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2 hours ago, Lochalsh Par said:

I did caveat that in my posting quite clearly. Read the thread. That accounts for some but not the vast majority. That is also easily googled. Seems like nobody has an answer as to why people would risk their lives in a small boat to leave a safe country - France.  It is doubly confusing given that people think the UK Government, their policies and treatment of refugees is downright wrong. So why risk your life to come here then? Why so many from Albania and other "safe" countries? 

Several people have given you reasons which you’ve dismissed talking about a vast majority with no evidence of an actual number. 

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2 hours ago, Digs said:

Several people have given you reasons which you’ve dismissed talking about a vast majority with no evidence of an actual number. 

I have dismissed nothing. I accept that some people want to come to the UK because they speak English and may have relatives already here. Is there any other reason and is that really a good enough reason to leave a safe France and risk your life in a small boat. Notwithstanding that by taking that risk you risk the lives of others who are tasked with saving you. Evidence is hard to pin given the huge difference between the statistics I can find.

A final from me is that I would prefer my taxes are spent as a priority on those that need it in the UK. Spend what we can afford on those from overseas but bear in mind that we pay huge amounts to the UN who really should be doing more with the funding we provide. The root cause is the rotten regimes, power and greed in other nations. Sort that as a priority and not stick plasters on the effects. If that makes me some kind of right wing monster in the eyes of the righteous so be it. I can live with that. Over and out.

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