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The Pars v Peterhead


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Well after Tuesdays SPFL Trust Trophy Cup match succumbing to a very, very late call off. Its back to East End Park and League 1 action once more. This time the Pars welcome “The Blue Toon” otherwise known as Peterhead. Many Pars fans will sorely remember the Pars chucking away a comfortable 2-0 lead to drop 2pts after Peterhead scored two very late goals. And while the Pars have only been beaten once this season, that draw felt like many to be a loss and a sore one to take. Circumstances between both teams have changed little both being at polar opposites in terms of league position with the Pars top and Peterhead bottom only gaining 8pts all season. Indeed, while the Pars have lost only one game Peterhead have only won one game this season a 2-1 win against Kelty Hearts in Sept. Despite a managerial change from Jim McNally to David Robertson form remains poor losing 4 of their last 6 matches. Over the season they have scored 10 goals (albeit 2 against the Pars!) and conceded 48. The last meeting between the teams was a 2-0 pars win with goals from Todd and Mochrie. By rights this should be a banker for a home win and another 3points but like last time strange things can happen although I suspect it won’t be on Saturday. 3-0 Pars win for me COYP.

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On paper, this should be a home banker, but then that's what we thought when Peterhead were last here and with 5 mins to go, we looked an absolute racing certainty. We all know how that turned out. 🙁 Like Digs, I think the players will have learned from that and the manager will ensure they don't make the same mistake.

2-0 Pars for me.

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11 minutes ago, kelty_par said:

I’d keep an unchanged 11 personally from last week. Why change a winning team?

I'd change it as comrie didn't look all that comfortable on the left side at times and it's breens natural position

I do think if breen is fit however it will be MacDonald who drops out, assuming we go with our normal shape 

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