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Gary Lineker & MOTD


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1 hour ago, Lochalsh Par said:

Not sure what you are laughing at but the BBC and SM got Boris sacked

No, he got himself into a position where after repeated breaches of a law he made and ordered others to observe, he also failed to act on allegations of sexual misconduct in his party, leading to the mass resignation of almost all of his ministers and his own eventual resignation.


1 hour ago, Lochalsh Par said:

while Curry Gate went unscathed.

This Currygate? The one where Starmer and Rayner were cleared by the police?


2 hours ago, Lochalsh Par said:

None of this has anything to do with football.

Nobody said it did. It's about real life and a government which is increasingly unhinged in its use of dangerous dehumanising language and incoherent policy. Everyone should be speaking up against it.


2 hours ago, Lochalsh Par said:

He is paid from the public purse he should not be using his fame etc as a platform for his opinion as that is breaking his contract with his employer and the public.

If he believes it, then he absolutely should be using his platform to say so. Why not? Better to remain silent when you see something you believe is wrong?


2 hours ago, Lochalsh Par said:

Impartiality does seem to have a one way street with left sided opinions winning

Is that meant to be a joke? What examples can you give? And why would you have an issue with it anyway if you're a socialist?


2 hours ago, Lochalsh Par said:

I have an opinion on much about politics and illegal immigrants

I'll bet you do.


2 hours ago, Lochalsh Par said:

The Pars are my passion and it is the Pars that are important to me not multi millionaire moralists who abuse their unnatural position.

In that case why are you even on this thread? It's not about the Pars. Not that the two are mutually exclusive anyway.

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14 hours ago, Lochalsh Par said:

Not sure what you are laughing at but the BBC and SM got Boris sacked while Curry Gate went unscathed. Sturgeon did many wrong things but got clean away. Just my view though and again not football or the Pars. Just to be clear, I am a socialist from a mining family. I just have my own values.

You are perfectly entitled to your own views and opinions.

One observation that I would make, is that on all the topics you list above, they do seem to align very closely to those frequently expressed by the Daily Mail.

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Gary Lineker and BBC management have reached a deal to get the presenter back on air, after the weekend's disruption to BBC Sport schedules.

Director General Tim Davie says: “Gary is a valued part of the BBC and I know how much the BBC means to Gary, and I look forward to him presenting our coverage this coming weekend.”

In a statement, Davie also announces the BBC will launch an independent review into its social media guidelines, with a particular focus on freelancers outside news and current affairs like Lineker.

Gary Lineker says in the statement: "I am glad that we have found a way forward. I support this review and look forward to getting back on air."

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On 11/03/2023 at 15:10, Lochalsh Par said:

I do not watch Match of the Day and do not believe in mixing football with politics. I will make 2 points here. 1. Garry Lineker signed a multi million pound deal which included an impartiality clause and 2. Many of the pundits got paid huge amounts to comment on the world Cup hosted by a country where Human Rights mean little. 

I'll make a couple of points here, too.

1. How much someone earns is a totally irrelevant to this discussion. 

2. Lineker was spot on with his tweet which was directed at the Home Secretary's use of language towards illegal immigrants. She described them as a "swarm" and an "invasion." Not exactly endearing terms. Dehumanising them and making them out to be criminals was a tactic used in pre-WW2 Germany....  

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On 12/03/2023 at 08:38, GG Riva said:

Well said, Piracy. The BBC is a veritable bastion of impartiality and would never bow to pressure from any group of politicians. They should bring back the stocks in Trafalgar Square and put Lineker in them so that stout English yeomen could pelt his ugly pus with over ripe tomatoes (and maybe the odd spud.)

You would be lucky to find any tomatoes.

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