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7 hours ago, parsforlife said:

Do you honestly believe a bench of kids, and nowhere near a full bench is the best way to win games?


It's Meggle.

Also, it might be worth learning the other gentleman's names associated with Fussball Gmbh. Making a more respectful reference to individuals, (or people in general) might afford you a bit more credence when ranting on this forum.

That said, I'm interested in what it is you're getting at in your post:

"Mcpake and Mackey are certainly afforded a huge amount of trust, but it’s well known the other side of our recruiting process have earned **** all, meagle etc were happy to drag our club through the dirt, they have earned **** all"

Through the dirt?

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I think we've got a squad of players from last season that have gained invaluable experience playing & winning together. It's helped euip us for the step up and being able to cope with a league above.

Players working hard and being rewarded by securing 3 years deals is an incentive, and a motivating factor.

Our playing squad strategy has been laid out, it's planned. It's not the usual repetitive and reactive approach from Scottish clubs, punting on players, bringing in large numbers in usually without too much due diligence. Then hoping somehow a team will magically gel without too much of a thought process involved. Another important point on strategy, is that our management is aligned with the Board. 

It's about developing youth through our club, also taking players on loan and offering them decent deals, then, perhaps, selling them on for a profit. I'm all for being patient when you see what they're trying to do, and it seems to be working so far.

The team situation is being effectively managed, that's obvious given the teams unity, reslience and overall work ethic. McPake & McKay have these players trust, and the message they're putting out is always consistent, and that's important. 

I see passion, determination and belief from McPake. I don't see petulance or ranting from him. I don't hear him throwing his players under a bus post match. Think about recent Managers compared to McPake, night and f*ckin day.

I also think another couple of players adding to our squad wouldn't go amiss. Again, as long as they're the right kind of player.  


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The strategy is to run a relatively small squad, so that emerging talent from the youth set up have a pathway to the first team.

The hope is that they flourish and move on to bigger things, which helps us financially.

Then, in the future, for talented kids in Fife, it becomes a straight forward decision as to which club to join to give them the best chance of having a career.

We've often been told of all the players from Fife who we've missed in the past. At least there's now a plan to arrest that trend.

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10 hours ago, parsforlife said:

Do you honestly believe a bench of kids, and nowhere near a full bench is the best way to win games?

Mcpake and Mackey are certainly afforded a huge amount of trust, but it’s well known the other side of our recruiting process have earned **** all, meagle etc were happy to drag our club through the dirt, they have earned **** all.

Calm down pal, absolutely no need for swearing. I’m speaking about the collective effort around recruitment including the board, McPake and his staff. Name one bad signing they’ve made. I’ll wait. 

Getting your knickers in a twist because we’re not chucking money about like a teenager at the strippers doesn’t mean their strategy failed.

If you can point me to the part where I said our squad was complete that would be great. I also said we need players but I also put forward my point, at length, as to why I don’t think we are anywhere near as light as you seem to think. 

All you’ve done is make demands that we sign players, say we have a light bench with no evidence to back that up other than an assumption young players won’t perform when all the evidence so far has been to the contrary. 

Also, “drag our club through the dirt”? What does that even mean? 

They made bad decisions 2 years ago but have learned from them and  we won the league last year and have made a great start this year. In what way have they dragged us through the dirt?

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Am I genuinely being criticized for making a spelling mistake and using a naughty word? Jesus suffering ****.

woops did it again 🤣

My reference to dragging the club down is clearly due to the relegation season, an absolute pathetic episode,  it wasn’t just a couple of bad decisions, it was the willingness to double and triple down on those decisions knowing that they were making relegation a probability in doing so.  Yeah last year was great but really all it’s done is put us back to a position where we should have been all along.

I don’t believe looking to have decent proven options on the bench is the equivalent to demanding we chuck money around without a care,  we have run with many more players and made profits at this level which makes me believe we should be able to invest a bit more in the first team and still be financially sound.  

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11 hours ago, parsforlife said:

Do you honestly believe a bench of kids, and nowhere near a full bench is the best way to win games?

Mcpake and Mackey are certainly afforded a huge amount of trust, but it’s well known the other side of our recruiting process have earned **** all, meagle etc were happy to drag our club through the dirt, they have earned **** all.

Kids, just say no to drugs 

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2 hours ago, parsforlife said:

I don’t believe looking to have decent proven options on the bench is the equivalent to demanding we chuck money around without a care

Agree 100% - it's a perfectly reasonable thing to expect IMO. 

Unless we're running so close to the financial bone that we literally can't afford to have a full bench, it seems to me like putting results at risk for the sake of sticking to a philosophy.

I'm fine with the idea of waiting to make the best signings they can, but there's a limit, and at the moment it means we're going into matches with a demonstrable, quantifiable disadvantage compared to our opponents.

It's not sustainable for long, and I hope it's resolved before it starts to cost us. I also feel that we've been hearing the same 'have patience' narrative all summer, which is fine if there's an end result in terms of getting a player or two who will make a clear difference to the quality of the squad. But it's hard to keep having faith as days turn into weeks turn into months. 

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19 hours ago, Digs said:

They have said that they accept it’s not without risk but IMO, it’s no more a risk than spending a huge budget on ‘experienced’ players who don’t deliver or buy into what they’re trying to achieve. 

No-one is saying they should spend a 'huge budget' or 'throw money around like a teenager at a strip club'. 

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Let’s remember the money is just not about signing players…we have the stadium to look after and the new training ground getting started.

3 games in and I’m disappointed as everyone else losing to the Rovers but it’s only the start of the season and I’m sure we will make a couple of signings this week. 
The team has also been unlucky with injuries and and getting these players back will make us stronger.

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58 minutes ago, Secure Par said:

Let’s remember the money is just not about signing players…we have the stadium to look after and the new training ground getting started.

I’m sure we will make a couple of signings this week. 

Everyone has costs away from the first team, we’re not unique in that.  

On the 2nd point, we’ve heard it all summer, it’s becoming harder and harder to believe.

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