do a good job but bringing in another quality player would help get us over the line.

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