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Ross Allan (D)

GG Riva

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Many of you will be shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden death of Ross Allan, who taught Business Studies in St Columba's HS throughout his entire career.

Ross originally hailed from Lochgelly and went to school with Jim Leishman. Although he couldn't rival Jim's ability on the field he was every bit as passionate about the Pars off it. He was a regular at EEP and at many away games for over 60 years. 

A much loved friend and colleague for 35 years, Ross was born to teach. He had that wonderful knack of being able to entertain his pupils by making learning fun. I don't know if he planned some of the madcap things he did or if they were spontaneous but it doesn't really matter, the kids loved him for it and looked forward to going to his classes. We both retired on the same day at the end of the 2010-11 session. I'll never forget his entry that morning. He marched gleefully into the staff room, in full Highland attire, right arm aloft, clutching a bottle of Buckfast. 😀 

RIP my friend. The world is a poorer place without you. 😔

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Oh no, that's terrible news.

Mr Allen was one of the good guys, one of my favourite teachers and a Pars man through and through. I can't believe he's gone.

4 hours ago, GG Riva said:

We both retired on the same day at the end of the 2010-11 session. I'll never forget his entry that morning. He marched gleefully into the staff room, in full Highland attire, right arm aloft, clutching a bottle of Buckfast. 😀 

That's brilliant, and so like him.

RIP Ross. The world is a poorer place without you in it.

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Posted this  on the other site also...

When I was at St.C`s, the 1st years used to go to Loch Ard at the start of the year, accompanied by 3 teachers.

They then decided that it would be a good idea to bring a couple of 6th years along - so that the 1st years got to know some of the senior pupils also.

My mate was a prefect and ended up in Mr Allan`s group for the Loch Ard trip. Mr Allan used to teach me Business Studies (I think it was called Management Information Studies/MIS in those days) and I also did Accountancy & Finance. The pair of them decided that this meant I was "good" with money.

For the rest of 6th year, I would hand in homework in his MIS class - often liberally sprinkled with references to the Pars. Mr Allan would hand it back to me once he`d corrected it, basically vandalised with pictures that he`d cut out and stuck on - robbers with bags marked "swag", piles of coins, Fagin from Oliver Twist etc.

RIP Ross.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ross`s daughter, Laura posted this on FB :-

Dad`s funeral will be held at 2.30pm on Tuesday 28th February in The Purvis Suite at his beloved East End Park. There will be no service at the crem, but instead dad will come in to EEP and we can say goodbye to him in his `church`. Guests are invited to wear black, white and red, and instead of flowers we will be taking a collection for Ward 42 (the Stroke Ward) at The Vic for those who wish to contribute. The staff there showed incredible kindness and compassion, not only to dad, but to the whole family last week. We simply cannot express how grateful we are to them for helping make such a hugely difficult time that little bit easier for us.

We would also like to express our thanks for all the kindness, love and support shown to us all since dad`s passing from so many people. The cards, flowers, gifts, visits and messages have been overwhelming, and really have helped us in the past week. Not only have they shown us what amazing friends we have, they are a true testament to how much everyone loved and will miss dad.

As so many have said recently, he truly was one in a million


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